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RM - 'All Day (with Tablo)' Lyrics

RM - 'All Day (with Tablo)' Lyrics (With English Translation)

[RM] : Okay

요즘 광고는 똑같애 Ads are the same these days

일단은 즐겨라 내 맘대로 They say enjoy things as you want

멋진 옷을 입은 멋진 춤추는 이들 They show cool dancers in cool clothes

밖은 몸치가 더 많네 When out there there are a lot more people with two left feet

그저 습관이 된 I don't care "I don't care" has just become a habit

알지 그런 놈들이 더 do care You know, those are the ones who do care even more

사실 몸은 아무것도 아냐, 마음이 더 문제 Actually, it's not even anything to do with the body, the mind is more of a problem

어 그래, 내가 날 모르니 huh Oh yeah, would I not know myself? huh

꺼져 인공지능 fuck the algorithm Get lost artificial intelligence, fuck the algorithm

사색이 필요해 fuck all the rhythm I need some meditation fuck all the rhythm

사유할 틈을 안 주는 내 바이오리듬 My biorhythm that doesn't give me time to think

언제쯤 써보게 될까 나만의 시는? When will I write my own poem?

살아남느라 잊혀진 dreamin' Dreamin' that's forgotten in trying to survive

너도 하나쯤 별이 돼버린 묻혀진 뭔가를 찾고 있다면 If you're looking for something buried that has become a star,

Honey, you taste it like me

Okay (okay, okay) I'm diggin' all day (uh) Okay, okay I'm findin' real me (Uh) okay, okay (let's go) I'm singin' all day (uh) Okay, okay (let's go) All day (all day, yeah, yeah, all day, yeah, yeah) All day (all day, yeah, yeah, all day, yeah, yeah) All day (all day, yeah, yeah, all day, yeah, yeah) All day (all day, yeah, yeah, all day, yeah, yeah)

[Tablo] : 이게 무슨 분위기야? What kind of atmosphere is this?

What we doin' here? 전부 제자리일 수밖에 Everything has to be in its' place

죄다 중립 기어 All in neutral gear

They want you in fear 어디서 감히 생각을 말해? How dare you say what you think?

어서 접어 origami Quickly fold it origami

They got you by your balls and your socioeconomics That's big facts 특색을 밟아버린 think tanks Think tanks that stepped on distinct characteristics

식어 식어버린 개인의 임팩트 Personal impacts that have cooled down

더 큰불을 지펴, 네 인생은 빅매치 Make a bigger fire, your life is a big match

Burn it up 뭘 겁이 나 Burn it up, what are you afraid of?

Get yo ass off the bench, start warmin' up We gotta fight when they say, behave! We got dynamite in our DNA I'ma be okay, I'ma be that way 눈 부릅뜨고 알아서 잘 지낼게 I'll keep my eyes wide open and take care of myself

Haters 어서 눈 감아 Haters quickly close your eyes

내 인생 꼴 보기 싫으면 If you don't want to see my life

원래 꿈 같은 일은 눈 뜨고 보기 힘들어 It's hard to see things like dreams with your eyes open

Ya, feel me?

[RM] : Okay, okay [Tablo] : I'm fightin' all day [RM] : Okay, okay [Tablo] : Get outta my way [RM] : Okay, okay (let's go) [Tablo] : I'm livin' my way [RM] : Okay, okay (let's go) [Tablo, RM] : All day (all day, yeah, yeah, all day, yeah, yeah) All day (all day, yeah, yeah, all day, yeah, yeah) All day (all day, yeah, yeah, all day, yeah, yeah) All day (all day, yeah, yeah, all day, yeah, yeah) [Tablo] : Live your life

[RM] : 잔인한 세상이 오 너를 비웃는 것 같을 때 When it feels like the cruel world is laughing at you

세상이 뭐라고 말해도 우린 날아오르네 No matter what the world says, we're flying high

[Tablo] : You gotta believe it [RM] : You gotta be livin' [Tablo] : You gotta believe it [RM] : You gotta be dreamin' [Tablo] : You gotta believe it [RM] : You gotta be feelin' [Tablo] : We know we fly all day

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