Agust D - 'SDL' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[Suga] : Somebody does love
But, I’m thinking ‘bout you
Somebody does love
Somebody does love
But, I’m thinking ‘bout you, you oh
I’m thinking ‘bout you
당신은 누굴 사랑하는가
Who do you love?
또 누굴 생각하는가
And who do you think of?
또 누굴 기억하는가
And who do you remember?
또 누굴 미워하는가
And who do you hate?
누굴 위해 사는가
For who do you live?
또 누굴 위해 웃는가
And for who do you smile?
누굴 위해 우는가
For who do you cry?
이것이 사랑 아닐까
Isn't this love?
사랑이란 단어의 그 거창함 덕에
Because of the grandeur of the word "love"
쉽게 잊고 사는 것이 말야 사랑이라 해
We easily forget love and live on
당신이 그리워하는 것은 그대일까
Is it you that you miss?
아니면 미화된 기억 저편의 그때일까
Or is it a glorified memory from the past?
Somebody does love
But, I’m thinking ‘bout you
Somebody does love
Somebody does love
But, I’m thinking ‘bout you, you oh
I’m thinking ‘bout you
참 말야 바람대로 되는 게 없지
Truly, nothing goes as we wish
인간관계란 정말 어려워 역시
Human relationships are really difficult, indeed
애초부터 맞지 않는 거였어
It was never a perfect match from the start
우리 둘 사이 간극을
The distance between us
좁혀 보려는 것 자체가 억지
Attempting to close it is forced
기억은 미화되기 마련이야
Memories tend to be glorified
벌써 희미 한 것처럼
Like it's already becoming faint
영원을 노래하던 우린 없어 마치 꿈처럼
We, who used to sing of eternity, are gone, as if it were a dream
내가 그리워하는 것은 말야 그대일까
What I long for, is it you?
아니면 후회와 미련이 남는 그때일까
Or is it the lingering regrets and feelings from that time?
Somebody does love
But, I’m thinking ‘bout you
Somebody does love
Somebody does love
But, I’m thinking ‘bout you, you oh
I’m thinking ‘bout you
사랑은 봄날에 쏟아지는
Love pours down on spring days
저 햇살 같다가도
Like that gentle sunlight
어느새 밀려와 버린 겨울 바다 거센 파도
But suddenly, strong winter waves wash it away
우리가 그리워하는 것은 그때일까
Are we longing for that time?
아니면 추억 속에 묻어버린 그대일까
Or is it you buried in memories?
그래서 난 그저 말없이 웃어보려 해
So I try to smile without saying anything
미화된 그때를 회상하기엔 수고스럽기에
It's too tiresome to reminisce about that glorified time
우리가 추억하고 있는 건 그때일까
Are we cherishing that time?
아니면 추억 속에 웃고 있는 그대일까
Or is it you smiling in memories?
Somebody does love
But, I’m thinking ‘bout you
Somebody does love
Somebody does love
But, I’m thinking ‘bout you, you oh
I’m thinking ‘bout you
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