BTS - 'Jamais Vu' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[Jin] : 또 져버린 것 같아
It feels like I've lost again
넌 화가 나 보여
I can see you're angry
아른대는 game over, over, over
The shimmering game over, over, over
[Jungkook] : 만약 게임이라면
If this was a game
또 load하면 되겠지만
I could just load it again but
I guess I gotta deal with this, deal with this
Real world
[j-hope] : Ay, uh
차라리 게임이면 좋겠지
I wish it were a game instead
너무 아프니까
Because it hurts too much
I need to heal my medic
But I'm another star
완벽하지 못했던 나를 탓해
I blame the imperfect me
Brake in my head, brake in my step, always
그저 잘하고 싶었고
I just wanted to do well
웃게 해주고 싶었는데
I just wanted to make you smile
[Jungkook] : Please give me a
A remedy
멈춰버린 심장을 뛰게 할
That will make my stopped heart beat
[Jin] : A remedy
이제 어떻게 해야 해
Now, what should I do?
[Jungkook] : 날 살려줘 다시 기회를 줘
Save me, give me another chance
Please give me a
A remedy, a melody
오직 내게만 남겨질 그 memory
The memory that will remain only with me
이쯤에서 그만하면
If I stop right here
꺼버리면 모든 게 다 편해질까
If I turn off everything, will everything be fine?
[Jin] : 괜찮지만 괜찮지 않아
I'm okay, but I'm not okay
익숙하다고 혼잣말했지만
I said it's familiar, but it hurts like the first time
늘 처음인 것처럼 아파
It hurts as if it's always the first time
[j-hope] : 부족한 gamer, 맞아 날 control 못하지
A gamer lacking skill, yes, I can't control myself
계속 아파 'cause 시행착오와 오만 가지
I keep hurting 'cause of countless trials and errors
내 노래 가사, 몸짓 하나
My song lyrics, a single gesture
말 한마디 다 내 미시감에 무서워지고
Every word I say becomes scary in my jamais vu
또 늘 도망가려 해
I keep trying to run away
But 잡네, 그래도 네가
But you hold me, still
내 그림자는 커져가도 내 삶과 넌 equal sign
Even as my shadow grows larger, you and I are equal signs in my life
So 내 remedy는 your remedy
So my remedy is your remedy
[Jin] : Please give me a
A remedy
멈춰버린 심장을 뛰게 할
That will make my stopped heart beat
[Jungkook] : A remedy
이제 어떻게 해야 해
Now, what should I do?
[Jin] : 날 살려줘 다시 기회를 줘
Save me, give me another chance
[Jungkook] : Please give me a
(A remedy)
(멈춰버린 심장을 뛰게 할)
(That will make my stopped heart beat)
[Jin] : 또 다시 뛰고, 또 넘어지고
Run again, fall again
(이제 어떻게 해야 해)
(Now, what should I do?)
(So give me a remedy)
[Jungkook] : 수없이 반복된대도
Even though it's been repeated countless times
난 또 뛸 거라고
I know I'll run again
[Jin] : So give me a
A remedy
멈춰버린 심장을 뛰게 할
That will make my stopped heart beat
[Jungkook] : A remedy
이제 어떻게 해야 해
Now, what should I do?
[Jin] : 날 살려줘 다시 기회를 줘
Save me, give me another chance
[Jungkook] : Please give me a
A remedy
[j-hope] : (성공인가, 돌아왔어)
(Is it success? I'm back)
멈춰버린 심장을 뛰게 할
That will make my stopped heart beat
[j-hope] : (집중해서 꼭 네게 닿고 말겠어 떨어지고, 넘어지고)
(Focusing, I will reach you, falling down, tripping over)
[Jin] : A remedy
이제 어떻게 해야 해
Now, what should I do?
[j-hope] : (익숙한 아픔이 똑같이 날 덮쳐)
(Familiar pain is covering me again)
[Jungkook] : 날 살려줘
Save me
[j-hope] : (이번에도 쉽지 않아)
(This time, it's not easy)
[Jungkook] : 다시 기회를 줘
Give me another chance
[j-hope] : (관둘 거냐고? No, no never)
(Will I give up? No, no never)
[Jungkook] : I won't give up
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