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j-hope - '방화 (Arson)' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[j-hope] : Let's burn, burn, burn, burn
Burn, burn, burn, burn (no) It's done, done, done, done Done, done, done, done (arson)
Let's burn,
내 열정에 burn To my passion burn
내 염원에 burn, 내 삶 속을 burn To my wish burn, in my life burn
Every day I ran,
멈출 수 없던 I couldn't stop
그때 그 시절, Back then
I burned it all
And I wanted it all,
명예는 first Fame first
돈? Of course, 인기까지도 Money? Of course, even popularity
내 스스로가 과열이 될 수밖에 없던 I had no choice but to become overheated
뭣도 모른 무식한 내 야망의 원동력 The driving force behind my blind ambition
When I sweat, ooh
기름 샤워해 불을 지필 수 있게 I shower with oil so I can start a fire
On my feet, on my legs,
더 뜨겁게, run my way hotter, run my way
달아오르는 성적 또 인기는 정점 My hot success and popularity at its peak
비례하는 born hater
The number of born haters increases proportionally
매번 울리는 경적 The noise that comes from them every time
이마저 좋아
I like that part too
'cause with my fans With my label, with my fellaz 같이 함께 타오르기에
We burn through it all together
all day 합리적인 공범, 방화범 was fun Rational accomplices, being arsonists was fun
무서울 건 없어, 한 치 앞,
There's nothing to be afraid of, even if it's an inch in front of me
fuck off (fuck off)
If anyone asks me (asks me) "Right, 내가 바로 불을 지폈지" (지폈지) "Right, I started the fire"
이젠 나에게 물어, Now I ask myself,
"Choose what?"
그 불을 끌지 더 타오를지
Whether to put out the fire or burn more
(yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, arson)
It's done,
나의 꿈도
My dream
done 큰 성과도
Big achievements
내 할 몫도
My share
done 더 이상은
No more
과유불급이야 Too much is as bad as too little
박수 칠 때 떠나는 게 곧 멋 To leave when people are still clapping is cool
내가 불을 켰던 건 나를 위함이었어 I lit the flame for myself
세상이 타오를 줄 누가 알았겠어? Who knew the world would burn?
잠시 식힐 때쯤 보니, 내 흔적들이 보여 When it cools down for a moment, I see my traces
끄기엔 너무 큰불, 심한 방화였단 걸 (oh, shit)
It was too big of a fire to put out, too serious of an arson
뜨거워, 안돼, 괴로워 잠 깨 It's hot, no, it's painful, wake up
내 이면과 contact 무서운 상태 Contact my hidden side, in a state of fear
Nobody can't, nobody stop, shit,
그 불을 끄기엔 Put out the fire
오직 나만이 가능해, 혼돈의 fireman (shit) Only I can, a fireman in chaos
Oh, 진압해도
Oh, even if it's extinguished
재처럼 어둠의 길일 거라고, Like ashes, it'll be a road of darkness
tell myself, uh
한 치 앞 큰 관문, 필요한 나의 수 A big hurdle an inch in front of me, a necessary move
돌을 던질 판도 비껴가는 한 수
Even if you're going to throw a stone, you're going to miss it
(let's burn)
If anyone asks me (asks me) "Right, 내가 바로 불을 지폈지" (지폈지) "Right, I started the fire"
이젠 나에게 물어, Now I ask myself,
"Choose what?"
그 불을 끌지 더 타오를지
Whether to put out the fire or burn more
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