Interlude : Shadow YouTube BTS - Topic | Interlude : Shadow - Song by BTS (Spotify) | Interlude : Shadow - Song by BTS (Apple Music)
BTS - 'Interlude : Shadow' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[Suga] : I wanna be a rap star
I wanna be the top
I wanna be a rockstar
I want it all mine
I wanna be rich
I wanna be the king
I wanna go win
I wanna be
I wanna be a rap star
I wanna be the top
I wanna be a rockstar
I want it all mine
I wanna be rich
I wanna be the king
I wanna be me
I want a big thing
Oh, boy, let me see
I got a big dream, yeah
Ooh, 매일 설렜지 내가 어디까지 갈지
Ooh, I was excited every day, wondering how far I could go
정신 없이 달리다 보니 어느새 여기까지 왔지
Running frantically, I found myself here before I knew it
Yeah, hmm, 발 밑에 그림자
Yeah, hmm, there's a shadow beneath my feet
고개 숙여보니 더 커졌잖아
When I look down, it has grown bigger
도망쳐봤자 날 따라오는 저 빛과 비례하는 내 그림자, 워
Even if I try to run away, my shadow follows me, corresponding to the light, whoa
두려워, 높게 나는 게 난 무섭지
I'm afraid, I'm scared of flying high
아무도 말 안 해줬잖아, 여기가 얼마나 외로운지 말야
No one told me, how lonely it is here
나의 도약은 추락이 될 수 있단 걸
My leap could become my fall
이제 알겠어, 때론 도망이 차선이란 걸, pause
Now I know, sometimes running away is the next best plan, pause
사람들은, 뭐, 말하지, 저 빛 속은 찬란하네
People say, that in light it's brilliant
근데 내 그림자는 되려 더 그저 나를 삼켜 괴물이 돼
But my shadow just swallows me up and becomes a monster
저 위로 위로, 또 위로 위로만 가다 보니 여긴 어지러워
Going higher, higher, and higher, it gets dizzy here
더 위로 위로만 가네 싫어
Only going higher, higher, and higher, I don't like it
나 무사하길 빌어 빌어
I pray for my safety, I pray
나의 바람대로 높게 날고 있는 순간
In the moment when I'm flying high as I wished
저 내리쬐는 빛에 더 커진 그림자
The shadow beneath me grows even bigger in the shining light
Please, don't let me shine
Don't let me down
Don't let me fly
이제는 두려워
Now, I'm afraid
가장 밑바닥의 나를 마주하는 순간
The moment when I face myself at my lowest
공교롭게도 여긴 창공이잖아
Coincidentally, is here in the blue sky
Please, don't let me shine
Don't let me down
Don't let me fly
이제는 무서워
Now, I'm scared
Don't let me shine
웃어봐 뭘 망설여
Smile, what are you hesitating for?
네가 바라던 게 이런 게 아니었니
Wasn't this what you wanted?
울던가 뭐가 두려워
Cry, what are you afraid of?
네가 원하던 게 이런 게 아니었니
Wasn't this what you desired?
네가 바란 삶 네가 원한 삶
The life you wished for, the life you wanted
네가 택한 삶 후회 없이 다 이뤘지
The life you chose, you accomplished it all without regrets
거기에다 너는 big house, big cars, big rings
And on top of that, you have a big house, big cars, big rings
네가 원한 건 모든 걸 다 가졌지
You got everything you wanted
근데 뭐가 문제야 즐겨
Then what's the problem, enjoy it
아님 놓던가 싫어?
Or let it go if you don't like it?
그럼 달리던가 뭐 멈추던가
Then run or stop, just do one thing
한 가지만 하라고 징징대지 말고
Instead of complaining about doing just one thing
알려준 적 없다고? (Yeah, yeah)
Didn't I tell you before? (Yeah, yeah)
정말 몰랐었냐고? (Oh, no)
Really, you didn't know? (Oh, no)
네가 가진 만큼만 나는 가져갈게 그게 뭐든지 말야
I'll take as much as you have, whatever it is
때론 너의 휴식은 추락이 된단 걸
Sometimes your rest can turn into a fall
이제야 알겠니 매번 최선이 최선이란 걸
Now do you understand that my best is always the first best plan?
나의 바람대로 높게 날고 있는 순간
In the moment when I'm flying high as I wished
저 내리쬐는 빛에 더 커진 그림자
The shadow beneath me grows even bigger in the shining light
Please, don't let me shine
Don't let me down
Don't let me fly
이제는 두려워
Now, I'm afraid
가장 밑바닥의 나를 마주하는 순간
The moment when I face myself at my lowest
공교롭게도 여긴 창공이잖아
Coincidentally, is here in the blue sky
Please, don't let me shine
Don't let me down
Don't let me fly
이제는 무서워
Now, I'm scared
Don't let me shine
I wanna be a rap star
I wanna be the top
I wanna be a rockstar
I want it all mine
I wanna be rich
I wanna be the king
I wanna go win
I wanna be
I wanna be a rap star
I wanna be the top
I wanna be a rockstar
I want it all mine
I wanna be rich
I wanna be the king
I wanna be me
I wanna be
그래 나는 너고 너는 나야, 이젠 알겠니?
Yeah, I am you, and you are me, do you understand now?
그래 너는 나고 나는 너야, 이젠 알겠지?
Yeah, you are me, and I am you, do you understand now?
우린 한 몸인 것도, 때론 부딪히겠지
We are connected as one, and sometimes we may clash
너는 절대 나를 떼어낼 수 없어, 알겠지, yeah, yeah
You can never separate me from you, do you get it? Yeah, yeah
떼어낼 수 없어 니가 뭐를 하던지, yeah
You can't separate me from you, no matter what you do, yeah
인정하는 게 더 편안하겠지, yeah
Accepting it would be easier, yeah
성공 거부 실패, 어디 있던지, yeah
Success, rejection, failure, wherever you may be, yeah
도망칠 수 없어 어딜 가던지, yeah
You can't run away, no matter where you go, yeah
나는 너고 너는 나야, 알겠니?
I am you, and you are me, do you understand?
너는 나고 나는 너야, 알겠니?
You are me, and I am you, do you understand?
우린 한 몸이고 부딪히겠지
We are one and will collide
우린 너고 우린 나야, 알겠니?
We are you, and we are me, do you understand?
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BTS Lyric Translations (@btslyrictranslations)