[BANGTAN BOMB] '고민보다 GO (GOGO)' Dance Practice (Halloween ver.) - BTS (방탄소년단) | [BTS - Go Go] Comeback Stage | M COUNTDOWN 170928 EP.543 | BTS (방탄소년단) - Go Go (고민보다 Go) [2019 KBS Song Festival / 2019.12.27] | Go Go YouTube BTS - Topic | Go Go - Song by BTS (Spotify) | Go Go - Song by BTS (Apple Music)
BTS (방탄소년단) - 'Go Go' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[Jimin] : 달러, 달러
Dollar, dollar
하루아침에 전부 탕진
In a day, I spend it all
달려 달려, 내가 벌어 내가 사치
Run, run, I earn, I splurge
달려 달려, 달려 달려
Run, run, run, run
달려 달려 (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Run, run (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
[j-hope] : 난 원해 cruisin' on the bay
I want to cruise on the bay
원해 cruisin' like Nemo
Want to cruise like Nemo
돈은 없지만, 떠나고 싶어 멀리로
I don't have money, but I want to leave and go far away
난 돈은 없지만서도 풀고 싶어 피로
I don't have money, but I still want to unwind from fatigue
돈 없지만 먹고 싶어, 오노 지로 (swish)
No money, but I want to eat Ono Jiro’s food (swish)
[Jungkook] : 열일 해서 번 나의 pay
Working hard, earning my pay
전부 다 내 배에
Everything into my stomach
티끌 모아 티끌,
A speck of dust gathered is still a speck of dust,
탕진잼 다 지불해
The fun of spending all my money, pay for it all
*탕진잼 = slang that conveys the idea of treating yourself, the enjoyment of spending your money
[Suga] : 내버려둬 (ha!) 과소비 해버려도 (ha!)
Leave me alone (ha!) Even if I overspend (ha!)
내일 아침 내가 미친놈처럼 내 적금을 깨버려도 (ooh! Ooh!)
Even if I break into my savings tomorrow morning like a crazy guy (ooh! Ooh!)
[Jungkook] : Ooh 내일은 없어
Ooh, there's no tomorrow
내 미랜 벌써 저당 잡혔어 (잡혔어)
My future has already been made collateral
Ooh 내 돈을 더 써
Ooh, I spend my money more
친구들 what's up?
Friends, what's up?
Do you want some? (Want some?)
Dollar, dollar
하루아침에 전부 탕진
In a day, I spend it all
달려 달려 man, I spend it like some party
Run, run, man, I spend it like some party
Dollar, dollar
쥐구멍 볕들 때까지
Until the sun shines into the mouse hole
해가 뜰 때까지 (다시, 다시, 다시)
Until the sun rises again (Again, again, again)
[V] : Yolo, yolo, yolo, yah
Yolo, yolo, yah
탕진잼, 탕진잼, 탕진잼 (탕진잼, 탕진잼)
Treating myself, treating myself, treating myself (treating myself, treating myself)
[Jungkook] : Yolo, yolo, yolo, yah (yo)
Where my money, yah?
탕진잼, 탕진잼, 탕진잼 (sway, sway, hoo)
Treating myself, treating myself, treating myself (sway, sway, hoo)
[Jin] : Yolo, yolo, yolo, yah (yah)
Yolo, yolo, yah
탕진잼, 탕진잼, 탕진잼 (ooh! Ooh! Ooh!)
Treating myself, treating myself, treating myself (ooh! Ooh! Ooh!)
[Jungkook] : Yolo, yolo, yolo, yah (tah!)
Where the party, yah?
탕진잼, 탕진잼, 탕진잼
Treating myself, treating myself, treating myself
[V] : Where my money, yah? (Whoa!)
Where the party, yah? (Whoa!)
내 일주일 월화수목 금-금-금-금
My week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday-Friday-Friday-Friday
내 통장은 yah (whoa!)
My bank account is yah (whoa!)
밑 빠진 독이야 (whoa!)
It's a bottomless jar (whoa!)
난 매일같이 물 붓는 중
I'm constantly pouring water every day
[RM] : 차라리 걍 깨버려 (yah, yah)
I might as well just break it (yah, yah)
걱정만 하기엔 우린 꽤 젊어 (yo)
We're quite young to only worry (yo)
오늘만은 고민보단 go 해버려 (go and shit)
Today, instead of worrying, let's just go (go and shit)
쫄면서 아끼다간 똥이 돼버려
If we're too timid and frugal, we'll end up in a mess
문대버려 (문대, 문대 ooh! Ooh!)
Just throw it away (throw it away, throw it away, ooh! Ooh!)
[Jungkook] : Dollar, dollar
하루아침에 전부 탕진
In a day, I spend it all
달려 달려 man, I spend it like some party
Run, run, man, I spend it like some party
Dollar, dollar
쥐구멍 볕들 때까지
Until the sun shines into the mouse hole
해가 뜰 때까지 (다시, 다시, 다시)
Until the sun rises again (Again, again, again)
[V] : Yolo, yolo, yolo, yah
Yolo, yolo, yah
탕진잼, 탕진잼, 탕진잼 (탕진잼, 탕진잼)
Treating myself, treating myself, treating myself (treating myself, treating myself)
[Jungkook] : Yolo, yolo, yolo, yah (yo)
Where my money, yah?
탕진잼, 탕진잼, 탕진잼 (sway, sway, hoo)
Treating myself, treating myself, treating myself (sway, sway, hoo)
[Jin] : Yolo, yolo, yolo, yah (yah)
Yolo, yolo, yah
탕진잼, 탕진잼, 탕진잼 (ooh! Ooh! Ooh!)
Treating myself, treating myself, treating myself (ooh! Ooh! Ooh!)
[Jungkook] : Yolo, yolo, yolo, yah (tah!)
Where the party, yah?
탕진잼, 탕진잼, 탕진잼
Treating myself, treating myself, treating myself
[V] : 고민보다 go
Rather than worry go
고민보다 go
Rather than worry go
고민보다 go, go (everybody!)
Rather than worry, go, go (everybody!)
[Jin]: 고민보다 go
Rather than worry go
고민보다 go
Rather than worry go
고민보다 go, go (everybody!)
Go rather than worry, go, go (everybody!)
[Jungkook] : 고민보다 go
Rather than worry go
고민보다 go
Rather than worry go
고민보다 go, go (everybody!)
Rather than worry, go, go (everybody!)
[Jimin] : 고민보다 go
Rather than worry go
고민보다 go
Rather than worry go
고민보다 go, go (everybody!)
Rather than worry, go, go (everybody!)
[Jungkook] : 고민보다 go
Rather than worry go
고민보다 go
Rather than worry go
고민보다 go, go (everybody!)
Rather than worry, go, go (everybody!)
[Jimin] : 고민보다 go
Rather than worry go
고민보다 go
Rather than worry go
고민보다 go, go (everybody!)
Rather than worry, go, go (everybody!)
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BTS Lyric Translations (@btslyrictranslations)