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BTS (방탄소년단) - 'BTS Cypher 4' Lyrics

BTS (방탄소년단) - 'BTS Cypher 4' Lyrics (With English Translation)

[RM] : 이름, 이름 sorry bae

Name, name sorry bae

발음, 발음 sorry bae

Pronunciation, pronunciation sorry bae

딕션, 딕션, 딕션 sorry bae

Diction, diction, diction sorry bae

Oh, face not an idol sorry bae

숨쉬고 있어서 I'm sorry bae (no, no)

I'm sorry bae because I'm breathing (no, no)

너무 건강해서 I'm sorry bae (no, no)

I'm sorry bae because I'm too healthy (no, no)

방송합니다 I'm sorry bae (방송)

I'm broadcasting, I'm sorry bae (broadcasting)

Errthing, errthing, errthing sorry bae

지금 내가 내는 소리 bae

The sound I'm making right now, bae

누군가에겐 개소리 bae (woof)

To someone, it's nonsense, bae (woof)

까는 패턴 좀 바꾸지 bae

Change the pattern of nitpicking, bae

지루해질라캐 boring bae

It's getting boring, boring bae

이젠 니가 안 미워 (ha)

Now I don't hate you (ha)

이젠 니가 안 미워 sorry bae

Now I don't hate you, sorry bae

북이 돼줄게 걍 쎄게 치고 말어

I'll be the drum, just hit it hard and speak

그래 해보자 사물놀이 bae (do it, do it, do it, do it, do it)

Yeah, let's do Samulnori, bae (do it, do it, do it, do it, do it)

*Samulnori: (Korean) traditional percussion quartet

난 괴물, 너무 길어 꼬리 bae (oh, no)

I'm a monster, my tail is too long, bae (oh, no)

어차피 넌 날 쏘지 bae (what)

Anyway, you shoot me, bae (what)

그럴 바엔 편해 동물원이 bae (oh, no)

If that's the case, the zoo is more comfortable bae (oh, no)

너도 원하잖아 씹을거리 bae (what)

You want it too, something to chew on, bae (what)

니가 날 싫어해도 you know me (ha)

Even if you hate me, you know me (ha)

니가 날 싫어해도 you know me (you)

Even if you hate me, you know me (you)

무플보단 악플이 좋아, 난 널 몰라 but you know my name

I prefer hate comments over no comments, I don't know you but you know my name

[RM, Suga, j-hope] : I love (I love), I love (I love), I love myself (self)

I love (I love), I love (I love), I love myself (self)

I know (I know), I know (I know), I know myself (self)

[RM] : Ya, playa, hater, you should love yourself, brr

[j-hope] : I wanna get 잠 time (잠 time, 잠 time, 잠 time, 잠 time)

I wanna get sleep time (sleep time, sleep time, sleep time, sleep time)

쉴 틈 없이 받는 spotlight (spotlight, spotlight, spotlight, yo)

Receiving the spotlight without a break (spotlight, spotlight, spotlight, yo)

Ahh, you wanna be my life? (Wanna be, wanna be?)

굶주린 놈들은 내 총알받이나 해 (뚯뚜뚜뚜뚜뚜)

The hungry ones can be my bulletproof vest (doot-doot-doot-doot-doot)

곱게 접해 (접해) 내 멋대로 도배된 (ah)

Handle it gracefully (handle it) my own way (ah)

무대로 연행 다 결백 (okay)

I take you to the stage, all innocent (okay)

But 만족 못해 (못해) 절대 여기에 (yah)

But I'm never satisfied (not) here (yah)

나 올라 저 위에 (높게, 높게, 높게, 높게)

I rise up above (high, high, high, high)

그래 방식은 다르지, ahh

Yeah, the approach is different, ahh

곱씹어도 가는 길, ahh

Even if I dwell on it, it's the way to go, ahh

한 땀씩 바느질, ahh

Stitching one drop of sweat at a time, ahh

못 할 거면 매듭지어, ahh

If you can't do it, tie it up, ahh

이젠 안 돼 가능이, woo

Now it's impossible, woo

포기라는 발음이, woo

Pronouncing giving up, woo

I love ma rule 내 bro들과 하는 일 (J-Hope)

