Buckubucku (feat.EE, RM of BTS, Dino-J) - Song by MFBTY (Spotify) | Buckubucku (feat.EE, RM of BTS, Dino-J) - Song by MFBTY (Apple Music)
MFBTY - 'Buckubucku (feat.EE, RM of BTS, Dino-J)' Lyrics (With English Translation)
*부끄부끄 (buckubucku) is a word meaning shy or embarrassed.
[Yoonmirae] : Uh
부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
[RM, Yoonmirae] : they wanna grab it
they wanna have it
they wanna grab it
they wanna grab it
they wanna have it
they wanna grab it
I'm shy
they wanna grab it
they wanna have it
they wanna grab it
they wanna grab it
they wanna have it
they wanna grab it
I'm shy
[Yoonmirae] : 할 거 다 해놓고 이제 와서 뭐가 You did all you had to do, now what do you say?
부끄러 "I'm shy"
안 한 척 못한 척 그런 척도 그만 You pretend you didn't do it, you pretend you can't, stop pretending
뻥뻥뻥뻥뻥 (sound effects)
그르쿠그른부끄 배불러오는 부끄러 So shy, full of being shy
물끄러미 훔쳐보는 미꾸라지 놈 미끄러 Staring, peeping, eel, a slippery guy
[EE, Yoonmirae] : Adios my ears 8 years ideas
fuckin my dears picka boo picka boo 부끄유 부끄유 Shy, shy
Adios my ears 8 years ideas fuckin' my dears I’m higher than your client [Bizzy] : 오늘은 내가 술래 Today, I'm it
*it like a tagger in a game of tag.
eeny mini miny moe 첫 만남부터 부끄러 왜 빨리
From the first meeting, why were you so quickly embarrassed?
넌 집으로 발걸음을 이끌어
You guide my steps home
천천히 걸어 미끄러
Walk slowly, it's slippery
첫 만남에 어떻게 널 믿어
How can I trust you when I just met you? 시끄시끄시끄러 입 맞추려
Shut up, shut up, so I can kiss you
다가오면 부끄부끄부끄러
When I get near you, I'm shy
술 취한 척 연기해 쑥스러운 술주정
Pretending to be drunk, I delay, shy drunken behavior
부끄러운 날 위해
For me who's embarrassed
어서 빨리 불 끄렴
Hurry up and turn off the lights
근심과 걱정은 붙들어
Worry and apprehension, hold on
[Yoonmirae] : 부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
Toot my own horn I’m as good as I claim
Who the other broads bitch stay in your lane
Boss bitch self made your hos is trained
long as I’m around queen T
it’ll never change
Think you competing and please you don’t want to see me heated I don’t want but if you need it leave him bleeding em I’m fuckin undefeated
They wanna take my spot
Mad cause I’ll never stop
Mad cause I’m hot you not I’ll
always finish up on top
[Dino-J] : 틈만 나면 고삐 풀어버려 망아지 흉내 Just let go of the reins whenever you can, imitate a colt 음악과 술에 코 삐뚤어지게 에너지 축내 Put my energy and crooked nose in music and alcohol 적당한 취기를 빌려 느낌이 I feel like I'm moderately intoxicated
내 몸에 붙네 Cling to my body
난 패션 메이크업 대신 미쳐 매일 밤 가사로 멋 내 Instead of fashion, makeup, I go crazy every night making cool lyrics 가끔씩 외로워 기분이 서러워 질 때면 반대로 쿵쾅대 Sometimes when I feel lonely and sad, I keep banging the other way
사사로운 감정에 충실할 필요 없어 There's no need to stay faithful to your personal feelings
실력에 불광 Light up your skills
내 막무가내 돌진적인 성격 포부는 일당백 My obstinance, my powerful personality and ambition are a match for a hundred 누가 내 기를 꺾어 Who can break my attitude?
난 Feel Good Music You know that
I'm Feel Good Music You know that
[RM] : they wanna grab it they wanna have it they wanna grab it they wanna grab it they wanna have it they wanna grab it
[Yoonmirae] : 부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
[RM] : RM
아 갑자기 앞에 나와 랩할라니 조금 부끄러
Ah I'm a little shy as you suddenly come out in front of me as I rap
내가 앨범 사던 형 누나들과 함께 좀 쑥스러
I'm a bit shy together with hyungs and nunas who are in albums I've bought
방구석 형님들은 열폭하고 날 헐뜯지
The Hyung-nims in the corner of the room are enraged with jealousy and badmouth me
Yeah they wanna get it they wanna grab it they wanna have it catch it dammit 네가 못한 걸 내가 했다고 I did what you couldn't do
악담이라니 후져 Lousy criticism
느이가 아무리 개소리 지껄여도 No matter how much you talk nonsense
나는 널 아니 죽여 I'll kill you
I will kill ya 왜냐 몬스터는 I will kill ya because that's what monsters are for
매일 관대해 I'm generous everyday
나의 크기 부동산 아저씨보다 더 방대해 My size is bigger than the real estate man
아가씨 어디 가지 마 나 좀 봐주라 Miss, don't go anywhere, please look at me a little
멀었으니 아직 싸지 마 지금은 아니야 There's still a long way to go, so don't pack up now, not yet It’s no 간지 it’s no swaggin It's no cool, it's no swaggin
나는 한국 check my 맵시 I am Korean check my style
부끄럽지만 이제 밝힐게 I'm shy but I'll light it up now
나는 똥 냄새도 쟈스민
Even my shit smells like jasmine
[Yoonmirae] : 부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
[Tiger JK] : 하나마나 보나마나 눈 감아도 훤히 보이는 뻔히 보이는 결과 Whether or not I close my eyes, I can see the results clearly 깝치다 값 치러 정신 차려 Know it all, pay the price, hold on
내 글글 사이들에 양심을 찌르는 In between my writing I nudge your consciousness
벌 봐 Look at the penalty
헐값에 사버린 아이들의 영혼으로 With the souls of children you bought for nothing
네 배만 채우는 널 봐 Look at you filling only your stomach
넌 벌 받아 You will be punished
can I get a witness karma ain’t no running from it 거울 속에 비친 네 눈빛은 In the mirror, the look in your eyes shines
피눈물에 묻힌 돈에 미친 범인 A money crazy criminal covered in tears of blood
찔리지 네 이름은 비리진 Guilty? Your name's Billie Jean
니들의 사랑 따윈 없는 Without your love
하늘은 내 땅 두 팔을 머리 위로 The sky is my land, with my arms above my head
물구나무를 서지 I stand on my hands
MF Bizzy Tiger Yoonmirae and dino j we RM From 의정부 my habitat From Uijeongbu my habitat
랩 괴물들이 산다는 The rap monster lives there
Feel Good is the way 동부간선도로를 타는 이곳
Riding to this place on the eastern highway
[Yoonmirae] : 부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
부끄부끄 부끄러 부끄부끄 부끄러
Shy, I'm shy, shy, I'm shy
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