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BTS (방탄소년단) - 'Louder Than Bombs' Lyrics

BTS (방탄소년단) - 'Louder Than Bombs' Lyrics (With English Translation)

[Jungkook] : 이젠 너무 선명해졌어

Now it has become too clear

저 환호 속의 낯선 그림자

The unfamiliar shadow in those cheers

[V] : 아마 다신 믿을 수 없을

Maybe I can never believe it again

좋은 것만 보고 듣잔 말

The words "only see and hear good things"

[Jimin] : 고요한 너의 슬픔이

Your silent sadness

나를 흔들어

Shakes me

[Jin] : 조용한 나의 바다에

In my quiet sea

파도가 일곤 해

The waves rise

[All] : Louder than bombs I break (ah, ah, ah)

쏟아지는 아픔들 (ah, ah, ah)

The pouring pains

네가 지었던 그 표정이

The expression you made

그 표정이 아니란 걸 안 그때부터

Since the time I knew it wasn't that expression

Louder than bombs I break (ah, ah, ah, ah)

[RM] : Baby, I'm nothin'er than nothin'

Lighter than the light

Don't you want a thing from me (oh oh)

But you say I'm somethin'er than somethin'

Brighter than the light

Don't you give up your life (oh oh)

Here I stay, pray

Just for better days

Everyday's a maze

Wonder if this is my place

[j-hope] : Where's my way?

계속 흔들리는 ground

The ground keeps shaking

홀로 무너지는 중 mute

Falling alone, mute

Louder than bombs, yeah

I want to tell you 어둠은 말야

I want to tell you, darkness, you know

어디라도 있단 걸 두려워 말아

It exists everywhere, don't be afraid

어떤 밤이 날 삼켜도 난 포기하진 않아

No matter what night swallows me, I won't give up

널 위한 fight, we'll shine

A fight for you, we'll shine

[Jin] : 너와 난 다 함께 느껴

You and I feel it together

슬픔과 고통

Sadness and pain

[Jimin] : 우연한 게 절대 아냐

It's never a coincidence

Yeah, we picked this game

[All] : Louder than bombs I say (ah, ah, ah)

세상 앞에 말할게 (ah, ah, ah)

I'll say it in front of the world

너를 외면했던 시간

The time I turned away from you

자꾸 도망쳤던 나날 이제 더는 없어

The days I kept running away, now they're no more

Louder than bombs I say (ah, ah, ah, ah)

[Suga] : 사람들은 뭐 (사람들은 뭐) 우리가 부럽대 (우리가 부럽대)

People, what (people, what) say they envy us

내가 가진 pain (내가 가진 pain) 위선이라고 해 (위선이라고 해)

The pain I have, they call it hypocrisy

No matter what I do (no matter what I do) 똥밭에 구르네 (똥밭에 구르네)

No matter what I do, I'm rolling in the mud

우리가 아니면 그래 누가 할 건데?

If it's not us, then who will?

사람들은 뭐 우리가 부럽대

People, what (people, what) say they envy us

내가 가진 pain (내가 가진 pain) 위선이라고 해 (위선이라고 해)

The pain I have, they call it hypocrisy

No matter what I do (no matter what I do) 똥밭에 구르네 (똥밭에 구르네)

No matter what I do, I'm rolling in the mud

우리가 아니면 그래 누가 할 건데?

If it's not us, then who will?

[All] : Louder than bombs I sing (ah, ah, ah)

너와 내게 약속해 yeah (ah, ah, ah)

I make a promise to you and me, yeah

어떤 파도가 덮쳐도

No matter what waves come,

우린 끝없이 널 향해 노래할 거라고

We'll endlessly sing towards you

Louder than bombs I sing (ah, ah, ah, ah)

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