BTS (방탄소년단) - 'Hip Hop Phile' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[RM] : People wonder why we love this H-I-P H-O-P, shit
Why we got so much guys in this culture, tell me
It was a new world
평소에 글이나 시나 끄적이던 내게
To me who usually writes or scribbles poems
심청이마냥 급 다가와
It suddenly approached like Simcheong
내가 못 뜨던 새 눈을 뜨게 했네
Opened a new eye that I couldn't open
But people keep askin’ baby why you love that hip-hop shit?
그럼 나는 말해 이윤 원래 없어 cause it’s hip-hop
Then I'll tell you, there's no reason by nature cause it's hip-hop
별 거 없어 에픽하이, 남들처럼 Jay-Z, Nas 물론 클래식한
There's nothing much to it, Epik High, and like others Jay-Z, Nas, and of course the classics
Illmatic과 Doggystyle, In My Mind 또한 KRS-ONE
Illmatic, Doggystyle, In My Mind, and KRS-ONE
또 Ready to die, Eminem과 The Chronic과 그 다음 명작 2001 또
And Ready to die, Eminem, The Chronic, and the next masterpiece 2001
Gang Starr, Black Star, Eric B, Rakim, Pete Rock and CL smooth They just keep poppin’ 달고 살았어 아주 많이
I've been living with them so much
그때의 난 아주머니
Back then, I was an old lady
할 말이 많아서 남들이 해주는 이야기론 부족하다 느꼈지
I had a lot to say, so the stories told by others weren't enough
일단은 억지 거짓, 덕지덕지 발라 가사랍시고 썼지
At first, I just put a lot of nonsense and lies as rap lyrics I wrote
And that was it! uh that was it 내가 내가 된 시점
And that was it! uh that was it, then I became myself
학습지 사이 백지에 모두 아는 날 잠시 끼워
I put the me everyone knows in the blank paper between the study pages
그리고 지웠어 비웠어 비트 위에서만큼은 난 자유로워
And then I erased it, I emptied it, I'm free at least on the beat
7년 전이나 지금이나 똑같아 이게 제일 나다워
7 years ago or now, I'm the same, this is the most like me
[Jungkook] : I'll be down for your rap
I'll be down for your rhythm
여전히 내 심장을 뛰게 해
It still makes my heart beat
내가 진짜 나이고 싶게 해
It makes me want to be my real self
[All] : Yeah I love this
[Rap line] : (Hip! Hop!)
[V] : 사람 냄새가 나는
It has the scent of people
[Rap line] : (Hip! Hop!)
[V] : 인생으로 써내려가는
I write it with my life
[Rap line] : (Hip! Hop!)
[V] : 이제는 삶의 일부가 된
Now it's a part of my life
[Rap line] : (Hip! Hop!)
[V] : Yeah this ma
[Rap line] : (Hip! Hop!)
[j-hope] : Yo ma Hiphop 입학? 몸으로 느끼며 개입함
Yo how did I get into Hiphop? I got involved by feeling it with my body
부갈루, 킹텃, 올드스쿨 리듬 타
Bugaloo, King Tut, Old School Rhythm Ride
빅히트 위탁에 rhyme과 혀를 밀착
With Big Hit's trust, I stuck my tongue to the rhyme
두각을 나타내 지금은 랩 댄스 교집합
I stood out and now I'm at the intersection of rap and dance
Yeah ma role model, 다듀 버벌 with 에픽 하이
Yeah, ma role model, Dynamic duo, Verbal Jint, with Epik High
서툰 날 이력서 써 무명 깨 무댈 fly
Write a resume of my clumsy self, break free of my nameless self and on the stage, fly
아무것도 모른 날 일으켰지 매일 내 맘을 울린 Artist, Ring
Artists raised me who didn't know anything, they made my heart ring every day, ring
몸으로 표현만 했었던 비기와 투팍 and 나스,
I just expressed it with my body, Biggie and Tupac and Nas
날 더 알아갔지 uh
I got to know me more uh
Hope hope world, 내 세상을 만들기 전에 Cole world
Hope hope world, before I made my world, Cole world
그가 금요일 밤을 비출 때부터
Ever since he lit up Friday night
더 영감을 받고 써가 내 곡을
I got more inspiration to write my own songs
Mac miller, Kanye, Kendrick 그들의 음악은 내 귀에 부딪혀
Mac miller, Kanye, Kendrick their music hits my ears
매일 미쳐가게 테두릴 잡아준 내 삶의 최고의 뮤지션
The best musicians of my life who seized the boundaries crazily every day
끝없는 딕션, all right 내 본능이 골라
Endless diction, all right, my instincts choose
어떤 랩이든 어떤 춤이든 감각적인 내 교감
Whatever rap, or whatever dance, my connection is sensual
이젠 내 삶 속의 공간은 힙합으로 녹아
Now, the space in my life melts into hip-hop
오늘도 Wild for the night 내 몸은
Today too, Wild for the night, my body
Feel like A$AP A$AP
[Jimin] : I'll be down for your rap
I'll be down for your rhythm
여전히 내 심장을 뛰게 해
It still makes my heart beat
내가 진짜 나이고 싶게 해
It makes me want to be my real self
Yeah I love this
[Rap line] : (Hip! Hop!)
