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j-hope - 'Hope World' Lyrics

j-hope - 'Hope World' Lyrics (With English Translation)

[j-hope] : My name is My life 희망적 Vibe Hopeful vibe

부정보다는 긍정 Type A positive rather than negative type

이름값 해 I live up to my name

But ain’t no price

Whoo Not, 순정파 Not, a romanticist

거침없는 나이 Unreserved age

즐겨 해 욕과 속된 말 But I enjoy using curse words but

내 음악에선 안 해 Not in my music

나를 말하자면, 매일같이 D-day To talk about myself, every day is like D-day

주어진 환경에 감사하는 일생 A life of gratitude for what I've been given

삶에 대한 기대가 만든 인생 A life created by the anticipation of life

나 자신을 믿고 일을 하는 20대 Believing in myself and working in my 20s

Respect My Father Mother 그 피를 닮어 I resemble that blood

건네 받은 바통 A baton handed to me

이 모토에 맞게 뛰어 I run to this motto

이게 나만의 희열 This is my own bliss

내 세상에 Cheers

Cheers to my world

Say hello to my Hope World 내 세상인 걸 This is my world

나만의 이야기 My own story

달려 해저 2만리 Run twenty thousand leagues under the sea

Ok Shout out to my Hope World 그 누가 됐던 Whoever you might be

돌자 세상 한 바퀴 Let's travel once around the world

소설 같은 나만의 Feel

Like a novel, my own feel

Yup 빠져보는 것 Yup, to sink into something

Yup 파헤쳐 보는 것 Yup to try exploring something

Yup 부딪혀보는 것 Yup to confront things

This is style, This is mine 비슷비슷 한 애들 일심동체 Time Similar kids, it's time to be one in body and spirit

함께 해보자 여긴 잠수함 Let's try doing it together, here's the submarine

모두 아로낙스 난 네모함장 Everyone is Aronnax and I'm Captain Nemo

Follow 자 알차게 당차게 Meaningfully and strongly

마치 낙관주의자답게 Like optimists

그저 즐겁게 다 함께 Just happily all together

우린 수면 위 백조가 돼보는 거야 We can be like swans above the surface of the water

Day Day 세상에 자신을 대입해 Put yourself into the world

믿음을 가져 종교처럼 Amen Have faith like religion Amen

의미를 주고 싶은 게 내 마음이 되었기에 Wanting to give meaning has become my passion

받기만 하면 돼 Feel like The only thing you have to do is receive it feel like


Say hello to my Hope World 내 세상인 걸 This is my world

나만의 이야기 My own story

달려 해저 2만리 Run twenty thousand leagues under the sea

Ok Shout out to my Hope World 그 누가 됐던 Whoever you might be

돌자 세상 한 바퀴 Let's travel once around the world

소설 같은 나만의 Feel

Like a novel, my own feel

그저 나를 믿고 뛰어보는 거야 Alright Just believe in me and run alright

이 세상은 깊고 우린 가보는 거야 Up all night

The world is deep and we're going to try going up all night

Say hello to my Hope World 내 세상인 걸 This is my world

나만의 이야기 My own story

달려 해저 2만리 Run twenty thousand leagues under the sea

Ok Shout out to my Hope World 그 누가 됐던 Whoever you might be

돌자 세상 한 바퀴 Let's travel once around the world

소설 같은 나만의 Feel

Like a novel, my own feel

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