BTS (방탄소년단) - 'We On' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[RM]: Hey, swag, swag
Whatever they say I’m here for my music
Here for my music, here for my music
Whatever my haters say I’m real for my music
Real for my music, real for my music
런치란다와 랩몬, 모두 나의 일부
Runch Randa and Rap Mon, they’re all part of me
또래 랩퍼 지망생들의 질투
The jealousy of other aspiring rappers
어차피 니들은 보고 싶은 것만 보지
You only see what you want to see anyway
멍청한 어린 꼰대들 가방끈이 짧아, 7부
Stupid little 꼰대들 , not fully educated
*꼰대 is a slang word, describing someone condescending (usually someone older).
니가 귀염을 토할 때 난 기염을 토해
While you spew cuteness, I blow fire
열등감에 찬 저 모두까기 인형들
Those who criticize everything, full of an inferiority complex,
또 내 선글라스, 내 헤어스타일, 내 이름 모두를 까내리지
Again criticize everything - my sunglasses, my haircut, my name
현실찐따들의 비극적인 코미디
A tragic comedy of real life losers
숨이 턱턱 막히게 널 덮쳐버리는 내 랩
My rap that hits you and makes you breathless
좀 텁텁하고 섭섭해하던
You, who was a little stale and upset,
널 단번에 벙쪄버리게 해
Become speechless immediately
이렇게 뻑뻑한 가요계가 싫다면서 벅벅
You said you hated the stiff k pop scene
머리 긁는 애들의 척 척,
Kids pretending to know while scratching their heads
I know you 썩썩
I know you pretty well
Damn 팬, 대중, 매니아 yeah I’m makin’ em mine
Damn fans, the public, maniacs yeah I’m makin’ ‘‘em mine
빅힛과 방탄소년단 yeah I’m makin’ em shine
Bighit and BTS yeah I’m makin’ ‘‘em shine
이름값을 해낼 훌리건, 바란 적 없어 홀인원
A hooligan who can live up to his name, I never wanted a hole in one
Yeah bitch I wanna be the one,
넘버원이 아닌 only one
Not number one, only one
[Jungkook, vocal line] : 난 널 몰라 또 넌 날 몰라 제발 닥쳐주겠니
I don’t know you, you don’t know me, please shut up
나는 걱정 마, 좋아 너보다 앞으로도 그럴 테지
Don’t worry about me, I’ll keep being better than you
예전부터 날 무시했던 친구들
Friends from a long time ago who looked down on me
다 어디 있어 we on
Where are you all we on
이건 장난 같은 게 아냐
This isn’t a joke
보여줄게 I promise ya, we on
I’ll show you I promise ya, we on
[RM] : (Gimme that, real fact)
[Jungkook, vocal line] :보여줄게 I promise ya, we on
I’ll show you I promise ya, we on
[RM] : (Gimme that, real fact)
[Jungkook, vocal line] :보여줄게 I promise ya, we on
I’ll show you I promise ya, we on
[RM] : Whatever they say I’m here for my music
Here for my music, here for my music
Whatever my haters say I’m real for my music
Real for my music, real for my music
[Suga] : Oh oh my haters 좀 더 욕해줘
Oh oh my haters, please diss/curse me a little more
키보드 워리어, 노력해 좀
Keyboard warriors, try harder
그래 그렇게 무시해줘
니가 틀렸단 걸 증명하는 게 취미에요
It’s my hobby to prove you wrong
Uh 논란되는 실력, 날 속단하긴 일러
Uh, controversial skills, it’s too early to jump to conclusions
I’m killa 잭 더 리퍼 날 세운 혀로 널 찔러
I’m killa, Jack the Ripper, I'll stab you with my tongue
I’m illa 난 게을러도 너보다는 바빠, 찔려?
I’m illa, even though I’m lazy I’m busier than you, does that bother you?
데뷔 전 무시하던 hater
Hater that looked down on me before my debut
힙부심 가득한 너는 이젠 내 밑에 있어
Full of hip hop pride, you're now beneath me
잘 봐라 나는 메이저 부럽지 hey chaser
Look well, I’m major, are you jealous? Hey chaser
내가 보기엔 따라오기엔 벅차, 그냥 거기 있어
I think it’s too much to follow, just stay there
내 손으로 직접 내린 이 가사는 핸드드립
The lyrics that I wrote myself are hand drip
연습생 졸업했지, celebrate
I graduated from trainee, celebrate
난 랩 블랙벨트, 너흰 그냥 그린벨트
I’m a rap black belt, you’re just a green belt
발전이 없어 hey guys 좀 더 열폭을 해
There’s no improvement, hey guys keep feeling inferior
[Jungkook, vocal line] : 난 널 몰라 또 넌 날 몰라 제발 닥쳐주겠니
I don’t know you, you don’t know me, please shut up
나는 걱정 마, 좋아 너보다 앞으로도 그럴 테지
Don’t worry about me, I’ll keep being better than you
예전부터 날 무시했던 친구들
Friends from a long time ago who looked down on me
다 어디 있어 we on
Where are you all we on
이건 장난 같은 게 아냐
This isn’t a joke
보여줄게 I promise ya, we on
I’ll show you I promise ya, we on
[RM] : (Gimme that, real fact)
[Jungkook, vocal line] : 보여줄게 I promise ya, we on
I’ll show you I promise ya, we on
[RM] : (Gimme dat, real fact)
[Jungkook, vocal line] : 보여줄게 I promise ya, we on
I’ll show you I promise ya, we on
[j-hope] : 2 COOL 4 SKOOL 활동은 기립박수
2 Cool 4 Skool promotions got a standing ovation
이건 코웃음 치던 애들에게 던지는 한 수
I'm throwing this at the kids who used to snort/sneer at us
“축하해” 퍽이나 인맥을 위한 고정멘트
"Congratulations", a fixed comment used to make connections
그런 거라면 니 “감”은 썩었어, 도려내
If so, your senses are rotten, cut them out
Uh 이젠 급이 달라진 놈,
Uh now he’s a different level
He knows and she knows
모두의 관심대상 1호,
Number one center of attention
감탄은 일러 지켜봐 내 미래
It’s too early to be amazed, just wait and see my future
니가 무시한 만큼 난 성공의 길로 진행
As much as you look down on me, I’m on the road to success
[Jungkook, vocal line] : 난 널 몰라 또 넌 날 몰라 제발 닥쳐주겠니
I don’t know you, you don’t know me, please shut up
나는 걱정 마, 좋아 너보다 앞으로도 그럴 테지
Don’t worry about me, I’ll keep being better than you
예전부터 날 무시했던 친구들
Friends from a long time ago who looked down on me
다 어디 있어 we on
Where are you all we on
이건 장난 같은 게 아냐
This isn’t a joke
보여줄게 I promise ya, we on
I’ll show you I promise ya, we on
[RM] : (Gimme that, real fact)
[Jungkook, vocal line] : 보여줄게 I promise ya, we on
I’ll show you I promise ya, we on
[RM] : (Gimme that, real fact)
[Jungkook, vocal line] : 보여줄게 I promise ya, we on
I’ll show you I promise ya, we on
[RM] : Whatever they say I’m here for my music
Here for my music, here for my music
Whatever my haters say I’m real for my music
Real for my music, real for my music
[Jungkook] : Real for my music yeah
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BTS Lyric Translations (@btslyrictranslations)