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Agust D - 'Tony Montana (Feat. Yankie)' Lyrics

Agust D - 'Tony Montana (Feat. Yankie)' Lyrics (With English Translation)

[Suga] : Hey Tony Montana씨

Hey gentleman (hey gentleman) 넌 내가 망하길 기도 하지

You pray I fail

I'm sorry, I have no problem shit (problem shit)

Mo money, mo problem shit

I know, feel like ㅎ Tony Montana (bang, bang, bang, bang)

I know, feel like ㅎ Tony Montana (Tony Montana)

I know, feel like ㅎ Tony Montana (Tony Montana씨)

I know, feel like ㅎ Tony Montana (Tony Montana씨) 성공과 행복 같은 듯 달라 Success and happiness are similar but different

허나 더 큰 성공을 원해 But I want more success 더 많은 부와 훨씬 커다란 명예 More wealth and much greater fame

돈이 나를 쫓기를 원하지

I want money to chase me

돈만 쫓는 괴물은 되지 않길 I hope I don't become a money chasing monster

난 기도해 I pray

남의 실패를 바라지 않기로 해 I don't want others to fail

내 가족과 fan 그리고 team 최우선에 My family, fan and team are the top priority

그래 돈 벌자 내 원대한 야망은 좀 높아 Yeah, let's make money, my ambition is a little high

the world is yours 이제 전세계가 god damn 내 손안에

The world is yours, now the world is in god damn hands

Hey gentleman (hey gentleman)

Wait a minute (wait a minute) 넌 내가 망하길 기도하지

You pray I fail

I'm sorry, I have no problem shit (problem shit)

Mo money, mo problem shit

I know, feel like ㅎ Tony Montana (bang, bang, bang, bang)

I know, feel like ㅎ Tony Montana (Tony Montana)

I know, feel like ㅎ Tony Montana (Tony Montana씨)

I know, feel like ㅎ Tony Montana (Tony Montana씨)

[Yankie] : 더 큰 꿈 hope 코리안드림 A bigger dream, hope, Korean Dream 쉬워 보여 one two three It looks easy, one two three Ain’t no

가위바위보 공식주입 rock-paper-scissors formula

뛰어들면 If you jump in

You gone bleed by my feet

네게 투입 몰핀 I'll inject you with morphine

여긴 내 블락 oh 뺏어 너의 수입 This is my block oh I take away your income

안드레 안하무인 방망이 스윙 Audacious Andre bat swing

456789 크림

456789 cream

Get the money uh on my mind 한 탕 한 뒤엔 liquor shot (lets fly) After a bang, liquor shot (let's fly)

Like a butterfly get high 머리 위를 봐 Like a butterfly get high, look above your head 너네 위를 지나가 새꺄

I'm passing over you bastard

Fuck it

이미 넋이 나갔지 you're already out of your mind

니 상태 그로기야 Your status is groggy

별일 없이 늙어만 가는 힙합에 좀이야

Getting old without any problems, it's a little like that in hip hop 야 니가 뭘해도 야야 Hey, whatever you do, hey

야 니가 뭘해 어? 안돼

What are you doing, huh? You can't

한번은 봐줘 I'll forgive you once

니 투정 블라 블라

your complaining blah blah

Yeah fuck the system i say good bye bye 밑바닥부터 탑까지 박살 Crush from bottom to top

Yeah fuck ur 믿음

yeah fuck ur faith

I say 오 die die

I say oh die die

[Suga] : Hey gentleman (hey gentleman)

Wait a minute (wait a minute)

넌 내가 망하길 기도하지

You pray I fail

I'm sorry, I have no problem shit (problem shit)

Mo money, mo problem shit

I know, feel like ㅎ Tony Montana (bang, bang, bang, bang)

I know, feel like ㅎ Tony Montana (Tony Montana, hoo)

I know, feel like ㅎ Tony Montana (Tony Montana씨)

I know, feel like ㅎ Tony Montana (Tony Montana씨)

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