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BTS (방탄소년단) - 'Jump' Lyrics

BTS (방탄소년단) - 'Jump' Lyrics (With English Translation)

[Jungkook, all] : (Let’s jump)

손을 저 위로 들고 외쳐 Put your hands up and shout

다 같이 All together

pump it up

(Let’s jump)

[Jin, alll] : 손을 저 위로 들고 Put your hands up and shout

외쳐 모두 다


jumpin’ up

(Let’s jump)

[Jimin, all] : 뛰어보자고 Let's jump

(Let’s jump)

정신 붙잡어 Grab hold of yourself

(Let’s jump)

[Jungkook, all] : 손을 하늘로 들고 외쳐 Put your hands up and shout

모두 다


jumpin’ up

[Suga, all] : Everybody say (Let’s jump) 꿈꾸는 자들이여 All the dreamers

(Let’s jump) 모두 손을 위로 Everybody put your hands up

(Let’s jump) 근심 걱정은 뒤로 Leave you worries behind

(Let’s jump) (jump ju ju ju jump)

(Let’s jump) 꿈꾸는 자들이여 All the dreamers

(Let’s jump) 모두 손을 위로 Everybody put your hands up

(Let’s jump)

근심 걱정은 뒤로 Leave your worries behind

(Let’s jump)

(jump ju ju ju jump)

[Suga] : 어릴 적 꿈꿔왔던 히어로 When I was a kid, I dreamed of being a hero

영웅이 되고파서 I wanted to be a hero

점프했던 때와는 달리 배로 So I jumped, but unlike when I did,

커져버린 키와 흘러버린 시간 My height's grown, time has passed

넌 어른이 되어가지만 I'm becoming an adult but

I wanna rewind

10살 꼬맹이가 꿈꿔왔었던 To the time when a 10 year old kid dreamed

멋진 영웅만화 주제가를 불러왔었던 The time when I sung the theme song of a cartoon show about great heroes

그 때로 돌아가고파 I want to go back to that time

눈감고 소리쳐 I close my eyes and shout

하지만 변한 건 없지 But nothing changes

현실은 그대로

Reality is the same

[V] : V!

누가 나를 막아도 No matter who stops me

나의 갈 길을 간다고 I'm going my way

인생 한 방이라고 In life it's one shot

Leggo (Leggo!)


단 하루를 살아도 Even if I live for just one day

후회는 절대로 없다고 I have no regrets

한 번 뛰어보자고 So let's jump

Let’s jump Jump Jump Jump Jump

[Jungkook, all] : (Let’s jump)

손을 저 위로 들고 외쳐

Put your hands up and shout

다 같이

All together

pump it up

(Let’s jump)

[Jin, alll] : 손을 저 위로 들고

Put your hands up and shout

외쳐 모두 다


jumpin’ up

(Let’s jump)

[Jimin, all] : 뛰어보자고

Let's jump

(Let’s jump)

정신 붙잡어

Grab hold of yourself

(Let’s jump)

[Jungkook, all] : 손을 하늘로 들고 외쳐

Put your hands up and shout

모두 다


jumpin’ up

[Suga, all] : Everybody say (Let’s jump)

꿈꾸는 자들이여

All the dreamers

(Let’s jump)

모두 손을 위로

Everybody put your hands up

(Let’s jump)

근심 걱정은 뒤로

Leave you worries behind

(Let’s jump)

(jump ju ju ju jump)

(Let’s jump)

꿈꾸는 자들이여

All the dreamers

(Let’s jump)

모두 손을 위로

Everybody put your hands up

(Let’s jump)

근심 걱정은 뒤로

Leave your worries behind

(Let’s jump)

(jump ju ju ju jump)

[j-hope] : 내 인생이 바뀐 2007년 My life changed in 2007

또 그렇게 노래 부른지도 7년 It's been 7 years since I've started singing like this

소녀들 맘의 killer A killer of girl's hearts

But 가끔 난 답답했던 But sometimes I go back

그 때로 돌아가 To those frustrating times

하얀 백지 같았던 내 자신과 대면해 I face myself, who was just a blank page

그 만남이 That meeting

또 다른 나를 깨워내 wakes up a different me again

자 폼나게 무대를 올라 Now I go up on stage in a cool way

모두 다 놀라게 Everyone is surprised

jump like Jordan Ball

[RM] : 그대로 돌아가

Going back as I am

수년간 방구석 자리에 박혀있던 트램폴린을 꺼내

Take out the trampoline that had been stuck in the corner for years

드넓은 공터를 뛰놀아

And jump around on the wide open field

점프 한번이면 그 환희

With just one jump, that joy

모두 가질 듯 했던 너와

With you, who seemed to have it all

순수했던 꿈들로 날 수놓아

I embroider myself with pure dreams

어른이 되고 싶던 내 어린 날은

In my childhood days when I wanted to become an adult

매일이 기쁨으로 가득 찼었어

Every day was filled with joy

So can I be the one just can i be the one that i stop

[Jungkook, all] : (Let’s jump) 손을 저 위로 들고 외쳐 Put your hands up and shout

다 같이 All together

pump it up

(Let’s jump) [Jin, all] : 손을 저 위로 들고 Put your hands up and shout

외쳐 모두 다


jumpin’ up (Let’s jump) [Jimin, all] : 뛰어보자고 Let's jump

(Let’s jump) 정신 붙잡어 Grab hold of yourself

(Let’s jump)

[Jungkook, all] : 손을 하늘로 들고 외쳐 Put your hands up to the sky and shout

모두 다


jumpin’ up

[Suga] : Let’s jump and down

우리가 왔어 we are BTS

We have arrived, we are BTS

Beat down

준비가 됐으면 손을 높이 들어

If you're ready, raise your hands high

어릴 적 꿈꾸던 것과는

It's different from what we dreamed of as children

다르지만 비로소 만났지

But finally, we've met

우린 영웅 지망생 랩퍼

We are aspiring rappers dreaming of becoming heroes

이젠 무대 위로 jump

Now, jump onto the stage

우리가 차세대 히어로

We are the next-generation heroes

[RM] : 철없기만 했던 영웅

Heroes who were once immature

지망생 일곱이 만들어가는 jump sound

Seven aspiring trainees are creating the jump sound

트램폴린 대신

Instead of a trampoline

내가 뛰어야 하는 곳은

The place I should jump to is

무대 위 미친 듯이 up down

Up and down on the stage like crazy

이제 말만 말고 날개를

Now, instead of just words, spread your wings

달 때야 갈 때까지 달린다

It's time to run until we reach our destination

Let's get it started

두 어깨를 피고 rock your body

Square your shoulders and rock your body

머릿속을 비우고 let’s go party

Empty your mind and let's go party

[Suga, alll] : (Let’s jump) 꿈꾸는 자들이여 All the dreamers

(Let’s jump) 모두 손을 위로 Everyone put your hands up

(Let’s jump) 근심 걱정은 뒤로 Leave your worries behind

(Let’s jump) 꿈꾸는 자들이여 All the dreamers

(Let’s jump) 모두 손을 위로 Everyone put your hands up

(Let’s jump) 근심 걱정은 뒤로

Leave your worries behind

(Let’s jump) 꿈꾸는 자들이여 All the dreamers

(Let’s jump) 모두 손을 위로 Everyone put your hands up

(Let’s jump) 근심 걱정은 뒤로

Leave your worries behind

(Let’s jump) 꿈꾸는 자들이여 All the dreamers

(Let’s jump) 모두 손을 위로 Everyone put your hands up

(Let’s jump)

근심 걱정은 뒤로

Leave your worries behind

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