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RM - 'Hectic (with Colde)' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[RM] : Yesterday was a hectic
There was nothin’ romantic
If I can just find a reason
To keep this endless chasin’
Yesterday was a hectic
There was nothin’ romantic
If I could only imagine
Just one another heaven
또 멋쩍은 나의 웃음 My awkward smile again
낡아빠진 추억들 worn-out memories
할 말이 없는 사람들의 People who have nothing to say
돌고 도는 liquor talks Round and round of liquor talks
하루 더 죽어가는 느낌 The feeling of dying for another day
밤의 올림픽대로 Olympic boulevard of night
형형한 불빛, 난폭한 택시 Glaring lights, wild taxis
이젠 지겨워진
I'm tired of it now
Met the people, people, people
(Talkin’ same s***)
Hate the reason, reason, reason
(That they all spit)
If bornin’ is a pain
How should we do this game
Keep on thinkin’, thinkin’ and I
Yesterday was a hectic
There was nothin’ romantic
If I can just find a reason
To keep this endless chasin’
Yesterday was a hectic
There was nothin’ romantic
If I could only imagine
Just one another heaven
[Colde] : 어디로 가는지도 모르게 적어 내려갔던 시도 I wrote it down without knowing where I was going
어느덧 걸어온 그 길이 되었네 It's become the path I've walked on
지난 기억 속에 In past memories
더 이상 길을 잃고 싶지 않은 날 I who doesn't want to get lost anymore
좀 구해줘
Please save me
Met the people, people, people
(Talkin’ same s***)
Hate the reason, reason, reason
(That they all spit)
If bornin’ is a pain
How should we do this game
Keep on thinkin’, thinkin’ and I
[RM] : Yesterday was a hectic
There was nothin’ romantic
If I can just find a reason
To keep this endless chasin’
[Colde] : Yesterday was a hectic
There was nothin’ romantic
If I could only imagine
Just one another heaven
[RM] : Yo Hangover’s over
관능적인 이 도시의 posture The posture of this sensual city
슬픈 밤 서울을 위한 nocturne Nocturne for Seoul on a sad night 우린 알면서 또 하루를 놓쳐
Despite knowing, we lose another day
[Colde] : Ay 행복이란 뭘까 Ay what is happiness?
그토록 바래왔던 작은 평화
the small peace that we have longed for
마음이 빛바랜 자들을 떠나
Leaving those whose hearts have faded
마침내 우리가 수놓은 별밤
At last, we embroidered "Starry Night"
[RM] : 꿈을 꾸듯 눈을 감아 Close your eyes like you're dreaming
지그시 숨을 참아 Hold your breath softly
춤을 추는 사람들의 걸음은 곡선으로 With the curves of dancing people's steps
[Colde] : 흘러가는 걸 붙잡을 수는 없대도 Even if we can't hold onto the things that flow away,
[RM] : We still love and hate this city, yeah
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