Rap Monster & 정국 (Jungkook) - 'Like A Star' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[Jungkook] : Just like a star across my sky Just like a bird flying at dawn I have a dream of the freedom Feel like I'll never be the same Just like dream of last night Just like pictures in my head Oh I can't realize that Still I wonder why it is
[RM] : Just like a star, 내 회색같은 삶 Just like a star, like my gray life
그래 까맣지도 하얗지도 못했었지 난 Yeah I wasn't even black or white
그저 시간이 흐르면 흐르는대로
I just let time flow as it would
날 내맡겼어
Entrusting myself to it
늘 이런 내게도 때론
Even for someone like me, at times
기회가 왔지만
Opportunities came
용기마저 회색으로 칠했던 어린 난
But the young me painted even my courage in gray
일어서지 못하고 그대로 주저앉아 버린 다음 After leaving, I couldn't stand up and just settled down there
또 전전긍긍해, 양심의 병에 몇번 끙끙대 Anxious again, suffering several times from my conscience's weakness
아침 연속극처럼 이어지는 뻔한 수순에 It's like a morning soap opera, following obvious sequences
예민하고 벽을 쌓는 성격 A sensitive and closed off/guarded personality
주위를 겉돌 뿐, 진짜 친구는 없어 Just feeling out of place, without real friends
어중간한 성적 그리고 더 어중간한 일탈 Uncertain grades and more uncertain deviations/departures
하나 둘 세는 양들이 너무 많아진 밤 A night with too many sheep to count
꿈은 별처럼 많지만 별처럼 멀고 My dreams are as many as stars, but also as far as stars
내 기분은 범죄자 아들을 둔 형사 I feel like a detective with a criminal son
하늘로 가는 동아줄을 알지만 닿지 못해 I know the rope going to the sky, but I can't reach it
범인을 알지만 영원히 잡지 못해 I know who the criminal is, but I'll never catch him
[Jungkook] : Just like a star across the sky Just like a bird flying at dawn I have a dream of the freedom Feel like I'll never be the same [Jungkook, RM] : Just like dream of last night Just like pictures in my head Oh I can't realize that Still I wonder why it is
[Jungkook] : 넌 밤에 더 빛나 You shine more at night
넌 누구보다 멀리 봐 You see farther than anyone else
니 인생은 회색빛깔
Your life is a gray color
Ooo, yeah
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