BTS(방탄소년단) - For Youth @인기가요 inkigayo 20220619 | For Youth : BTS(방탄소년단 ビーティーエス) @Music Bank 220617 | For Youth YouTube · BTS - Topic | BTS (방탄소년단) ‘Proof’ Live 20220613 | For Youth - Song by BTS (Spotify) | For Youth - Song by BTS (Apple Music)
BTS - For Youth Lyrics (With English Translation)
[Jungkook] : If I never met you
Oh 난 어떤 모습일까 baby
Oh, what would I be like, baby
[Jin] : Every time I miss you
습관이 돼버린 그 말
Those words that have become a habit
(It's so true)
[V] : 눈을 떠보니 10년 전
When I opened my eyes, 10 years ago
논현동을 서성이던
Wandering around Nonhyeon-dong
너무 쉽게 울었고
I cried too easily
너무 쉽게 웃던 때
And laughed too easily back then
[Jin] : 많은 계절 뒤에
After many seasons passed
겨우 뒤돌아봤을 때
When I finally looked back
[Jimin] : You always here with us together
And every second was forever, oh
[RM] : 측정할 수 없는 마음
An immeasurable feeling
미끄러지던 내 삶
My life that was slipping
베개에 머리가 닿으면
When my head touched the pillow
깨지 않길 바랬던 밤 (Wake up)
The nights I hoped I wouldn't wake up (Wake up)
이젠 네가 있는 여기
Now you are here
This a new home to me
언제든 돌아올 테니까
Because I'll come back anytime
Baby, don't you worry
우리가 걷는 이 길이
The road we walk on
모두 다 길이 될 테니
Will all become a path
[V] : If I never met you
Oh 난 어떤 모습일까 baby
Oh, what would I be like, baby
[Jimin] : Every time I miss you
습관이 돼버린 그 말
Those words that have become a habit
(It's so true)
[Jungkook] : You're my best friend
For the rest of my life
[j-hope] : 하나 둘 셋
One, two, three
우리의 합
The sum of us
잊지 못해
I can't forget
모든 순간
Every moment
Oh 나의 봄날을 책임져준 Flower 덕분에 나다웠어
Oh, thanks to the flower responsible for my spring days, I was able to be myself
날 위로해 준 너의 그 무수한 말
Your countless words that comforted me
그게 날 만든 거야
They made me who I am
그래 넌 나의 젊음
Yes, you're my youth
또 나의 청춘
And my youthfulness
고마운 벗
My friend I'm thankful for
내 자랑 내 천국 또 Love
My pride, my heaven, and Love
[Suga] : 사방이 깜깜했지
Everything was pitch dark
그 사이 한줄기 빛
But in between, a ray of light
정말 그대여서 다행이야 참
I'm lucky that it's you, really
함께임에 우린 빛나잖아
Together, we shine
[V, Jimin] : 달리고
또 넘어지고
Falling down
Lifting each other up
쓰러지기도 Oh
And even falling again, oh
그 손 내밀어 주겠니
Will you extend your hand to me?
몇 번이든 일어날 테니
I'll get up no matter how many times I fall
[Jin] : 힘들면 잠시 쉬어도 돼
If it's tough, it's okay to rest for a while
널 기다리며 언제나 이곳에
I'll always be here waiting for you
[V] : Daydreaming about us facing
Really don't wanna say it but
[Jin] : If I never met you
If I never met you
Oh 난 어떤 모습일까 baby
Oh, what would I be like, baby
[Jimin] : Every time I miss you
습관이 돼버린 그 말
Those words that have become a habit
(It's so true)
[Jungkook] : You're my best friend
For the rest of my life
I wish I could turn back time
[Jimin] : 모든 게 쉽던 그때
When everything was easy back then
더 많이 해줄 걸 그 말
I should have said those words more
[V] : I'll be with you
For the rest of my life
Rest of my life
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