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BTS (방탄소년단) - ‘Outro: Ego’ Lyrics

BTS (방탄소년단) - ‘Outro: Ego’ Lyrics (With English Translation)

We're now going to progress to some steps

Which are a bit more difficult

Ready, set, and begin

[RM] : Bighit exclusive, exclusive (DJ, please)



[j-hope] : Ah 매일 돌아가 본다고

Ah, I go back every day

그때의 나로

To the me from back then

포기를 선택한 삶으로 날 놓아본다고

To the life where I chose to give up, I place myself

But 세상에는 있지, 변하지 않는 몇 진실

But in this world, there exist a few truths that never change

시간은 앞으로 흐른다는 것

Time continues to flow forward

만약은 없단 것

There's no "if"

까마득 잊을만하면 생각나 그 시절

When I'm about to forget, I'm reminded of those days

악마의 손길과 운명의 recall

The touch of the devil and the recall of destiny

궁금해 아직 왜 다시 불렀는지도

I'm still curious, why did it call me again?

매일 ask me, guess it, 채찍, repeat oh

Every day, ask me, guess it, whip it, repeat, oh

변할 건 없다며 결국 또

Telling myself nothing will change, eventually again

걱정을 억지로 잠궈 close

I forcefully lock up my worries, close

'How much love? How much joy?'

위안을 주며 stay calm, alone

Comforting myself, I stay calm, alone

그래 I don't care 전부 내

Yeah, I don't care, everything is my

운명의 선택 so we're here

Fate's choice, so we're here

내 앞을 봐 the way is shinin' (shine)

I look ahead, the way is shinin' (shine)

Keep goin' now (ready, set and begin) (ho!)

그 길로 길로 길로

That way, way, way

Wherever my way

오직 ego, ego, ego

Only ego, ego, ego

Just trust myself

(2 cool, 2 cool 4 skool)

문득 스쳐 가는 J-Hope이 아닌 정호석의 삶

Jung Hoseok's life, not J-Hope's, suddenly flashes by

희망이란 없고 후회만 가득했겠지 'til I die

There was no hope, only filled with regret 'til I die

내 춤은 뜬구름을 잡을 뿐

My dance only catching floating clouds

나의 꿈을 탓하고 살아 숨 쉬는 거에 의문을

I blame my dream and question why I live and breathe

Oh my God, God, God, God

Uh, time goes by

7년의 걱정이 드디어 입 밖으로

The worries of seven years finally come out

모두 해소되는 핍박

All the oppression is resolved

가장 믿던 그들의 답은 내 심장으로

The answer of those I trusted the most into my heart

'하나뿐인 hope 하나뿐인 soul'

'One and only hope, one and only soul'

'하나뿐인 smile 하나뿐인 너'

'One and only smile, one and only you'

세상 그 진실에 확실해진 답

The answer to the world's truth is certain

변하지 않는 그 어떤 나 right

Unchanging, that's the real me, right?

이젠 I don't care 전부 내

Now, I don't care, everything is my

운명의 선택 so we're here

Fate's choice, so we're here

내 앞을 봐 the way is shinin' (shine)

I look ahead, the way is shinin' (shine)

Keep goin' now (ready, set and begin) (ho!)

그 길로 길로 길로

That way, way, way

Wherever my way

오직 ego, ego, ego

Only ego, ego, ego

Just trust myself

믿는 대로 가는 대로 (그 길로 길로 길로)

As I believe, as I go (That way, way, way)

운명이 됐고 중심이 됐어 (wherever my way)

It became my fate and it became my center (wherever my way)

힘든 대로 또 슬픈 대로 (오직 ego, ego, ego)

Through difficult times and sad times (only ego, ego, ego)

위로가 됐고 날 알게 해줬어 (just trust myself)

It became my consolation, made me know myself (just trust myself)

Map of the soul

Map of the all

That's my ego

That's my ego

Map of the soul

Map of the all

That's my ego

That's my ego

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