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BTS (방탄소년단) - 핸드폰 좀 꺼줄래 (Could You Turn off Your Cellphone)' Lyrics

BTS (방탄소년단) - '핸드폰 좀 꺼줄래 (Could You Turn off Your Cellphone)' Lyrics (With English Translation)

[RM] : (Cell phones)

(Lost friendship)

(Where are you, my friend?)

핸드폰 Go!

Cell phone Go!

[Jungkook] : 핸드폰 좀 꺼줄래 Can you turn off your cell phone

모두가 스마트하다지만 They say everyone's smart but

우린 점점 멍청해지잖아 Oh We're gradually getting dumber oh

[Jimin] : 핸드폰 좀 꺼줄래 Can you turn off your cell phone

얼굴 보고 멘션 날려 Look at my face and give me a mention

*Give me a mention face to face.

좋아요는 난 필요 없어 Oh oh

I don't need a like oh oh

[RM] : 화장실 간단 말까지 넌 폰으로 해 You say you're going to the bathroom using your phone

그리곤 센스 있다는 듯 살짜쿵 웃네 and laugh as if you've got sense

난 전혀 안 웃겨 I don't think it's funny at all

몇 달 만에 본 너 It's been months since I saw you

왜 급 인기남인 척 Why are you acting like you're suddenly a popular guy

로또라도 맞았어?

Did you win the lottery?

[Suga] : 로또라니 정신 차려 새 폰으로 바꿨잖아 친구 Lotto? Wake up, I got a new phone, buddy

정보화 시대야 알다시피 대한민국 인구 절반 이상이 스마트한 21세기 As you know, it's the Information Age, more than half of the population of Korea is smart in the 21st century

얼굴 보고 얘기하는 건 한물간 먼 나라 얘기

Talking face to face is out of fashion, a distant country

[j-hope] : 오랜만에 만났으면서 It's been a while since you've seen each other so

왜 또 그렇게 싸워 (Phone?) why are you fighting like that again (Phone?)

일단 밥 한 끼가 우리다워 Let's have a meal, that's just like us

여자친구는 있냐? Do you have a girlfriend?

니 새 폰이 아까워 Your new phone is a waste

군대 간 영수처럼은 싫다 I don't want to be like Youngsoo who went to the army

이뤄져라 마법

Come true, magic

어디 갈래 아 나 저기 갈래 Where do you want to go? I want to go over there

여기가 제일 hot spot 같애 I think this is the hottest spot

너 밥 먹고는 뭐해 What are you doing after eating?

우리 식상한 PC방은 그만 Enough of our boring Internet cafe

(아니 근데 사람이 말할 때는 좀)

(No but when someone is talking to you)

[Jungkook] : 핸드폰 좀 꺼줄래 Could you turn off your cellphone

모두가 스마트하다지만 They say everyone's smart but

우린 점점 멍청해지잖아 Oh We're gradually getting dumber oh

[Jin] : 핸드폰 좀 꺼줄래 Can you turn off your cell phone

얼굴 보고 멘션 날려 Look at my face and give me a mention

*Give me a mention face to face.

좋아요는 난 필요 없어 Oh oh

I don't need a like oh oh

[V] : 밀어서 잠금 해제 (Whoo) Push to unlock (Whoo)

밀어서 잠금 해제 Push to unlock

미웠어 너의 탁 I hated your (tak)

미웠어 너의 쉬웅 I hated your (swoong)

*탁 & 쉬웅 = sound effects of receiving and sending messages.

밀어서 잠금 해제 (Whoo) Push to unlock (Whoo)

밀어서 잠금 해제 Push to unlock

눌러줘 너의 찰칵 찰칵 Press it, your click click

눌러줘 너의 찰칵

Press it, your click

[RM] : 음식을 눈으로 먹냐 여자애들처럼 Are you eating with your eyes like girls?

사진 좀 찍지 마라 내 입맛 떨어져 Don't take photos, I'm losing my appetite

또 업뎃하기 바쁘겠지 얼굴책 아님 짹짹이에 You're busy updating you're Facebook or Twitter again

인생은 3D야 Life is 3D

내 얼굴 보고 짹짹대

Tweet to my face

[j-hope] : 짹짹대 넌 tap tap 하며 켁켁대 Tweet tweet, you cough cough while you tap tap

밥알 튀어 Spattering rice

그 놈의 핸드폰으로 백백 대 맞아야지 정신 좀 들겠냐

Does this guy have to be hit 100 times with his cell phone to come back to his senses?

니 배터리 없을 때 우린 충전돼 있겠냐 Yeah!

Will we be charged when your battery is dead? Yeah!

[Jungkook, Suga] : 핸드폰 좀 꺼줄래 Could you turn off your cellphone

아니면 주머니에 넣어줄래 Or you can put it in your pocket

요즘 모두가 스마트해졌다 하지만 Though they say everyone's smart these days

시대는 좋아졌지만 Though they say the times have improved

두 배로 서두르네

We're in twice the rush

가끔 그리워 서로 얼굴보고 얘기 나눠대던 그때가 Sometimes, I miss the time when we talked to each other face to face

소통은 많아졌지만 Though there's more communication

우리들 사이엔 시끄러운 침묵만 Oh oh

There's only loud silence between us Oh oh

[Jimin] : 핸드폰 좀 꺼줄래 Can you turn off your cell phone

모두가 스마트하다지만 They say everyone's smart but

우린 점점 멍청해지잖아 Oh We're gradually getting dumber oh

[Jungkook] : 핸드폰 좀 꺼줄래 Can you turn off your cell phone

얼굴 보고 멘션 날려 Look at my face and give me a mention

*Give me a mention face to face.

좋아요는 난 필요 없어 Oh oh

I don't need a like oh oh

메세지도 셀카도 난 다 필요 없는 걸 I don't need a message or a selfie

난 핸드폰도 음식도 아닌 널 보러 온 걸 I'm here to see you, not a cell phone or food

[Jin] : 야 이건 좀 아니야 Hey, this isn't right

우리가 어떤 사이야 What kind of relationship do we have

[Jimin] : 웃기만 해도 행복했잖아

We used to be happy just by laughing

[Jungkook] : 핸드폰 좀 꺼줄래 Can you turn off your cell phone

모두가 스마트하다지만 They say everyone's smart but

우린 점점 멍청해지잖아 Oh We're gradually getting dumber oh

[Jimin] : 핸드폰 좀 꺼줄래 Can you turn off your cell phone

얼굴 보고 멘션 날려 Look at my face and give me a mention

*Give me a mention face to face.

좋아요는 난 필요 없어 Oh oh

I don't need a like oh oh

[V, all] : 밀어서 잠금 해제 (Whoo) Push to unlock (Whoo)

밀어서 잠금 해제 (Yeah yeah) Push to unlock

미웠어 너의 (너의) I hated your (your)

미웠어 너의 (쉬웅) I hated your (swoong)

*탁 & 쉬웅 = sound effects of receiving and sending messages.

밀어서 잠금 해제 Push to unlock

밀어서 잠금 해제 Push to unlock

눌러줘 너의 찰칵 찰칵

Press it, your click click

눌러줘 너의 찰칵

Press it, your click

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