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BTS (방탄소년단) - 'Miss Right' Lyrics

BTS (방탄소년단) - 'Miss Right' Lyrics (With English Translation)

[RM]: Yo, yo girl

[Jungkook] : (Yeah)

[RM] : I wanna

[Jungkook] : (Yeah)

[RM] : I wanna tell you this

That you're my Miss Right

[RM, all] : You're my Miss Right, Miss Right

널 놓친다면 miss, right? If I miss you, it's a miss, right?

Miss Right? (All Right)

You're my Miss Right, Miss Right Girl you want my kiss, right?

Miss Right (All Right)

[RM] : 너의 sexy mind and your sexy body Your sexy mind and your sexy body

뇌 주름 하나까지 섹시하게 태어난 여자 A woman born with every brain wrinkle sexy

그래 청 반바지와 흰 티에 컨버스 하이 하나 Denim shorts, white t-shirt, and Converse High

That makes me wanna party on your body 찰랑이는 긴 머리 끝 At the ends of your long, swaying hair,

싱그러운 골반이 지저귀는 Your fresh hip is singing

한 편의 숲 같은 너, 도시 속에서 반짝여 You're like a forest shining inside the city

그 비현실적인 몸으로 내 현실을 안아줘 Hug my reality with that unreal body

And i want you to be really really real for me 때론 나의 어머니, 때때론 나의 에너지 Sometimes my mother, sometimes my energy

오 난 솔직해 Oh, I'm being honest

겉으로도 너무 나이스해서 긴장을 놓칠 수 없는

So nice on the outside that I can't let go of my nervousness

나의 enemy My enemy

밖에 많은 정상형들과는 달라서 You're different from many normal people

너 같은 여자를 이상형이라 하나 봐 I guess they call a girl like you the ideal type

그래 널 생각하면 마음이 자꾸 시려와 Yeah my heart keeps aching when I think of you

내 겨울바다, 널 걷고 싶다

My winter sea, I want to walk on you

[Vocal line] : Yes you're my only girl

너는 내게 최고 You're the best to me

너의 하루를 알고 싶어, 너의 한숨이 되고 싶어 I want to know your day, I want to be your sigh

Yes you're my only girl

너는 내게 최고 You're the best to me

영화 속에서나 있을 것만 같던 그 사람

The person I thought only existed in movies

날씨마저 딱 좋은데 Even the weather is perfect

너와는 딱 인듯해 난

If feels like I'm perfect with you

같이 걸어볼까 함께 걸어볼까 Should we walk together?

날씨마저 딱 좋은데

Even the weather is perfect

나와는 딱 인듯해 넌 If feels like you're perfect with me

소설 속에서나 있을 것만 같던 그 사람 The person I thought only existed in novels

바로 너야

Is you

[Suga]: Uh, 어쩜 사람이 그래 How can a person be like that?

세상을 혼자 사는 듯한 착각이 드네 I feel like you're living in the world alone

Uh, 내 곁을 지나는 그대 You pass by my side and

내 맘에는 너라는 달콤한 바람이 부네 your sweet breeze blows into my heart

넌 딱히 꾸미지 않아도 You don't even have to get made up

매력이란 향수를 뿌리겠지 아마도 Perhaps you'll wear a perfume called charm

신은 없다고 믿었었던 나마저도 Even I, who believed there was no God,

신을 믿게 만들어

was made to believe in God

나에게 여신은 바로 너 To me, the goddess is you

니가 어리던 말던, 나이가 많던 숨긴 아이가 있던 Whether you're young or old, or have a hidden child,

나는 상관없어 내가 널 사랑하거든 I don't care because I love you

너와 함께라면 어디든 꽃이 핀 garden If I'm together with you, everywhere is a garden where flowers bloom

명품 백을 쥐기보다는 내 손을 잡아주는 Rather than holding a luxury handbag, you hold my hand

질투심과 시기보단 됨됨이를 알아주는 Rather than getting jealous or envious, you understand me / you know my character

그런 너와 함께 우리의 미래를 그려봐 I picture our future with you

우리 커플 신발 사이에 어린이 운동화

A pair of baby sneakers between our couple's shoes

[Vocal line] : Yes you're my only girl

너는 내게 최고 You're the best to me

너의 하루를 알고 싶어, 너의 한숨이 되고 싶어 I want to know your day, I want to be your sigh

Yes you're my only girl

너는 내게 최고 You're the best to me

영화 속에서나 있을 것만 같던 그 사람 The person I thought only existed in movies

바로 너야

Is you

[j-hope] : 딱 온 것 같애 내 맘을 흔든 주인공이 앞에 I feel like the main character who shook my heart is in front of me

나 끌리는 것 같애 자석처럼, 지금 바로 너한테 It seems like I'm attracted to you, like a magnet, right now

너의 삶 너의 맘 너의 face 또 너의 line You life, your heart, your face, and your line

마치 퍼즐 조각마냥 내 이상형을 맞춘 사람 Like a puzzle piece, you fit my ideal type

Oh god 너란 날씨에 이끌리는 바람 Oh god, a wind that is led by the weather that's you

너는 꽃 나는 벌 항상 널 향해만 가는걸

You're a flower, I'm a bee always going towards you

[RM] : Yo I told you many qualifications about my Miss Right But why you're my Miss Right is.. you are.. Just you

[Vocal line] : Yes you're my only girl

너는 내게 최고 You're the best to me

너의 하루를 알고 싶어, 너의 한숨이 되고 싶어 I want to know your day, I want to be your sigh

Yes you're my only girl

너는 내게 최고 You're the best to me

영화 속에서나 있을 것만 같던 그 사람

The person I thought only existed in movies

날씨마저 딱 좋은데

Even the weather is perfect

너와는 딱 인듯해 난 It feels like I'm perfect with you

같이 걸어볼까 함께 걸어볼까 Should we walk together?

날씨마저 딱 좋은데

Even the weather is perfect

나와는 딱 인듯해 넌 It feels like I'm perfect with you

소설 속에서나 있을 것만 같던 그 사람 The person I thought only existed in novels

바로 너야

is you

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