BTS(방탄소년단) WINGS Short Film #1 BEGIN | Begin - Song by BTS (Spotify) | Begin - Song by BTS (Apple Music)
BTS (방탄소년단) - 'Begin' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[Jungkook] : 아무것도 없던 열다섯의 나
The fifteen-year-old me with nothing
세상은 참 컸어 너무 작은 나
The world was so big, I was so small
이제 난 상상할 수도 없어
Now I can't even imagine
향기가 없던 텅 비어있던 나 나
The me who had no scent, who was empty
I pray
Love you my brother 형들이 있어
Love you my brother, I have my brothers
감정이 생겼어 나 내가 됐어
Emotions have emerged, I have become myself
So I'm me
Now I'm me
You make me begin
You make me begin
Smile with me smile with me
Smile with me
You make me begin
Smile with me smile with me
참을 수가 없어
I can't bear it
울고 있는 너
You're crying
대신 울고 싶어
I want to cry for you
할 순 없지만
Even though I can't
You make me begin
You make me begin
Cry with me cry with me
Cry with me
You make me begin
Cry with me cry with me
죽을 것 같아 형이 슬프면
Feels like I'm going to die, if my brother is sad
형이 아프면 내가 아픈 것보다 아파
If my brother is in pain, it hurts more than if I'm in pain
Brother let's cry cry 울고 말자
Brother, let's cry, cry, let's cry
슬픔은 잘 모르지만 그냥 울래
I don't really know sadness, but I'll just cry
Because because
You made me again
You made me again
Fly with me fly with me fly with me
You made me again
Fly with me fly with me
You make me begin
You made me again
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