BTS (방탄소년단) - 'We Are Bulletproof PT1 4 BEGINS Ruff' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[All] : Big Hit!
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
[RM] : History in the making
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
You know the rest, don't you boy?
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
This is the future sons of hip-hop
We are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof, yeah
We are we are Bulletproof 내가 We are bulletproof, I am we are bulletproof
W-E do the damn thing
서커스 betta out cause of me causin' some crashing' man
Suckers betta out cause of me causin' some crashing' man [Jungkook] : 니 랩은 만화 식객처럼 허영만 있어 Your rap is like the "식객" manhwa, there's only vanity
*식객 is the title of a Korean manhwa (comic) about Korean cuisine. It was adapted into a film called Le Grand Chef, and a tv series called Gourmet.
*허영만 can translate to "only vanity" and also Huh Young-man, the author of the "식객" manhwa. So this lyric might also read: Your rap is like the "식객" manhwa, there's Huh Young-man
담배 살돈 없나 봐 왜 맨날 불만 있어? I guess you don't have money for cigarettes
[RM] : 왜 맨날 불만 있어?
Why do you only have a light everyday?"
*불만 also translates to complaints: Why do you have complaints everyday?
넌 그렇게 매일 날 새도록 주먹내. 이? 보내줄게
You put out rock everyday. I'll put out paper.
*Paper beats rock in 가위바위보 (rps).
*This line can also be translated to mean you put out a punch everyday, I'll let you go (you punch me everyday, but I'll let you go).
*Putting out a punch/fist can also be interpreted as rock in rock paper scissors. 보내줄게 can also been seen as 보, paper, in 가위바위보, or 가위 (scissors), 바위 (rock), 보 (paper). 보 내 (as in 내다, meaning to put out/place), can then mean to put out paper. So this lyric could also read: You put out rock everyday. I'll put out paper. (which wins).
내 랩은 다 부서진 나침반처럼 지침같은 건 없네 My rap is like a broken compass, there are no guidelines
이 곡은 문명 This song is civilization
헤어나올 수없지
You can't escape
그게 니 운명
That's your fate
제 랩을 들으신 분들은.. 문명하셨습니다 People who have heard my rap...stay civilized
[All] : We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof [Jin] : We are Bulletproof
이어서 이? 내 순서가 Next? My turn
왔으니 다 숨죽여
Everyone hold your breath
BP coming soon
[j-hope] : 방탄 달려,밤새 밟어, Run BTS, step on all night
we are rider rider rider
[Suga] : 방탄 달려,밤새 밟어,
Run BTS, step on all night
we are rider rider rider [V] : 넌 온몸에 용을 써봤자 조폭이아냐 Even if you draw a dragon all over your body, you're not a gangster
But 난 뉴트로지나 딥클린 걍 폼이나와
But I'm Neutrogena Deep Clean, I just foam
[Jimin] : 내 swagga는 일진 행세, 갑부놀인 아녀
My swagger isn't pretending to be a bully, or pretending to be a millionaire
월등한 실력 차이, 무대위에서 알려 The difference is in skills, I'll show you on stage
[All] : We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
Oh ohh~
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
[j-hope] : We are Bulletproof
총을 겨눠도 안돼 There's no use in aiming a gun at us
내 방탄, 다른 놈들 보단 잘 났으니께 My Bangtan (bulletproof/BTS) is better than others
I don’t care
내 밑은 안 봐 , 총알받이들 (focus) I don't look below me at targets (focus)
난 상남자니께 깔거면 내려 바지들 (suckers) I'm a manly man, if you want to diss/undress, pull down your pants
[Suga] : 난 베끼는 걸 베끼는 놈을 잡아다가 후배든 선배든 제끼는 놈 I catch the guys who copy others, whether they are a junior or senior
놈팽이던 내가 wack 이던 그래 fake든 역사를 바닥에 세기는 몸
Whether I'm a jerk, or wack, or fake, I'm making history in this field
내가 이 바닥의 구세주
I'm the savior of this genre
Ya heard we the 에 윗 에 윗 Bulletproof
Ya heard we the on top on top Bulletproof
[All] : We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
[RM] : You know this is the future shock baby
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
You better watch us from now on
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
This is the bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
All the haters get down
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
We are Bulletproof
We are we are Bulletproof
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BTS Lyric Translations (@btslyrictranslations)