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RM - 'out of love' Lyrics

RM - 'out of love' Lyrics (With English Translation)

[RM] : My life is out of love

My life is out of love

My life is out of love

My life is out of love

My life is out of love

My life is out of love

I'm just a pack of cigarettes

I'm a burn down all the love and the hate, the right, the wrongs

Even the goddamn world I been livin' in for my whole life

Smoking kills, I know

It's my fucking business, you bitches stop, don't talk shit

Ashes for like a snow

I been changin' all the flow

Time to let go the past, the memories, the stacks of the truth

Diaries without priorities

I already killed myself out of the fucking fears

Smoke, drink, people, I know they stink

다 한 번에 섞어 버리고 I put 'em in the sink

I mix everything at once and put 'em in the sink

설거지는 안 해 'cause it's my fuckin' script

I don't do the dishes 'cause it's my fuckin' script

십몇년만에 이제야 다시 들리네 creep

After more than a decade, now I hear it again, creep

I don't belong here

시는 죽어 버리고 사랑은 묻어 버렸네

Poetry died and love was buried

어차피 너와 내가 믿는 진실은 다르기에

Since ultimately, the truth you and I believe in is different

그래 널 원망하지 않아

Yeah, I don't resent you

널 원망하지 않아

I don't blame you

사랑은 망하지 아마

Love might fail

Uh, all you strangers, you did think you can please me?

본 지 몇 달 됐다고 you do believe me?

It's been a few months since we met and you do believe me?

난 익숙하지 I love it when you hate me

I'm used to it, I love it when you hate me

No, kiss me, oh see me, don't leave me

Just eat me, uh

Honesty's always a crime

Just tell me if you need a dime

But I can't give you my time

Can't waste you my goddamn time

You know you was a grime

You can fuck my body

Can't fuck my mind

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