BTS (방탄소년단) - '24/7=Heaven' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[j-hope] : 너와의 첫 데이트
My first date with you
자꾸만 애처럼 설레
I keep getting excited like a kid
[RM] : 요즘 난 Sunday
These days, every day is Sunday for me
너라는 해가 뜬 Sunday
Sunday when the sun called you is up
[Suga] : 너와의 첫 데이트
My first date with you
자꾸만 애처럼 설레
I keep getting excited like a kid
[RM] ; 요즘 난 Sunday
These days, every day is Sunday for me
너라는 해가 뜬 Sunday
Sunday when the sun called you is up
[Suga] : 24/7 하루 종일 니 생각만 했지
24/7 I've only been thinking about you all day
기대했던 첫 데이트
The first date that I was looking forward to
내게는 왠지 특별한 날이 될듯해
Somehow I feel like it's going to be a special day to me
I can be a gentleman
Cause I'm your boyfriend
흠흠 고민 끝에
Hmm hmm after thinking about it
밤을 꼴딱 새워버렸지만
I stayed up all night but
아침 해조차 깨지 않은 시간
it's still a time when the sun isn't up
하루가 왜 이렇게 긴 지
Why is the day so long
초침이 괜히 밉지
I uselessly hate the second hand
너랑 사귀게 된 뒤부터
Ever since I started dating you
매일 up된 feeling
Everyday up feeling / Everyday I've been feeling up
[RM] ; All night girl
I think about you all night girl
내일이면 그댈 보게 돼 Tomorrow's the day when I get to see you
And I don't know what to say
[Jungkook] : 너를 만나는 Sunday
Sunday that I meet you
기다려왔던 Sunday
Sunday that I've been waiting for
How we do how we do
How we do uh yeah
시간아 조금만 빨리 달려줘
Time, please run a little faster
[V] : 너를 만나는 Sunday
Sunday that I meet you
상상만 했던 someday
Someday that I only imagined
오늘은 한숨도 못 잘 것 같아
I don't think I can sleep at all tonight
[j-hope] : 너와의 첫 데이트
My first date with you
자꾸만 애처럼 설레
I keep getting excited like a kid
[RM] : 요즘 난 Sunday
These days, every day is Sunday for me
너라는 해가 뜬 Sunday
Sunday when the sun called you is up
[Suga] : 너와의 첫 데이트
My first date with you
자꾸만 애처럼 설레
I keep getting excited like a kid
[RM] : 요즘 난 Sunday
These days, every day is Sunday for me
너라는 해가 뜬 Sunday
Sunday when the sun called you is up
[j-hope] : 내일은 꿈꾸던 데이트 날
Tomorrow is the date that I dreamed of
참 예쁜 별과 예쁜 달
A beautiful star and a beautiful moon
날 비추는 빛
The light that shines on me
오늘따라 더 모든 세상이 날 위한 것 같아, right?
Today I feel like the whole world is for me, right?
오늘 밤 만큼은 plan man 널 위해서야 달링
For tonight at least, I'm a plan man, it's for you darling
만약 시간이 너란 주식이라면 투자를 하지
If time is your stock, I'll invest
너와 입을 옷 choice 옷장을 포위
The choice of what to wear with you, I besiege my closet
내 맘은 noise 흥에 나는 콧소리
My heart is full of noise, the nasal sound of excitement
니 생각만 가득했지 하루죙일
I've been thinking about you all day
오늘 밤까지 니 환상에 잠 못 이루겠지 홀로
I won't be able to sleep tonight, fantasizing about you by myself
[RM] ; All night girl
I think about you all night girl
내일이면 그댈 보게 돼
Tomorrow's the day when I get to see you
And i don't know what to say
[Vocal line] : 너를 만나는 Sunday
Sunday that I meet you
기다려왔던 Sunday
Sunday that I've been waiting for
How we do how we do
How we do uh yeah
시간아 조금만 빨리 달려줘
Time, please run a little faster
너를 만나는 Sunday
Sunday that I meet you
상상만 했던 someday
Someday that I only imagined
오늘은 한숨도 못 잘 것 같아
I don't think I can sleep at all tonight
[Jin] : 자꾸 거울을 보고
I keep looking in the mirror
괜히 심장이 뛰어
My heart beats for no reason
[Jungkook] : I don't wanna say no more
Feel like I don't wanna say no more
[Jungkook, V] : (I know) Oh 넌
(I know) Oh you
(I know) 만들어
(I know) make
내 매일을 영화처럼
my everyday like a movie
[Jin, vocal line] : 요즘엔 난 늘 Sunday
These days, it's always Sunday for me
하루하루 또 Sunday
Day to day Sunday again
How we do how we do
How we do uh yeah
하루에 몇 번씩 절로 미소가
I can't help but smile several times a day
[Jungkook] : 상상만 했던 someday
Someday that I only imagined
이제는 아냐 someday
It's not someday anymore
괜히 난 웃고 있을 것만 같아
I feel like I'm going to be smiling for no reason
[j-hope] : 너와의 첫 데이트
My first date with you
자꾸만 애처럼 설레
I keep getting excited like a kid
[RM] : 요즘 난 Sunday
These days, every day is Sunday for me
너라는 해가 뜬 Sunday
Sunday when the sun called you is up
[Suga] : 너와의 첫 데이트
My first date with you
자꾸만 애처럼 설레
I keep getting excited like a kid
[RM] : 요즘 난 Sunday
These days, every day is Sunday for me
너라는 해가 뜬 Sunday
Sunday when the sun called you is up
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BTS Lyric Translations (@btslyrictranslations)