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RM - 'Groin' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[RM] : 세상엔 재수없는 새끼가 많아
In this world, there are many annoying bastards
어쩌라고 뭐 가던 길이나 가라
What do you want me to do about it? Just go on your way
세상엔 알 수 없는 새끼가 많아
In this world, there are many bastards you can't understand
부딪칠 것 같으면 난 더 세게 밟아
If it seems like you're going to collide, step on the gas even harder
I just fuck it up (Fuck it up, bitch)
Every time you know I fuck it up (Fuck it up, you dick)
이렇게 번번이 또 망치고 말아
I mess up like this all the time
난 스님은 못 돼, 타인의 말은 내게는 언제나 오해
I can't be a monk, I always misunderstand what others say
Not a fuckin' diplomat
이제 좀 살만하니 뭔 책임을 떠넣네
Now that it's somewhat bearable, you put responsibilities on me
내가 뭘 대표해, 나는 나만 대표해
What do I represent? I represent only myself
홧병 나서 죽기 전에 할 말은 하자
Let's say what needs to be said before I die of anger
맘 안 드는 놈한테 난 무조건 빵상
To guys who don’t like me, I’m always speaking alien
빵상 빵상 무조건 빵상
Alien alien absolutely alien
내가 뭘 하던 이제는 못 말려 방상
Whatever I do, you can't stop me now
I see what I see (Me)
I be what I be (Me)
I'll set you free, can't tell me nothin', I'm so far
What it do, just come
Get yo ass out the trunk
Get yo ass out the trunk
Get yo ass out the trunk
Your face, I'm like "Fuck it!"
Get yo ass out the trunk
Get yo ass out the trunk
Get yo ass out the trunk
Don't care what you talkin'
Get yo ass out the trunk
Get yo ass out the trunk
Get yo ass out the trunk
You walk like a duck, bitch
Get yo ass out the trunk
Get yo ass out the trunk
Ass out the trunk
Ass, ass out the trunk
세상엔 재수없는 새끼가 많아
In this world, there are many annoying bastards
어쩌라고 뭐 가던 길이나 가라
What do you want me to do about it? Just go on your way
세상엔 알 수 없는 새끼가 많아
In this world, there are many bastards you can't understand
부딪칠 것 같으면 난 더 세게 밟아
If it seems like you're going to collide, step on the gas even harder
Yeah, I fuck it up, I fuck it up
증오는 해롭지만 I suck it up
Hate is harmful but I suck it up
이제는 거꾸로 더 절벽으로
Now, going backward, toward the cliff
산얀 형과 함께 어머니 속 썩이러
With my brother San Yawn, to trouble our moms
*San Yawn is a member of Balming Tiger.
어쩌면은 법 위로 아니 그건 Never, no
Maybe above the law? No, that's Never, no
난 착하게 살 거야 하지만은 You never know
I'll live kindly, but you never know
눈은 좀 깔아줘 그러니 자극하지 마라 좀
Please lower your eyes a bit, don't provoke me
친구가 되고 싶다면 걍 술이나 좀 따라줘, you dig?
If you want to be friends, just pour me a drink, you dig
I see what I see (Me)
I be what I be (Me)
I'll set you free
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