I love my rule, the work I do with my bros (J-Hope)

그들만의 리그의 플레이어 난 그 위 감독이 될 테니 (될 테니)

I'll be the director above those players in their own league (I'll be)

다 될 대로해 1VERSE에 이어 난 더 큰 그림을 그릴 테니 (그릴 테니)

Do everything as it comes, after 1VERSE, I'll draw a bigger picture (I'll draw)

평생 그 위치에서 쭉 외쳐봐라 'dream come true'

Shout from that position for a lifetime, 'dream come true'

명예와 부는 그게 아냐 you 다 결국 내 발바닥 츄 (muah)

Honor and wealth, that's not it, it's all ultimately just a stepping stone for me (muah)

클릭해, 난 cat 다 mouse 골라 X 쳐 like KAWS

Click, I'm the cat, they're all mice, choose X and swipe like KAWS

난 내년 입주 ma house에서 내 brick과 high five

I'll move into my house next year with my brick and high five

눈뜨고 봐라 내 야망 귀 대고 들어라 처음이자 마지막이 될 말

Open your eyes and see my ambition, put up your ears and listen, these will be the first and last words of mine

[RM, Suga, j-hope] : I love (I love), I love (I love), I love myself (self)

I love (I love), I love (I love), I love myself (self)

I know (I know), I know (I know), I know myself (self)

[RM] : Ya, playa, hater, you should love yourself, brr

[Suga] : Back, back to the basic, microphone check, call me 뱁새 혹은 쎈캐

Back, back to the basic, microphone check, call me an underdog or a tough guy

그래 rap game에 난 대인배 되게 해이해졌던 rap man들을 갱생하는 게

Yeah, in the rap game, I'm a gentleman, I rehabilitate those rap men who have become lax

내 첫 번째의 계획 hashtag, sucka betta run 인스타 속 gang, gang

My first plan, hashtag, sucka betta run, gang, gang on Insta

그건 걔 인생이고 내 인생은 뭐 매일매일, payday, paycheck, 손목 위엔 rolex

That's their life, but mine is something else, every day, payday, paycheck, Rolex on my wrist

Click-clack to the bang, bang (bang, bang)

Click-clack to the pow

I'm so high 어딜 넘봐

I'm so high, where are you looking at?

니가 도움닫기를 해도 손 닿기엔 높아

Even if you reach out to help, I'm too high to be reached

꽤나 먼 차이 절대 못 봐

There's quite a distance, you can never see

너의 똥차들의 콩깍지를 몽땅 벗겨놓은 다음

After stripping off the shells of your crap cars

죄다 농락한 뒤 송장이 된 면상 위를 so fly, ah

After it's all been played, over your corpse face, so fly, ah

Click-clack to the bang (bang), f* you and you

쉽게 얻은 게 하나도 없음에 늘 감사하네

I'm always grateful for not having gained anything easily

니 인생이 어중간한 게 왜 내 탓이야 계속 그렇게 살아줘 적당하게

Why is it my fault that your life is mediocre? Keep living like that, just fine

미안한데 앞으로 난 더 벌 건데 지켜봐줘 부디 제발 건강하게

I'm sorry, but from now on, I'll earn more, so please watch over me and stay healthy

[RM, Suga, j-hope] : I love (I love), I love (I love), I love myself (self)

I love (I love), I love (I love), I love myself (self)

I know (I know), I know (I know), I know myself (self)

[RM] : Ya, playa, hater, you should love yourself, brr

[RM, Suga, j-hope] : I love (I love), I love (I love), I love myself (self)

I love (I love), I love (I love), I love myself (self)

I know (I know), I know (I know), I know myself (self)

[RM] : Ya, playa, hater, you should love yourself, brr

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