BTS: Yet to come - UGH! | Amazon Prime | UGH! - Song by BTS (Spotify) | UGH! - Song by BTS (Apple Music)
*In English, "ugh" is used as an expression of frustration or disgust. In Korean, "욱" refers to a state of sudden anger/losing one's temper (욱하다).
BTS (방탄소년단) - 'UGH!' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[Suga] : 타닥 또 타오르는 저 불씨
Crackle, those embers flare up again
기름에 닿기 전에 먼저 집어삼키네
Before it touches the oil, I swallow it first
필시 휩쓸려가겠지 예 예 음
Surely it'll be swept away, yes yes, hmm
오늘의 선수 (선수) 입장하시네 건수를 yeah (건수)
Today's player (player) enters, counting yeah (counting)
물기 시작하면 둥둥둥 동네북이 돼 둥둥둥 (둥둥)
When they start to bite doongdoongdoong, it becomes a neighborhood drum/punching bag, doongdoongdoong (doongdoong)
툭툭 건드네 괜시리 툭툭 yeah (툭툭)
Tap tap, poking around for no reason, tap tap yeah (tap tap)
반응이 없음 걍 담궈버리지 푹푹 yeah (푹푹)
If there's no response, just push it down yeah (push it down)
진실도 거짓이 돼
Even truth becomes lies
거짓도 진실이 돼
Even lies become truth
이곳에선 모두가 도덕적 사고와 판단이 완벽한 사람이 돼 웃기시네
It's funny how, in this place, everyone becomes a perfect person with moral thinking and judgement
[RM] : 분노? 물론 필요하지
Anger? Of course, it's necessary
타오를 땐 이유가 있으
When it burns, there's a reason
어쩌면 우리의 역사지
Perhaps it's our history
그게 세상을 바꾸기도 하지
It can change the world
But 이건 분노 아닌 분뇨
But this isn't anger, it's sewage
뭐가 분노인지 you know?
Do you know what real anger is?
분노인 척하며 죽여 진짜 분노
Killing while pretending it's anger, real anger
질려버린 수도 없이 많은 people
So many people are tired of it
넌 나만 죽이는 게 아니야 (아니야)
You're not just killing me (no)
똥 밟는 게 익숙해 우리야 (우리야)
Stepping on shit is familiar to us (us)
무감각해진 저 사람들 봐 (사람들 봐)
Look at those people who've become desensitized (look at them)
분뇨, 무관심 너넨 팀이야 eh
Sewage, indifference, you are a team, eh
[Suga] : 나는 욱해 욱해
I'm angry, angry
나는 욱해 욱해
I'm angry, angry
나는 악의에 가득 찬 분노에 분노해
I'm angry at the malice-filled anger
나는 악의에 가득 찬 분노에 분노해
I'm angry at the malice-filled anger
[RM] : 나는 욱해 욱해
I'm angry, angry
나는 욱해 욱해
I'm angry, angry
나는 꺼져야만 했던 분노에 분노해
I'm angry at the anger I had to put out
나는 꺼져야만 했던 분노에 분노해
I'm angry at the anger I had to put out
[Suga] : 그래 욱 욱 욱 욱 욱해라 욱 욱
Yes, be angry, angry, angry, angry, angry
재가 될 때까지 그래 욱해라 욱
Keep being angry until you become ash
[RM] : 그래 욱 욱 욱 욱 욱해라 욱 욱
Yes, be angry, angry, angry, angry, angry
부러질 때까지 그래 욱해라 욱
Keep being angry until you break
나는 욱해 욱해
I'm angry, angry
나는 욱해 욱해
I'm angry, angry
[Suga] : 나는 악의에 가득 찬 분노에 분노해
I'm angry at the malice-filled anger
나는 꺼져야만 했던 분노에 분노해
I'm angry at the anger I had to put out
[j-hope] : 이 세상 (hi) 분노가 지배함 (hi hi)
This world (hi) is ruled by anger (hi hi)
분노가 없음 다 못 사나 봐 (hi hi)
Looks like no one can live without anger (hi hi)
분노하고 또 분노하고 분노하고 (hi hi)
Getting angry again and again (hi hi)
그리 미쳐가고 (hi) 욱 욱 욱 욱
Going crazy like that (hi) angry angry angry angry
분노하는 이유도 다 수만 가지
There are countless reasons to be angry
선의와 악의도 다 매한가지
Good will and ill will, it's all the same
분노할 수 있다만 남의 삶에 피해가 있는 건 I don't like
You can be angry but causing harm to others' lives, I don't like that
그건 stop ay
Stop that ay
누구의 행동에 (eh) 누구는 아파해
By someone's actions, someone is hurt (eh)
누구의 언행에 (eh) 누구는 암담해 (eh)
By someone's words, someone is gloomy (eh)
누구의 찰나에 누구 순간이 돼
Someone's instant becomes someone's moment
누구의 분노에 누구 목숨이 돼
Someone's anger becomes someone's life
썩을 퉤
It’s rotten, ptooey!
[Suga] : 나는 욱해 욱해
I'm angry, angry
나는 욱해 욱해
I'm angry, angry
[j-hope] : 나는 악의에 가득 찬 분노에 분노해
I'm angry at the malice-filled anger
나는 꺼져야만 했던 분노에 분노해 (skrrt)
I'm angry at the anger I had to put out
[Suga] : 아 대체 욕 좀 먹는 게 왜 (게 왜)
What's wrong with you getting a little hate
잘 벌잖아 또 징징대 왜 (대 왜)
You're earning well, why keep whining (why why)
[j-hope] : 그 정돈 감수해야지 에헴
You have to endure such things, ahem
[RM, Suga, j-hope] : 에헴 에헴 에헴 에헴 니네 에헴
Ahem, ahem, ahem, ahem, you ahem
에헴 에헴 에헴
Ahem, ahem, ahem
[RM] : 나 시켰어봐 다 참아
If you made me do it, I'd endure everything
니네 에헴 니네 에헴 에헴 에헴
You ahem, you ahem ahem ahem
[j-hope] : 나 시켰어봐 그냥 에헴 비헴 에헴
If you made me do it, just ahem bhem ahem
그래 욱 (욱) 욱 (욱) 욱해라 욱 (욱)
Yes, be angry (angry) angry (angry) be angry (angry)
재가 될 때까지 그래 욱해라 욱 (욱)
Keep being angry until you become ash
그래 욱 (욱) 욱 (욱) 욱해라 욱 (욱)
Yes, be angry (angry) angry (angry) be angry (angry)
부러질 때까지 그래 욱해라 욱 (욱)
Keep being angry until you break
[RM] : 나는 욱해 (욱해) 욱해
I'm angry, angry
나는 욱해 (욱해) 욱해
I'm angry, angry
[Suga] : 나는 악의에 가득 찬 분노에 분노해
I'm angry at the malice-filled anger
나는 꺼져야만 했던 그 분노에 분노해 hey hey, let's go
I'm angry at the anger I had to put out, hey hey, let's go
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