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BTS (방탄소년단) - 'Intro: Never Mind' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[Suga] : 앞만 보고 달렸지
I ran only looking forward
주위를 둘러볼 틈 없이
without time to look around
어느새 나는 가족의 자랑이 됐고
Before I knew it, I had become the pride of my family
어느정도 성공을 했어
To a certain extent, I had succeeded
사춘기라고 말하는 그쯤
The time called adolescence that they talk about
생각이 나네 문득
I suddenly think of it
그 당시 나는 어렸고 무서울게 없었지
In those days, I was young and had nothing to fear
몇번을 좌절 그건 아무것도 아냐
A few frustrations were nothing
달라진 거라곤 그때에 비해 조금 커진 키와
What's changed is that I'm a little taller than then
또 나이대에 비해 조금 성숙해진 시야
And my view that's a little more mature than those in my age range
남산동의 지하 작업실에서 부터 압구정까지
From the basement studio in Namsan-dong to Apgujeong
깔아놓은 내 비트 청춘의 출처
My beat that I laid out, the source of my youth
주위 모두 말했지 오버하지마
Everyone around me told me not to overdo it,
음악 한답시고 깝치면 집안 거덜내니까
because my family would go broke if I do music
그 때 부터 신경 안썼지 누가 뭐라던지
From that time, I stopped caring what anyone said
그저 내 꼴리는대로 내 소신대로 살아갔고
I just lived the way that excited me, the way I believed
니가 보기엔 지금 난 어떨것 같냐
How do you think I am now?
내가 보기엔 어떨것 같아
How do you think I am?
내가 망하길 기도했던 몇몇 놈에게 물을게
I'm asking this to those who prayed for my failure
집안 거덜낸 것 같냐 새끼야
Do you think I ruined my family, you bastards
I don't give a shit
I don't give a fuck
하루 수백번 입버릇처럼 말했던 내게서 신경꺼
Like I say hundreds of times a day, don't worry about me
실패나 좌절 맛보고 고개 숙여도 돼
We can taste failure and frustration and bow our heads
우리는 아직 젊고 어려 걱정 붙들어매
We still young, we're young, hold your worry
구르지 않는 돌에는 필시끼기 마련이거든 이끼
A stone that doesn't roll is bound to have moss
뒤돌아 갈수 없다면 직진실수따윈 모두 다 잊길
If there's no way back, go straight, forget all your mistakes
NEVER MIND 쉽진 않지만 가슴에 새겨넣어
NEVER MIND, It's not easy, but inscribe it in your heart
부딪힐 것 같으면 더 세게 밟아 인마
If you think you're going to crash, step on it harder
Come on
그 어떤 가시밭길이라도 뛰어가
No matter how thorny the road is, run
세상엔 네가 어쩔 수 없는 일도 많아
There's a lot of things in the world that you can't control
You better
부딪힐 것 같으면 더 세게 밟아 인마
If you think you're going to crash, step on it harder
포기하기엔 우린 젊고 어려 인마
We're too young to give up
부딪힐 것 같으면 더 세게 밟아 인마
If you think you're going to crash, step on it harder
부딪힐 것 같으면 더 세게 밟아 인마
If you think you're going to crash, step on it harder
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