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BTS (방탄소년단) - ‘If I Ruled the World’ Lyrics

BTS (방탄소년단) - 'If I Ruled the World' Lyrics (With English Translation)

[V, vocal line] : If I ruled the world I'd do it all

(Westside, westside, westside)

[RM] : Westside 'till I die

Gimme the real world man

[V, vocal line] : If I ruled the world I'd do it all

(Westside, westside, westside)

[RM] : Yeah it's BTS

If I ruled the world I'd have it all

남자라면 똑같겠지, pretty girls

If you’re a man you want the same, pretty girls

완전히 없어지네 인종차별

Racism would be completely gone

European, Asian, Caucasian girls (I have 'em)

그리곤 불러 릭오웬스, 앤드뮬뮈스터

And then I’d call Rick Owens, Ann Demeulemeester

알렉산더 왕 & 셰인 올리버

Alexander Wang & Shayne Oliver

평생 만들게 해 김남준 컬렉션

Make a Kim Namjoon collection for life

옷 색깔은 까만색으로, 이제야 좀 만족스러

Black outfits, now I’m satisfied

Music, turn it up

지루해져 후비는 콧구녕

I’d pick my nose out of boredom

노랠 만들어 지구상 모든 사람들에게 부르게 해

I’d make a song and make every person on the planet sing it

노래 제목은 애구가

The title of the song would be Love Anthem

이쁜 여자들에게 파묻혀 TV를 봐

I’d watch tv buried in pretty girls

세상의 모든 여자들 날 위해 ready to die

All the women in the world, ready to die for me

남자들 너넨 술 가져와, 그냥 없어져도 좋아

Guys, get the alcohol, it’s good if you just disappear too

어쨌든 여긴 내 왕국이니까

This is my kingdom anyway

[V, vocal line] : If I ruled the world

I'd do it all (I'd do it all)

I said 1 for the money, 2 for the money

If i ruled the world

I'd do it all (I'd do it all)

I said 1 for the money, 2 for the money

Everybody say he-o-e-oh-oh!

Everybody say he-o-e-oh-oh!

Everybody say hey, ho! Hey-hey-ho!

말도 안된다는 걸 아는데 불러보는 철없는 노래

I know it doesn’t make sense, but I still try singing this childish song

[Suga] : If I ruled the world 가끔 꿈을 꿔

If I ruled the world sometimes I dream

내가 만약 세상을 지배한다면

If I ruled the world

일단 먼저 난 공인중개사를

I’d first want to go to a real estate agent

찾아가 가족과 함께 살 집을 사고파

And buy a house to live in with my family

그래, 그 다음은 내 장롱면허

Alright, next is my license

잠에서 깨워줘야지

I need to wake it up,

4륜구동 차를 구입하고 기름을 주입하고

By a 4 wheel drive car and fill it up with gas

이런 게 무리라도 무이자인 할부로

Even if it’s too much, I’d pay in interest free installments

주식과 도박 그딴 건 안 하고파

I don’t want to do stocks and gambling

세상을 지배했는데 왜 그리 꿈이 소박 하냐는 질문은 마

Don't ask me why my dreams are so simple when I rule the world

난 방탄 식구들과

I'm with my BTS family

그래도 여전히 I'm still 음악이고파

and as ever, I'm still hungry for music

난 힙합계의 김정은이 되서

I’d become Kim Jong-Un of the hip-hop world

우리 음악 말곤 심의를 걸겠어

And censor any music that isn’t ours

얼토당토 안한 꿈이지만

I know it’s a dream that doesn’t make sense but

It's my dream 놀리지 마

It’s my dream, don’t make fun of it

[V, vocal line] : If I ruled the world

I'd do it all (I'd do it all)

I said 1 for the money, 2 for the money

If I ruled the world

I'd do it all (I'd do it all)

I said 1 for the money, 2 for the money

Everybody say he-o-e-oh-oh!

Everybody say he-o-e-oh-oh!

Everybody say hey, ho! Hey-hey-ho!

말도 안된다는 걸 아는데 불러보는 철없는 노래

I know it doesn’t make sense, but I still try singing this childish song

[j-hope] : Oh girl, 어디? Oh god, 여기!

Oh girl, where? Oh god, here!

세상에 모든 여자들은 hope world, 줄 섰지

All the women in the world are in line in hope world

모든 money 거뜬하게 써도

Even if I use all the money

내 지갑이란 골대에 돈이 골인되지

Money makes its way into the goal that’s my wallet

또 겁 없이 무대 위를 걸어다니지

I’d walk on the stage without fear

달리지 않아도 갈수록 쌓여가는 마일리지

I wouldn’t have to run and I’d still get more mileage

이런 꿈들을 이젠 내게 곧 선물하겠어

Soon I’m going to give these dreams to myself as a gift

방탄이란 이름 걸고 외쳐 if i ruled the world Betting on the name of BTS/betting the name of BTS on it, I shout, if I ruled the world

[V, vocal line] : If I ruled the world

I'd do it all (I'd do it all)

I said 1 for the money, 2 for the money

If I ruled the world

I'd do it all (I'd do it all)

I said 1 for the money, 2 for the money

Everybody say he-o-e-oh-oh!

Everybody say he-o-e-oh-oh!

Everybody say hey, ho! Hey-hey-ho!

말도 안된다는 걸 아는데 불러보는 철없는 노래

I know it doesn’t make sense, but I still try singing this childish song

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