[Jin] : 사람 냄새가 나는
It has the scent of people
[Rap line] : (Hip! Hop!)
[Jin] : 인생으로 써내려가는
I write it with my life
[Rap line] : (Hip! Hop!)
[Jin] : 이제는 삶의 일부가 된
Now it's a part of my life
[Rap line] : (Hip! Hop!)
[Jin] : Yeah this ma
[Rap line] : (Hip! Hop!)
[Suga] : 힙합은 찾아왔어 살며시
Hip-hop came to me gently
어린아이가 엄마를 찾듯이
Like a little child looking for its mother
자연스럽게 내 삶에 스며들었지
It naturally permeated my life
그 당시에 초등학생일 뿐이었던 나 그제서야 꿈을 재단해
Back then, I was only an elementary school student, but I finally decided on my dream
I want a rapstar
남들과 비슷한 삶을 혐오했던 꼬맹이의 조숙함
The precociousness of a little boy who hated a life that's similar to others
주위에 모두가 붙잡고 만류하더라도
Even though everyone around me tried to hold me back and stop me
내 안에서 자리를 고수한 힙합은
Hip-hop stuck to its place in me
날 송두리째 뒤집어놔, 그 어린 날
Completely turned me inside out, that young me
교과서 귀퉁이에 적어내렸던 my 16 bars
I wrote my 16 bars on the corner of the textbook
덕분에 난 안정된 삶 뿌리치고 갔던 대구 남산동의 작업실에 날 던지고
Thanks to them, I turned down a stable life and threw myself into the studio of Namsan-dong, Daegu
밤새도록 갈았던 무딘 펜촉의 날 All night, I sharpened the dull point of my pen
노력 끝에 난 결국 At the end of my efforts, finally,
학창시절에 받는 언수외 대신해서 빼곡히 채워갔던 rhyme 덕에
Thanks to the rhyme I densely filled my notes with, instead of receiving grades in my school days
dreams come true
주위에서 다들 묻지 힙합이 뭐냐고
Everyone around me asks what hip-hop is
당당히 답을 하지 나의 전부라고
I answer proudly that it's my everything
그 결과 내 인생 자체를 음악 안에 뼈 묻었어
As a result, my life itself is buried in music
이 문화를 사랑한 게 죄라면 난 골백번은 넘게 더 죽었어
If it's a sin to love this culture, I've died more than a hundred times
[Jungkook, RM, Jimin] : I'll be down for your rap
I'll be down for your rhythm
여전히 내 심장을 뛰게 해
It still makes my heart beat
내가 진짜 나이고 싶게 해
It makes me want to be my real self
[All] : Yeah I love this
[Rap line] : (Hip! Hop!)
[Jin] : 사람 냄새가 나는
It has the scent of people
[Rap line] : (Hip! Hop!)
[Jin] : 인생으로 써내려가는
I write it with my life
[Rap line] : (Hip! Hop!)
[V] : 이제는 삶의 일부가 된
Now it's a part of my life
[Rap line] : (Hip! Hop!)
[V] : Yeah this ma
[Rap line] : (Hip! Hop!)
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BTS Lyric Translations (@btslyrictranslations)