j-hope 'Base Line' & 'BTS Cypher Pt.1' & '항상 (HANGSANG)' @ Lollapalooza 2022 | BTS Cypher Pt.1 - Song by BTS (Spotify) | BTS Cypher Pt.1 - Song by BTS (Apple Music)
BTS (방탄소년단) - 'BTS Cypher Pt.1' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[RM] : Damn 힙부심,
Damn hip hop pride
아이돌 랩퍼? Cut that 불씨
Idol, rapper? Cut that spark
어차피 본질은 아이돌 쉿이라며 날 무시해
Looking down on me, saying my essence is a shitty idol
줏대 따위는 개주고 내 이름을 비웃지
You spinelessly laugh at my name
물타기와 무시밖에 모르는 니들이, how you kill me?
You only know how to water down and neglect, how you kill me?
So I bring the monster back, my monster swag
So this is the monster track cuz of my freaking monster rap
현대판 홍길동들, 좋은 걸 보고도 좋다고 못해
Modern version of Hong Gildong, you see good things and can't say you like it
3세대 리더 so imma lead ya 이건 세대교체
Third generation leader, so imma lead ya, this is a generational change
I’m sayin yeah I’m the top of the top of the top
Poppin’ em, rockin’ em, stoppin’ em, blockin’ em, like the Cassius lance
Imma don, 비트 끄지마 becuz I’m not freakin done
Imma don, don't turn off the beat becuz I’m not freakin done
비트 위에선 까불지마 cuz every kick is my freaking zone
Don't mess around on the beat cuz every kick is my freaking zone
난 원래 관대해 but now imma murder your rappers
I'm usually generous, but now imma murder your rappers
차례대로 썰어버리고 then imma murder you haters
I'm going to cut them one by one then imma murder you haters
자 이제 날 봐, 그리고 말해봐 누가 니 top 5?
Now look at me, and tell me who's your top five?
랩몬스터, 란다, 리다, 랩몬, 니 아빠 Rap Monster, Randa, Leader, Rap Mon, your dad
[j-hope] : 지금은 hope world, from BTS
Now it's hope world, from BTS
전부 날 follow 내 가능성은 리트윗돼
Everyone follow me, my potential is retweeted
모두에게 알려 내 flow, 고막을 타고 니 몸을 채워
Let everyone know my flow, it flows through your eardrums and fills your body
칼을 갈았어, 내일을 위해
I sharpened my knife for tommorow
get back in the days
나이도 나이고, 라임도 몰랐던 아이고
I was still pretty young, and I was a kid who didn't even know how to rhyme
그저 아이돌 바라본 광주의 흔한 아이였던 나
An average kid from Gwangju who just watched idols
그래 이젠 보여줄게
But now let me show you
이 트랙 위 Cypher에서내 포부를 밝혀
In the cypher on this track I reveal my ambition
I'm above the minors
그래 너완 다른 메이저 uh
I'm a major unlike you uh
TV screen을 난 채워 uh
I fill the TV screen uh
래퍼 코스튬?
Rapper costume?
no 거품을 거두고 내뱉어 내가 원하던 것을,
no I wipe away the bubbles and spit out what I wanted
난 지금 어딜 가도 이슈감
Now I'm an issue wherever I go
Wherever I go now I'm an issue
배가 아프면 병원 가 전치 2주감
If you're jealous go to the hospital, it'll take two weeks to cure
내 패배를 바랬던 사람들 다 뒷목을 잡지
All those who wanted my defeat hold the back of their necks
힙부심 판치는 게임 위 J-hope은 반칙 In the hip hop pride game, j-hope is a cheat code
[Suga] : 난 미필 but 취미는 저격
I haven't completed my military service but my hobby is sniping
We are bulletproof로 한방을 먹였지
We gave you a blow with We are Bulletproof
어설픈 가짜들은 찔려 반응하지
Clumsy fakes react to being pricked
좀더 열폭 해봐라
Feel a little more jealous and enraged
내 발음화질은 4k
My pronunciation is 4k
I’m dope man
난 비트 위에선 쇼팽
I'm Chopin on the beat
난 절대 안 변해 태어날 때부터 난 모태 born rapper,
I'll never change, from birth I was a born rapper
my attitude는 내 멘토
My attitude is my mentor
니들이 씹고 물어 뜯어도 난 메멘토
Even if you chew and bite me off, I'm a memento
힙부심 부려봐 내게 느끼는 무력감
Show me your hip hop pride, the feeling of helplessness you feel from me
질투심 숨겨라 니 아이피 다 보일라
Hide your jealousy, your IP might show
난 보일러 순식간에 hot해졌지
I'm a boiler, I became hot in an instant
스포일러처럼 너는 안 봐도 뻔해졌지
Like a spoiler, you've become obvious
속절 없이 멍청한 힙찌질일 고쳐놨지
I fixed the helplessly stupid hip hop
근본 없이 커져간 이 가요곈 공존하기엔 빡세
It's hard to coexist in this k pop scene that's grown without principles
그러니 랩은 취미로 해
So just rap as a hobby
말세야 말세,
The world is going to the dogs,
찔리면 노력해 what
if you're bothered, try harder what
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