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BTS (방탄소년단) - '작은 것들을 위한 시 Boy With Luv (feat. Halsey)' Lyrics

BTS - '작은 것들을 위한 시 Boy With Luv (feat. Halsey)' Lyrics (With English Translation)

(Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh)

(Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh)

(Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh)

(Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh)

[Jimin] : 모든 게 궁금해 how's your day

I'm curious about everything, how's your day?

Oh tell me (oh yeah oh yeah, ah yeh ah yeh)

뭐가 널 행복하게 하는지

What makes you happy?

Oh text me (oh yeah oh yeah, oh yeah oh yeah)

[V] : Your every picture

내 머리맡에 두고 싶어 oh bae

I want to keep them by my pillow, oh bae

[Jin] : Come be my teacher

네 모든 걸 다 가르쳐줘

Teach me everything about you

Your one, your two

[Jungkook] : Listen my my baby 나는

Listen my my baby, I am

저 하늘을 높이 날고 있어

Flying high in the sky

(그때 네가 내게 줬던 두 날개로)

(With the two wings you gave me back then)

[Jimin] : 이제 여긴 너무 높아

Now, it's too high here

난 내 눈에 널 맞추고 싶어

I want to match my eyes with you

Yeah, you makin' me a boy with love

[Halsey] : Oh my my my, oh my my my

I've waited all my life

[Jungkook] : 네 전부를 함께하고 싶어

I want to be with you for everything

[Halsey] : Oh my my my, oh my my my

Looking for something right

[Jimin] : 이제 조금은 나 알겠어

Now I finally know

[Halsey] : I want something stronger

Than a moment, than a moment, love

(Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ah) I have waited longer

(Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh) For a boy with, for a boy with love

[Suga] : 널 알게 된 이후 ya 내 삶은 온통 너 ya

After I got to know you, ya, my life is filled with you, ya

사소한 게 사소하지 않게 만들어버린 너라는 별

With the star that's you, even the smallest things become special

(Oh yeah) 하나부터 열까지 ay ay 모든 게 특별하지 ay

(Oh yeah) From one to ten, ay ay, everything is special, ay

너의 관심사 걸음걸이 말투와

Your interests, your walk, your way of speaking,

사소한 작은 습관들까지

Even your smallest habits

[j-hope] : (Hope world) Ayy 다 말하지 너무 작던 내가 영웅이 된 거라고 (oh nah)

(Hope world) Ayy, everyone says, I, who used to be small, became a hero (oh nah)

난 말하지 운명 따윈 처음부터 내 게 아니었다고 (oh nah)

I say, things like fate weren't my thing from the beginning (oh nah)

세계의 평화 (no way)

World peace (no way)

거대한 질서 (no way)

A grand order (no way)

그저 널 지킬 거야 난 (boy with love)

I'll just protect you, I'm a boy with love

[V] : Listen my my baby 나는

Listen my my baby, I am

저 하늘을 높이 날고 있어

Flying high in the sky

(그때 네가 내게 줬던 두 날개로)

(With the two wings you gave me back then)

[Jin] : 이제 여긴 너무 높아

Now, it's too high here

난 내 눈에 널 맞추고 싶어

I want to match my eyes with you

Yeah, you makin' me a boy with love

[Halsey] : Oh my my my, oh my my my

[Jungkook] : You got me high so fast

네 전부를 함께하고 싶어

I want to be with you for everything

[Halsey] : Oh my my my, oh my my my

[Jimin] : You got me fly so fast

이제 조금은 나 알겠어

Now I finally know

[Jin] : (Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ah) love is nothing stronger

(Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh) (than a boy with) than a boy with love

[V] : (Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ah) love is nothing stronger

(Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh) (than a boy with) than a boy with love

[RM] : 툭 까놓고 말할게

I'll be honest

나도 모르게 힘이 들어가기도 했어

Sometimes I was a little arrogant without realizing

높아버린 sky, 커져버린 hall

The sky that became higher, the hall that became larger

때론 도망치게 해달라며 기도했어

Sometimes, I prayed for a chance to run away

But 너의 상처는 나의 상처

But your wounds are my wounds

깨달았을 때 나 다짐했던걸 (yeah)

When I realized that, I made a promise (yeah)

네가 준 이카루스의 날개로

With the Icarus wings you gave me, I will fly

태양이 아닌 너에게로

Not towards the sun, but towards you

Let me fly

[Halsey] : Oh my my my, oh my my my

I've waited all my life

[Jungkook] : 네 전부를 함께하고 싶어

I want to be with you for everything

[Halsey] : Oh my my my, oh my my my

[Jungkook] : Looking for something right

이제 조금은 나 알겠어

Now I finally know

(Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ah)

I want something stronger

(Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ah)

Than a moment, than a moment, love

(Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ah) love is nothing stronger

(Ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh ah ooh) (than a boy with) than a boy with love

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