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Primary - 'U (Feat. Kwon Jin Ah & Rap Monster)' Lyrics

Primary - 'U (Feat. Kwon Jin Ah & Rap Monster)' Lyrics (With English Translation)

[Kwon Jin Ah] : 뭘 그리 고민하는지 말이 없던 너 You didn't say what you were worried about

왜 이리 애가 타는지 알려줄래? Can you tell me why you're so upset?

이 맘을 알긴 아는지 Do you know how I feel?

혹시 기다리고 있는지 By chance if you're waiting?

그래 그런지도 모르지 tell me baby Yeah, even if you don't know tell me baby

lookin’ out my room window 난 너만 보고 있지 또 I'm only looking at you 저기 하늘에 별 같아 Like a star in the sky

너는 멀고도 가깝다 You are far and near

너만 기다릴 거야 I'll be waiting for you

나 baby say it’s true I baby say it's true

오늘은 어쩜 네게 Today, how can I tell you

이 말을 해버릴지 몰라 I might say this

You, yes it is you oh it is you yeah

이게 사랑이란 걸까 Is this love?

You, oh it is you only you yeah 오늘은 왠 일인지 이 길에 끝에

For some reason, at the end of this road,

혼자 걷는 너를 볼 것 같애

I think I'll see you walking alone

바람이 좀 차가워 손도 조금 시려워

The wind is a bit cold, my hands are a bit cold 근데 니가 더 그리워

Then I miss you more

where you at babe

누가 나를 부르면 다

When someone calls me,

니 목소리 같아 난

I think it's your voice

너가 귓가에 맴돌아

You linger on the rim of my ears

자꾸 내 귀를 따라와

You keep following my ears

이젠 조급해져 가

I'm getting impatient now

oh baby cause it’s true

넌 나를 어쩜 이리도

How can you do this to me?

간절하게 하는 걸까 Are you making me desperate?

You, yes it is you oh it is you yeah

어떤 말을 해야 할까 What should I say?

You, oh it is you only you yeah

It’s always been you [RM] : 너의 밑줄이 될게 넌 중요하니까

I'll be your underline because you're important

너의 이름이 내 다잉 메시지가 될 거야

Your name will be my dying message 등등.. etc. 로맨틱한 말은 수없이

Etc. So many romantic words

생각했지만 한 번도

I've thought about but even once

검사 받아본 적이 없지

I've never been tested

내 일상에 자꾸만 피쳐링 중인 너

You're constantly featured in my daily life

이건 내 솔로 앨범이야

This is my solo album

왜 모든 곡에 끼어들어

Why are you interrupting every song?

You keep on scratchin

you rappin, you beatin my whole life

뭐 고백 같은 거? 아이 몰라

What like a confession? A child I don't know

외로움과 같이 누우면

When I lie down with loneliness, 침대가 자꾸 넓어져

The bed keeps getting bigger

아무리 자꾸 뒹굴어봐도 lonely

No matter how much I roll around, it's lonely

Cuz your lips and your thighs

and your everything fine

넌 나랑 어울려

You're hanging out with me

I want your everything mine

Oh, shit 원래 이런 사람 아닌데

Oh, Shit. I'm not usually like this

너란 미로 앞에 바보가 되네

I'm a fool in front of the maze that's you

자꾸 길을 잃어도

Even if I keep getting lost,

어차피 내 목적진 정해져 있어

My destination is already set

넌 destination, destiny고 definition You are my destination, destiny and definition

[Kwon Jin Ah] : You, yes it is you oh it is you

난 너를 사랑하나 봐

I guess I love you You, yes it is you oh it is you 난 너만 바라봐 oh

I only look at you oh You, yes it is you oh it is you 언제까지나 yeah

Forever yeah You, yes it is you oh it is you You

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