j-hope '= (Equal Sign)' & 'STOP (세상에 나쁜 사람은 없다)' @ Lollapalooza 2022 | = (Equal Sign) YouTube j-hope - Topic | = (Equal Sign) - Song by j-hope (Spotify) | = (Equal Sign) - Song by j-hope (Apple Music)
j-hope - '= (Equal Sign)' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[j-hope] : 우린 서로 갖춰 시선들을 맞춰 We get ready to see each other and meet eyes
사람 위에 사람 없고 No one is above anyone else
사람 밑에 사람 없어 And no one is below anyone else
Let's roll
우린 아직 세상에 무심해 We're still indifferent to the world
관심이 필요해 우리에겐 We need to pay attention to ourselves
변화의 시작은 곧이기에 oh Because the start of change is soon
어쩌면 우리의 몫이기에
Maybe it's up to us
목쉬게 외쳐도 소리 없는 아우성 Even though I shout out until I'm hoarse, there's no sound
피부로 느끼는 다른 점 I can feel that I'm different
정당하게 올라
I rose to the top the right way
솜뭉치로 가슴 치며 갸우뚱 I strike my chest and tilt my head
세상은 넓고 사람 마음 참 좁다 The world is wide and people's minds are narrow
꼭 같을 필요는 없어도 다른 게 왜 죄일까?
There's no need to be the same, but why is it a sin to be different?
나이를 넘어 uh Beyond age
성별을 넘어 uh Beyond gender
국경을 넘어 uh Beyond nationality
어쩌면 모두의 숙제 같은 것 Maybe this is everyone's homework
나부터 깨우쳐 차별 아닌 차이인 것 Starting with me, realize not to discriminate against differences
편견의 피해자? The victim of prejudice,
알아야 해, 그건 우리인 것 (please)
You should know, is just us
Hate'll paralyze your mind Gotta see the other side It costs ya nothin' to be kind Not so different you and I Lookin' for love in a different light Until we find that equal sign
Same 우리가 쉬는 숨들 The breaths we breathe
Same 우리가 꾸는 꿈들 The dreams we dream
Same 삶 속 웃음과 눈물 In life, laughter and tears
Same 다 존중받을 품들
We all deserve to be respected
Just a piece to give strength In the puzzle of our hearts It'll all make sense one day So I'm singing For love in this world
Ayy, come on Let's come together Oh, umm-umm Equality is you and me
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