[MV] BTS(방탄소년단) _ Danger (Mo-Blue-Mix) (feat. THANH) | [CHOREOGRAPHY] BTS (방탄소년단) 'Danger' dance practice | [PRACTICE RECORD] BTS (방탄소년단) 'Danger' #2022BTSFESTA | 【TVPP】BTS - Danger, 방탄소년단 - 댄저 @ Comeback Stage, Show! Music Core Live | BTS - Danger [2014 KBS Song Festival / 2015.01.14] | BTS (방탄소년단) - Danger [Music Bank HOT Stage / 2014.09.26] | Danger YouTube BTS - Topic | Danger - Song by BTS (Spotify) | Danger - Song by BTS (Apple Music)
BTS (방탄소년단) - 'Danger' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[RM] : You in danger
You in danger You in danger You in danger
맨날 이런 식 It's always like
너는 너 나는 나 너의 공식 You're you, I'm me, your formula
핸드폰은 장식 Your cellphone's just for decoration
나 남친이 맞긴 하니 I’m sick Am I your boyfriend? I'm sick
왜 숙제처럼 표현들을 미뤄 Why are you putting off expressing your feelings like homework?
우리 무슨 비즈니스 아님 내가 싫어
Are we some kind of business? Or do you hate me?
덩 덩 디기 덩 덩
dung, dung, digi, dung dung
좀 살가워져라
Be a little more affectionate
오늘도 또 주문을 빌어
You put a spell on me again today
[Jungkook] : 우린 평행선 같은 곳을 보지만 너무 다르지
We're parallel lines looking at the same place but we're so different
난 너 밖에 없는데 왜 너 밖에 있는 것만 같은지
You're the only one I have but why do I feel like you're on the outside
꽁하면 넌 물어 삐쳤니
When I'm feeling sore, you ask "are you upset?"
날 삐치게 했던 적이나 있었니
Have you ever done anything to upset me?
넌 귀요미 난 지못미
You're a cutie, I'm a loser
생기길 니가 더 사랑하는 기적이
I hope a miracle happens that you love me more
[Jin] : 넌 내가 없는데
You don't have me but
난 너로 가득해 미칠 것 같아
I'm full of you, I feel like I'm going crazy
[Jimin] : 근데 왜 이러는데
But why are you doing this?
왜 바보를 만들어
Why are you making me a fool?
나 이제 경고해
I'm warning you now
헷갈리게 하지마
Don't make me confused
[Jungkook] : 장난해 너 도대체 내가 뭐야
Are you kidding? What am I to you?
만만해 uh 날 갖고 노는 거야
Am I easy? uh are you playing with me?
[Jimin] : 너 지금 위험해
You're in danger now
왜 나를 시험해
Why are you testing me?
왜 나를 시험해
Why are you testing me?
헷갈리게 하지마
Don't make me confused
[Jungkook, V] : 장난해 너 도대체 내가 뭐야
Are you kidding? What am I to you?
만만해 uh 날 갖고 노는 거야
Am I easy? uh are you playing with me?
[Jimin] : 너 지금 위험해
You're in danger now
왜 나를 시험해
Why are you testing me?
왜 나를 시험해
Why are you testing me?
헷갈리게 하지마
Don't make me confused
[V] : 너 때문에 너무 아파
I'm hurting so much because of you
너 때문에 너무 아파
I'm hurting so much because of you
너 때문에 너무 아파
I'm hurting so much because of you
[Jimin] : 헷갈리게 하지 마
Don't make me confused
[V] : 넌 내게 너무 나빠
You're so bad to me
넌 내게 너무 나빠
You're so bad to me
넌 내게 너무 나빠
You're so bad to me
[Jimin] : 헷갈리게 하지마
Don't make me confused
[j-hope] : 연락 부재중 unlock 수배 중
No calls, unlock you're wanted
너란 여자 본심을 수색 중
I'm searching for your real intentions
고작 보내준 게 문자 두세 줄
The only thing you sent was a couple lines of text
이게 내가 바랬던 연애 꿈
Is this the relationship or dream that I wanted?
파란만장 러브 스토리 다 어디 갔나
Where did all the turbulent love stories go?
드라마에 나온 주인공들 다 저리 가라
All the main characters in dramas can't compare to me
너 때문에 수백 번 쥐어 잡는 머리카락
I grab my hair hundreds of times because of you
넌 담담 그저 당당 날 차 빵빵
You're calm and confident, dumping me like bang bang
[Suga] : 뭐니 뭐니 난 네게 뭐니
What, what, what am I to you?
너 보다 니 친구에게 전해 듣는 소식
I hear news from your friend rather than you
원해 원해 uh 너를 원해
I want, I want, uh, I want you
너란 여잔 사기꾼 내 맘을 흔든 범인
You're a woman who's a trickster, a criminal shaking my heart
불이 붙기 전부터 내 맘 다 쓰고
My heart was used before you caught on fire
일방적인 구애들 해 봤자 헛수고
My one sided efforts to win your love are useless
너에게 난 그저 연인이 아닌 우정이
To you I'm not a lover but a friend
편했을지도 몰라
Maybe you're more comfortable with that
I’m a love loser
[Jin] : 넌 내가 없는데
You don't have me but
난 너로 가득해 미칠 것 같아
I'm full of you, I feel like I'm going crazy
[Jimin] : 근데 왜 이러는데
But why are you doing this?
왜 바보를 만들어
Why are you making me a fool?
나 이제 경고해
I'm warning you now
헷갈리게 하지마
Don't make me confused
[Jungkook] : 장난해 너 도대체 내가 뭐야
Are you kidding? What am I to you?
만만해 uh 날 갖고 노는 거야
Am I easy? uh are you playing with me?
[Jimin] : 너 지금 위험해
You're in danger now
왜 나를 시험해
Why are you testing me?
왜 나를 시험해
Why are you testing me?
헷갈리게 하지마
Don't make me confused
[Jungkook, V] : 장난해 너 도대체 내가 뭐야
Are you kidding? What am I to you?
만만해 uh 날 갖고 노는 거야
Am I easy? uh are you playing with me?
[Jimin] : 너 지금 위험해
You're in danger now
왜 나를 시험해
Why are you testing me?
왜 나를 시험해
Why are you testing me?
헷갈리게 하지마
Don't make me confused
[V] : 너 때문에 너무 아파
I'm hurting so much because of you
너 때문에 너무 아파
I'm hurting so much because of you
너 때문에 너무 아파
I'm hurting so much because of you
[Jimin] : 헷갈리게 하지 마
Don't make me confused
[V] : 넌 내게 너무 나빠
You're so bad to me
넌 내게 너무 나빠
You're so bad to me
넌 내게 너무 나빠
You're so bad to me
[Jimin] : 헷갈리게 하지 마
Don't make me confused
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BTS Lyric Translations (@btslyrictranslations)