WINTER FLOWER (Feat.RM) YouTube Younha - Topic | WINTER FLOWER (Feat.RM) - Song by YOUNHA, RM (Spotify) | Winter Flower (Feat.RM) - Song by YOUNHA, RM (Apple Music)
YOUNHA (윤하) - 'WINTER FLOWER (雪中梅) (Feat.RM)' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[RM] : Hold on, hold on
Hold on, hold on
[Younha] : 시린 겨울바람 깊은 발자국 아래 홀로 피어나
In the cold winter wind, under deep footprints, I bloom alone
내가 태어나고 널 만난 이유를 찾아서 헤매어
I wander to find the reason I was born and the reason I met you
하얗게 번지는 한숨은 얼어붙은 눈물
My white sigh, my frozen tears
버려진 꿈들은 다른 상처를 낳고
Abandoned dreams produce different wounds
이 계절의 끝이 어딜까
Where is the end of this season?
영원이 있다면
If eternity exists
Hold on, hold on, hold on
[Younha, RM] : I will take it away before you stumble (hold on, hold on)
I will stay by your side until you survive (hold on, hold on)
[Younha] : 피어나 주기를
I hope you bloom
[RM] : 난 왜 널 만난 걸까
Why did I meet you?
하필 바로 지금 여기 이 겨울날
Of all the places, right now, right here, on this winter day
눈 감으면 봄은 아득하고
When I close my eyes, spring seems far away
여긴 찬 숨만 가득한데
Here is only full of cold breath
모진 겨울 네가 흘렸던 피에서 빨갛게 나는 태어났지
From the blood you shed in this harsh winter, I was born red
설중매, 동백, 수선화
Plum blossom, camellia, daffodil
그래 날 뭐라고 불러도 좋아
Yeah, whatever you call me is good
They say life is full of paradox
All you gotta do is gettin' used to this marathon
세상은 너에게만 모질까?
Is the world only harsh to you?
"누구나 힘들다"
"It's hard for everyone"
어른이 된 네게 그 말은 못 되네 위로가
To you, who's become an adult, these words can't be comforting
똑바로 들어 겨울아 네가 날 피운 거야
Listen carefully winter, you made me bloom
나 이제 내 가지로 파란 향을 피울 거야
Now, I'll burn a blue scent from my branches
내가 알려줄게 다른 하늘이 있음을
I'll let you know that there's another sky
힘껏 불러올게 너를 닮았던 가을을
With all my strength, I'll bring about/cause/call in the autumn that looked like you
[Younha] : 하얗게 번지는 불빛은 얼어붙은 태양
The white light is the frozen sun
가려진 달처럼 아직 존재해도
Even if it still exists like a hidden moon
기다림에 끝은 어딜까
Where is the end of this waiting?
시작이 있다면
If a beginning exists
Hold on, hold on, hold on
[Younha, RM] : I will take it away before you stumble (hold on, hold on)
I will stay by your side until you survive (hold on, hold on)
[Younha] : 피어나 주기를
I hope you bloom
네 온기 잊지 않아
I won't forget your warmth
겨울의 꽃이 되어 춤추는 별이 되어
I'll be a winter flower and dancing star
I will be by your side,
[RM] : stay
[Younha] : I'm with you
[Younha, RM] : I will take it away before you stumble (hold on, hold on)
I will stay by your side until you survive (hold on, hold on)
[RM] : 피어나길 바래
I hope you bloom
피어나길 바래
I hope you bloom
피어나길 바래
I hope you bloom
피어나길 바래
I hope you bloom
피어나길 바래
I hope you bloom
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