SUGA - '싸이하누월 MIX Final' Lyrics (With English Translation)
*Note: The title of this song comes from the background vocals at the beginning, which are sampled from a traditional Korean music style song (An Sook-Sun’s 'Jukbyukga'). But this song is also sometimes called "It doesn't matter" or "I don't care".
*Note: there is also an instrumental version of this song on Soundcloud.
[Suga] : Yeah
My name is, huh uh, SUGA 매일 새벽쯤에나 취침 또 쏟아지는 잠 Every dawn, I go to bed and fall asleep again
떨어지는 감 덕에
Thanks to falling emotions
작업실로 직진 I go straight to the studio
나의 본업은 뮤지션 잃지 않은 포지션 My day job is musician, I haven't lost my position
최전방에서 놀지
I play on the front line
타 아이돌 입에 나온 헛기침
Another idol clears his throat
대체 니정체가 뭐니 "What is your identity?"
물어본다면 고민 없이
If asked, I don't worry
설명 가능하지 but 설명할 필요도 없지 I could explain, but I don't even need to explain
니가 보고 듣고 느낀 대로만 날 판단하면 오산이야 If you judge me by what you see, hear, and feel, it's a misjudgment
내 음악들은 소녀들의 밤을 훔쳐 마치 insomnia My music steals girls' nights like insomnia
매니아란 놈들은 아이돌이란 이유로 우리팀을 가차없이 냉대
Manias mercilessly treat our team coldly because we're idols
*Manias: people who look down on mainstream media.
But 난 힙찔이 갱생
But I'm a hip hop idiot's rehab,
*힙찔이 means someone who is enthusiastic about hip hop but doesn't actually know anything about it. It's literally a combination of the words hip hop and idiot.
막귀를 상대할 이 음악은 맴매 This music will hit your blocked ears
난 아이돌 탈을 쓴 차세대 뮤지션
I'm a next generation musician wearing the mask of an idol
뼛속부터 I’m a D-boy Deep down I'm a D-boy
이 거짓이 판치는 가요계 속에서 지켜내는 내 지조 In a music industry ridden with lies, I protect my fidelity
상관없어 (Hey, click bang!) I don't care
뼛속부터 I’m a D-boy (Hey, click bang!) Deep down I'm a D-boy
지켜내는 내 지조 (Hey, click bang!) Protecting my fidelity
니가 나를 씹고 물어 뜯어도 Even if you badmouth me and tear me apart
난 상관없어 그래 나는 상관없어 I don't care, yeah I don't care
상관없어 (Hey, click bang!) I don't care
뼛속부터 I’m a D-boy (Hey, click bang!) Deep down I'm a D-boy
지켜내는 내 지조 (Hey, click bang!) Protecting my fidelity
니가 나를 씹고 물어 뜯어도 Even if you badmouth me and tear me apart
난 상관없어 그래 나는 상관없어 I don't care, yeah I don't care
I-I-I am out of me 나 나 날카로운 beat 위에선 돌아버려 I go crazy on the sharp beat
내가 아이돌이란걸 까먹지 I forget I'm an idol
내가 하는 짓과 지금 하는일 랩퍼로서 그래 사는일 What I do, living now as a rapper
내가 디자인한 beat 위에 다가 라임으로 죄다 박음질 On top of the beat I designed, it's stitched all together with rhyme
내 몸에다가 박아넣어 타투 대신 my attitude I put my attitude into my body instead of tattoos
My flow is like 카마수트라 비트위에서 널 농락중 My flow is like Kama Sutra, I seduce you on the beat
*Kama Sutra is an ancient Hindu Sanskrit text on sexuality, eroticism, and emotional fulfillment. It is famous for discussing sex positions.
그래 까불지마 우린 사이즈가 달러 Yeah don't mess with me, our size is different
그에 비해 넌 와이셔츠 collar In comparison, you're a dress shirt collar
세워봤자 금방 죽지 Even if you put it up, you'll die in no time
*Note: These lines can be interpreted as a comment on success and popularity. That is, whoever Suga is talking about's popularity is smaller than Suga's, and will go down quickly. (Collar metaphor: you lift your collar when dressing, to put on a tie, etc, then put it back down quickly after.)
*Note: these lines are likely also sexual innuendos.
Go fuck yourself 손가락이나 빨어 어? Just stay helpless huh
*Note: This line literally means "Just suck on your finger", but can be interpreted to mean someone who's hungry and poor (it can also be seen as having sexual connotations as well).
손가락이나 빨어 어? Just stay helpless huh
우리 하는거나 봐라 어? Just watch what we're doing huh
2 Cool 4 Skool
데뷔앨범 3만장씩이나 팔아 어? Our debut album sold 30,000 copies huh
3만장 씩이나 팔아 어? Sold 30,000 copies, huh
신인 중 누가 제일 잘나가 어? Who's the best rookie, huh?
뒤에서 키보드 자위질하며 평생 그렇게 살어 Live the rest of your life comforting yourself with your keyboard like that
*Note: 자위질하며, translated here as comforting yourself, is also a word used for masturbation.
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