Halsey, SUGA, BTS - SUGA's Interlude (Lyric Video) | SUGA's Interlude - Song by Halsey (Spotify) | SUGA's Interlude - Song by Halsey (Apple Music)
Halsey - 'SUGA's Interlude' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[Halsey] : I've been trying all my life
To separate the time
In between the having it all and giving it up, yeah
[Suga] : Ay 내 머릿속엔 파란색만 가득한 이 방황
Ay in my head, these wanderings are only full of blue
자기혐오들과 자만이 내 마음속에 살아 ay
Self loathing and pride live in my heart ay
꿈이 가득한 난 자라 ay 모든 꿈을 이뤘건만
Even though I, full of dreams, grew up to achieve all my dreams
꿈은 꿈으로만 간직하는 게 더 낫지라는 생각을 동시에 하며 살아가고 있지
At the same time, I've been living thinking that it's better to keep a dream as a dream
Umm 내 도약은 추락이 아니기를
Umm I hope my leap is not a fall
너의 신념 노력 믿음 욕심들은 추악이 아님임을 믿어
I believe that your faith, efforts, beliefs, and greeds are not ugly
Ay 해가 뜨기 전 새벽은 무엇보다 어둡지만
Ay before the sun rises, the dawn is darker than anything else
네가 바란 별들은 어둠 속에서만 뜬다는 걸 절대 잊지 마
Don't forget that the stars you wished for only rise in the dark
[Halsey] : I've been trying all my life
To separate the time
In between the having it all and giving it up, yeah (hey)
I wonder what's in store
If I don't love it anymore (hey)
I'm stuck between the having it all and giving it up, yeah (hey)
[Suga] : 가끔은 내가 걷고 있는 게 맞는지
Sometimes I don't know if I'm walking on the right path
하염없이 터널 끝을 향해 달리면 뭐가 또 있을런지
If we run towards the end of the tunnel, what else is there?
맞긴 한지
I don't know if it's right
내가 바라던 미래와는 솔직히 다른 거지
Honestly, it's different from the future I hoped for
상관없지 이제는 생존의 문제 어찌 됐든 상관없지
It doesn't matter, now it's become a matter of survival, how it doesn't matter
Yeah yeah 네가 바란 것들과는 다를지 몰라
Yeah yeah maybe it's different from what you wanted
네가 살아가는 것도 사랑하는 것도 변할지 몰라 (몰라)
Your life and your love might change
That's true (that's true, that's true)
Yeah so are you gonna move?
꾸물거리기엔 우린 아직 젊고 어려 부딪혀보자고
We're too young to procrastinate, let's confront it
So what you gonna do?
[Halsey] : I've been trying all my life
To separate the time
In between the having it all and giving it up, yeah
I wonder what's in store
If I don't love it anymore (hey)
I'm stuck between the having it all and giving it up, yeah
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