j-hope 'Base Line' & 'BTS Cypher Pt.1' & '항상 (HANGSANG)' @ Lollapalooza 2022 | Base Line - Song by j-hope (Spotify) | Base Line - Song by j-hope (Apple Music)
j-hope - 'Base Line' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[j-hope] : 내 음악의 Base Line Base line of my music
내 몸짓의 Base Line Base line of my movements
내 삶 속의 Base Line Base line in my life
내 성공의 Base Line Base line of my success
Base Line 지금부터 Base Time From now on it's base time
느껴지는 Base 차이 Feel the difference in the base
When you see my Base Line
내 세상에 있어 I'm in my world
본질은 늘 깨있어 My essence is always awake
왜 증오를 입력해 Why do you enter hate?
I don’t need your hate code They say, Base on 근거 없는 채점 Baseless grading
그들에게 뱉어 I spit at them
Hope World, Base Line
Street Dance 10년에 For ten years
육체 리듬으로 잘 다듬어진 Rap Rap that's well crafted with the rhythm of my body
현 네임택 Current name tage
Top Class But 아직도 피 끓는 Life Plan But life plan still makes my blood boil
간절해 I'm desperate
내 음악의 꿈이 아직 남아 있기에 Because I still have a dream of music
열일 해 I'm working hard
매일 매일 Day after day
내 직업에 감사함이 나의 본 Base
Being thankful for my job is my main base
내 수저로 다 떠먹어 버려 Scoop it up with my spoon
유비무환 나이기에 걱정은 없어 I don't have to worry because I'm old enough
Base Line 내 성과의 원천 Base line the source of my achievements
Hope World
이제 모든 세상을 엎어
Now turn the whole world upside down
누구보다 열심히 했기에 데뷔해 I debuted because I worked harder than anyone else
덜 자고 더 해서 됐기에, 날 위해 Because I slept less and did more for myself
영화 같은 인생의 Main Base, Mainstay The main base of a movie like life, mainstay
정신 못 차린 애들 다, Play Back
They're all out of their minds, play back
내 음악의 Base Line Base line of my music
내 몸짓의 Base Line Base line of my movements
내 삶 속의 Base Line Base line in my life
내 성공의 Base Line Base line of my success
Base Line 지금부터 Base Time From now on it's base time
느껴지는 Base 차이 Feel the difference in the base
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