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BTS (방탄소년단) - ‘N.O’ Lyrics

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BTS (방탄소년단) - 'N.O' Lyrics (With English Translation)

[RM] : Yo, right in here

BTS, we dropped the second ball

CS, the revolution started again

좋은 집 (좋은 집)

A nice house (nice house)

좋은 차 (좋은 차)

A nice car (nice car)

그런 게 행복일 수 있을까? (있을까)

Can these things bring happiness? (Can they?)

In Seoul (in Seoul)

To the SKY (to the SKY)

부모님은 정말 행복해질까? (해질까)

Will parents really be happy? (Will they?)

[Jungkook] : 꿈 없어졌지 숨쉴 틈도 없이

Dream has disappeared

숨쉴 틈도 없이

No time to breathe

학교와 집 아니면 피씨방이 다인 쳇바퀴

On the hamster wheel of school and home or the internet cafe/gaming room

같은 삶들을 살며

Living the same lives

일등을 강요

Pressured to be in first place

받는 학생은 꿈과 현실 사이의 이중간첩

Students live a double life between dreams and reality

[Suga] : 우릴 공부하는 기계로 만든 건 누구?

Who made us into studying machines?

일등이 아니면 낙오로 구분

First place or you're considered behind

짓게 만든 건 틀에 가둔 건 어른이란 걸

Adults are the ones who built the mold and locked us in it

쉽게 수긍 할 수밖에

You have to agree

단순하게 생각해도 약육강식 아래

Even if you think simply, under survival of the fittest,

친한 친구도 밟고 올라서게

Step on your close friends to rise up

만든 게 누구라 생각해 what?

who do you think made that what?

[V] : 어른들은 내게 말하지

Adults tell me

힘든 건 지금뿐이라고

Things are hard now

[Jungkook] : 조금 더 참으라고 나중에 하라고

Hold on a little more, do what you want later

[All] : Everybody say NO!

더는 나중이란 말로 안돼

Later doesn't work anymore

더는 남의 꿈에 갇혀 살지 마

Don't live your life trapped in other people's dreams

We roll (We roll)

We roll (We roll) We roll

Everybody say NO!

정말 지금이 아니면 안돼

It's now or never

아직 아무것도 해본 게 없잖아

We haven't even done anything yet

We roll (We roll)

We roll (We roll) We roll

Everybody say NO!

[RM] : 좋은 집 (좋은 집)

A nice house (nice house)

좋은 차 (좋은 차)

A nice car (nice car)

그런 게 행복일 수 있을까? (있을까)

Can these things bring happiness? (Can they?)

In Seoul (in Seoul)

To the SKY (to the SKY)

부모님은 정말 행복해질까? (해질까)

Will parents really be happy? (Will they?)

[j-hope] : 놀고 먹고 싶어

I want to live leisurely

교복 찢고 싶어

I want to rip apart my school uniform

Make money good money

벌써 삐딱한 시선

My perspective's already skewed

막연함뿐인 통장,

I have a non existent bank account

내 불행은 한도초과지

I've maxed out my unhappiness

공부하는 한숨 공장,

A studying sigh factory

계속되는 돌려막기

I dig a hole to fill another

[RM] : 어른들이 하는 고백 너넨 참 편한 거래

Adults say that we have it easy

분에 넘치게 행복한 거래

that we are happier than we deserve to be

그럼 이렇게도 불행한 나는 뭔데

Then why am I so unhappy like this?

공부 외엔 대화주제가 없어

There's no topic of conversation other than studying

밖엔 나 같은 애가 넘쳐

There's a lot of kids out there like me

똑같은 꼭두각시 인생

The same puppet life

도대체 누가 책임져줘?

Who's going to take responsibility?

[Jin] : 어른들은 내게 말하지

Adults tell me

힘든 건 지금뿐이라고

Things are hard now

[Jungkook] : 조금 더 참으라고 나중에 하라고

Hold on a little more, do what you want later

[All] : Everybody say NO!

더는 나중이란 말로 안돼

Later doesn't work anymore

더는 남의 꿈에 갇혀 살지 마

Don't live your life trapped in other people's dreams

We roll (We roll)

We roll (We roll) We roll

Everybody say NO!

정말 지금이 아니면 안돼

It's now or never

아직 아무것도 해본 게 없잖아

We haven't even done anything yet

We roll (We roll)

We roll (We roll) We roll

Everybody say NO!

Everybody say NO!

Everybody say NO!

Everybody say NO!

Everybody say NO!

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