j-hope 'Base Line' & 'BTS Cypher Pt.1' & '항상 (HANGSANG)' @ Lollapalooza 2022 | 항상 (HANGSANG) - Song by j-hope, Supreme Boi (Spotify) | HANGSANG (Feat. Supreme Boi) - Song by j-hope (Apple Music)
j-hope - '항상 (HANGSANG) (Feat. Supreme Boi)' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[j-hope] : 항상
With my dawg, right 항상
With my thug, right 항상
With my dawg, right Smash on the street Smash on the street
[Supreme Boi] : When I’m cruisin’ down damn airport 내 친구들과 비행기 타고 Take an airplane with my friends
Everyday I’m so turnt up with my boys Everyday I’m so turnt up with my dawg
[j-hope] : 항상
With my dawg, right 항상
With my thug, right 항상
With my dawg, right Smash on the street Smash on the street
우린 행복해 요즘에 We're happy these days
누군 떼 버려 구찌 탭 Someone takes off the Gucci tag
누군 Kaws Toy 몇백 개 Someone owns hundreds of Kaws toys
누군 살 집을 고민해 Someone's thinking about where to live
맞고 옳은 것만 Only the right ones
우물 밖 보고 좋은 것만 Look out of the well and only good things
떫은 이 판에 익은 것만 Only the ripe things in this bitter situation
멋진 친구들과 멋진 것만
Only cool friends and cool things
눈 뜨면 Red road When I open my eyes, red road
(Walking Walking Walking) Top 셀럽들의 Call Calls from top celebrities
(Talking Talking Talking) 이 순간들은 다 All of these moments
항상 With my dawg Always with my dawg
앞으로도 다 In the future,
항상 With my thug Always with my thug
일곱 명에게 세상이 발맞춰 The world keeps pace with the seven of us
우린 같이 항상 항상 We're always together, always
Turn up
With my dawg, right 항상
With my thug, right 항상
With my dawg, right Smash on the street Smash on the street
[Supreme Boi] : When I’m cruisin’ down damn airport 내 친구들과 비행기 타고 Taking a plane with my friends
Everyday i’m so turnt up with my boys Everyday i’m so turnt up with my dawg
[j-hope] : 항상
With my dawg, right 항상
With my thug, right 항상
With my dawg, right Smash on the street Smash on the street
[Supreme Boi] : Turn my swag, now I’m ballin on that worldwide Turn my swag, now my billin level hyped out 정상엔 나와 친구들이 와있지 My friends and I are at the top
Celebrate 파티해 매일같이 Celebrate and party everyday
Hol up, 여긴 place of j-hope, man Hol up, this is the place of j-hope, man
Hol up, 언제부터 여길 매입했어? Hol up, when did you buy this place?
호발이형 killed them all the fake ass Ho-bal killed them all the fake ass
나도 나도 나도 나도
Me too, me too, me too, me too
눈뜰 때마다 매거진 1면에 오르네 Every time I open my eyes, I'm on the front page of a magazine
차트 위에 전셋집을 얻은듯해 I think I got a lease on the chart
Haters better cop out Credit card chops like
가라데 챱챱 Like karate chop chop
Me and my friend,
또 바꿔 트렌드세트 change it again, trend set
Hol up, man
이젠 너네가 뱁새 now you're the underdogs
정상엔 나와 친구들이 와있지 My friends and I are at the top
BTS, ROCKBOTTOM yeah that’s my team
[j-hope] : 항상
With my dawg, right 항상
With my thug, right 항상
With my dawg, right Smash on the street Smash on the street
[Supreme Boi] : When I’m cruisin’ down damn airport 내 친구들과 비행기 타고 Taking an airplane with my friends
Everyday i’m so turnt up with my boys Everyday i’m so turnt up with my dawg
[j-hope] : 항상
With my dawg, right 항상
With my thug, right 항상
With my dawg, right Smash on the street Smash on the street
나만의 Rule로 내 Bro와 With my own rules, with my own bro
같이 나란히 걸어 We walk side by side
데뷔 전부터 우리만 믿고 Even before our debut, we trusted each other
풍문은 거둬 Don't listen to rumors
모두 적이었고 Everyone was our enemy
우리 편은 On our side
아무도 없었어 There was no one
그런 팀이 역전했어 A team like that came from behind
이제 세계를 열어 And now open up the world
Feel like 가라오케 Feel like karaoke
불러 흔들어 Check it Sing it, shake it, check it
전 세계가 원해 The whole world wants it
우린 18번 Make it We make favorite karaoke songs
그저 꿈꾸는 대로 Just like we dreamed
모두 현실이 됐지 It's all become reality
이제 우리의 Turn Now it's our turn
싹 다 쏴버려 Riches
Shoot them all riches
정당성은 개 밥 밥 Legitimacy is dog food
앞뒤 없이 왈 왈 Without context
개같이 당당 So confident
객기, 억지, 착각 boldness, obstinacy, delusion
부려대는 짬밥 Fake experience
그들에게 Pow Pow To them, pow pow
우린 떳떳하게 앞 봐 We look forward confidently
이룬 기록, 상과 Achievements, awards, and prizes
그들을 밟아 We step on them
With ma Label 발판 With ma label, our foundation
With ma Fan 감사 With ma fan, thank you
With ma Team 항상
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BTS Lyric Translations (@btslyrictranslations)