방탄소년단(BTS) - ‘뱁새(Baepsae)’ ㅣ @뮤직뱅크 Music Bank 20160513 | 뱁새 YouTube BTS - Topic | Silver Spoon - Song by BTS (Spotify) | Silver Spoon - Song by BTS (Apple Music)
BTS (방탄소년단) - '뱁새 (Silver Spoon)' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[RM & others] : They call me 뱁새
They call me an underdog
*The word 뱁새 literally refers to a type of small bird in the crow family, but metaphorically it has the meaning of an underdog and refers to underprivileged individuals in a society. The title of this song in English (Silver Spoon) seems to emphasize the song's themes about privilege and society.
욕봤지 이 세대
This generation has had a hard time
빨리 chase 'em
Quickly chase 'em
황새 덕에 내 가랑인 탱탱
Thanks to the privileged, my legs are stretched widely
*황새 literally refers to a stork, but metaphorically it has the meaning of someone privileged.
*There's a Korean proverb: “뱁새가 황새를 따라가면 다리가 찢어진다” or “뱁새가 황새 따라가다 가랑이가 찢어진다" which literally refers to the idea of "if a small crow tries to walk like or follow a stork, it'll break/tear its legs". Metaphorically, it has the meaning of not biting off more than you can chew, or tailoring your ambitions to your abilities. So this lyric is sort of acknowledging and challenging this idea by saying that despite being underdogs, they do stretch their legs and succeed in their ambitions.
[Suga & others] : So call me 뱁새
So call me an underdog
욕봤지 이 세대
This generation has had a hard time
빨리 chase 'em
Quickly chase 'em
금수저로 태어난 내 선생님
My teacher was born as a gold spoon
[j-hope] : 알바 가면 열정페이
When I go to a part-time job, there's passion pay
학교 가면 선생님
When you go to school, there's the teacher
상사들은 행패
Bosses are violent
언론에선 맨날 몇 포 세대
The giving up generation is in the media everyday
*The giving up generation, known as the N-po generation, refers to a generation of people in South Korea who have given up on N (numerous/number of) things. It's referring to people who have given up on things like dating, marriage, and having a family (among other things) due to the cost of living and other social and economic pressures. This concept is also referenced in the BTS song Dope.
[RM] : 룰 바꿔 change change
Change the rules, change change
황새들은 원해 원해 maintain
The privileged want, want to maintain
그렇게는 안 되지 BANG BANG
But I can't do that, BANG BANG
이건 정상이 아냐
This isn't normal
이건 정상이 아냐
This isn't normal
[V] : 아 노력노력 타령 좀 그만둬
Ah, stop preaching about effort
아 오그라들어 내 두 손발도
Ah it makes me cringe
아 노력 노력 아 노력 노력
Ah, effort, effort, ah, effort, effort
아 노랗구나 싹수가
Ah the bud is yellow
*Bud is yellow = having no future or chance of success. (The bud/sprout is no good since it's yellow instead of green.)
역시 황새!
As expected, the privileged!
[V & others] : 노력노력 타령 좀 그만둬
Stop preaching about effort
아 오그라들어 내 두 손발도
Ah it makes me cringe
아 노력 노력 아 노력 노력
Ah, effort, effort, ah, effort, effort
아 노랗구나 싹수가
Ah the bud is yellow
[All] : (역시 황새야) 실망 안 시켜
(You're indeed privileged) You do not disappoint
(역시 황새야) 이름 값 하네
(You're indeed privileged) You're worthy of your name
(역시 황새야) 다 해먹어라
(You're indeed privileged) Take it all
황새야 황새야
You're privileged, privileged
[j-hope] : They call me 뱁새
They call me an underdog
욕봤지 이 세대
This generation has had a hard time
빨리 chase 'em
Quickly chase 'em
황새 덕에 내 가랑인 탱탱
Thanks to the privileged, my legs are stretched widely
[RM] : So call me 뱁새
So call me an underdog
욕봤지 이 세대
This generation has had a hard time
빨리 chase 'em
Quickly chase 'em
금수저로 태어난 내 선생님
My teacher was born as a gold spoon
[Suga] : 난 뱁새다리 넌 황새다리
I'm have small crow legs, you have stork legs
걔넨 말하지 내 다린 백만 불짜리
They say "my legs are worth a million dollars"
내 게 짧은데 어찌 같은 종목 하니
Mine are short, how can we be in the same race?
They say 똑같은 초원이면 괜찮잖니
They say if it's the same field, it's fine
Never Never Never
[RM] : 룰 바꿔 change change
Change the rules, change change
황새들은 원해 원해 maintain
The privileged want, want to maintain
그렇게는 안 되지 BANG BANG
But I can't do that, BANG BANG
이건 정상이 아냐
This isn't normal
이건 정상이 아냐
This isn't normal
[V] : 아 노력노력 타령 좀 그만둬
Ah, stop preaching about effort
아 오그라들어 내 두 손발도
Ah it makes me cringe
아 노력 노력 아 노력 노력
Ah, effort, effort, ah, effort, effort
아 노랗구나 싹수가
Ah the bud is yellow
역시 황새
As expected, the privileged
[V & others] : 노력노력 타령 좀 그만둬
Stop preaching about effort
아 오그라들어 내 두 손발도
Ah it makes me cringe
아 노력 노력 아 노력 노력
Ah, effort, effort, ah, effort, effort
아 노랗구나 싹수가
Ah the bud is yellow
역시 황새야
Indeed you're privileged
[Jungkook] : 내 탓이라니 너 농담이지
Saying it's my fault, you're kidding, right?
공평하다니 oh are you crazy
Saying it's fair, oh are you crazy
[Suga] : 이게 정의라니
Saying this is justice
you must be kiddin’ me
You must be kiddin’ me
you you must be kiddin’ me
[V] : 아 노력노력 타령 좀 그만둬
Ah, stop preaching about effort
아 오그라들어 내 두 손발도
Ah it makes me cringe
아 노력 노력 아 노력 노력
Ah, effort, effort, ah, effort, effort
아 노랗구나 싹수가
Ah the bud is yellow
역시 황새
As expected, the privileged
[All] : 노력노력 타령 좀 그만둬
Stop preaching about effort
아 오그라들어 내 두 손발도
Ah it makes me cringe
아 노력 노력 아 노력 노력
Ah, effort, effort, ah, effort, effort
아 노랗구나 싹수가
Ah the bud is yellow
(역시 황새야) 실망 안 시켜
(You're indeed privileged) You do not disappoint
(역시 황새야) 이름 값 하네
(You're indeed privileged) You're worthy of your name
(역시 황새야) 다 해먹어라
(You're indeed privileged) Take it all
황새야 황새야
You're privileged, privileged
[Suga] : They call me 뱁새
They call me an underdog
욕봤지 이 세대
This generation has had a hard time
빨리 chase 'em
Quickly chase 'em
황새 덕에 내 가랑인 탱탱
Thanks to the privileged, my legs are stretched widely
[j-hope] : So call me 뱁새
So call me an underdog
욕봤지 이 세대
This generation has had a hard time
빨리 chase 'em
Quickly chase 'em
금수저로 태어난 내 선생님
My teacher was born as a gold spoon
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BTS Lyric Translations (@btslyrictranslations)