BTS (방탄소년단) 'Yet To Come (The Most Beautiful Moment)' @ ‘Proof’ Live 20220613 | BTS (방탄소년단) 'Yet To Come (The Most Beautiful Moment)' Special MV @ BTS Island: In the SEOM | [BTS - Yet To Come] Comeback Stage | #엠카운트다운 EP.757 | Mnet 220616 방송 | BTS(방탄소년단) - Yet To Come @인기가요 inkigayo 20220619 | Yet To Come (The Most Beautiful Moment) - BTS [Music Bank] | KBS WORLD TV 220617 | Yet To Come - 방탄소년단 (BTS) [뮤직뱅크/Music Bank] | KBS 220617 방송 | Yet To Come YouTube BTS - Topic | Yet To Come - Song by BTS (Spotify) | Yet To Come - Song by BTS (Apple Music)
BTS - Yet To Come (The Most Beautiful Moment) Lyrics (With English Translation)
[Jungkook] : Was it honestly the best?
'Cause I just wanna see the next
[Jungkook, Jimin] : 부지런히 지나온 어제들 속에 참 아름답게
In the yesterdays we diligently passed through so beautifully
[V] : Yeah, the past was honestly the best
But my best is what comes next
I'm not playin', nah, for sure
[Jin] : 그날을 향해 숨이 벅차게 Heading towards that day, until I'm out of breath
[Jungkook] : You and I, best moment is yet to come
[Jin] : Moment is yet to come, yeah
[V] : 다들 언제부턴가
Everyone, from some time
말하네 우릴 최고라고
They say we're the best
온통 알 수 없는 names
All those unknown names
이젠 무겁기만 해
Now, it just feels heavy
[Jungkook] : 노래가 좋았다고
We just loved singing
그저 달릴 뿐이라고
We're just running, that's all
Promise that we'll keep on coming back for more
[Jin] : 너의 마음속 깊은 어딘가 Somewhere deep in your heart
여전한 소년이 있어 there's still a boy
[Jungkook] : My moment is yet to come
Yet to come
[Suga] : (Uh 당신은 꿈꾸는가, 그 길의 끝은 무엇일까?) (Uh, do you dream? What is the end of that road?)
[V] : Moment is yet to come, yeah
[j-hope] : (Uh 모두가 숨죽인 밤, 우린 발을 멈추지 않아) (Uh, on a night when everyone is silent, we don't stop our steps)
[Jin] : Yet to come
[RM] : (Uh, we gonna touch the sky, 'fore the day we die)
[Jimin] : Moment is yet to come, yeah
[RM] : (Uh 자 이제 시작이야 the best yet to come)
(Uh, now it's just the beginning, the best is yet to come)
[Suga] : 언젠가부터 붙은 불편한 수식어
The uncomfortable title attached to us some time ago
최고란 말은 아직까지 낯간지러워
Being called the best still makes me blush
난, 난 말야 걍 음악이 좋은 걸
I, I mean, I just like music
여전히 그때와 다른 게 별로 없는걸
There's not much different from back then
[RM] : 아마 다른 게 별로 없다면
Maybe if there isn't much else different
You'll say it's all a lie, yeah
난 변화는 많았지만
I've gone through a lot of changes
변함은 없었다 해
But I haven't changed
A new chapter
매 순간이 새로운 최선
Every moment is a new best
지금 난 마치 열세 살
Right now, I'm like a 13-year-old
그때의 나처럼 뱉어 huh
Spitting bars like I did back then, huh
[j-hope]: 아직도 배울 게 많고
There's still a lot to learn
나의 인생 채울 게 많어
There's a lot to fulfill in my life
그 이유를 물어본다면
If you ask me the reason
내 심장이 말하잖어
My heart will tell you
We ain't about it 이 세상의 기대
We ain't about it, the world's expectations
We ain't about it 최고란 기준의 step
We ain't about it, the standard of the best step
[RM, Suga, j-hope] : (We ain't about it)
[Suga] : 왕관과 꽃, 수많은 트로피
Crowns and flowers, numerous trophies
[RM, Suga, j-hope] : (We ain't about it)
[RM] : Dream and hope and goin' forward
[RM, Suga, j-hope] : (We so about it)
[j-hope] : 긴긴 원을 돌아 결국 또 제자리 Going around the long circle, eventually back to the same spot
[RM, Suga, j-hope] : Back to one
[Jimin] : 너의 마음속 깊은 어딘가 Somewhere deep in your heart
여전한 소년이 있어 there's still a boy
[V] : My moment is yet to come
Yet to come
[Suga] : (Uh 당신은 꿈꾸는가, 그 길의 끝은 무엇일까?) (Uh, do you dream? What is the end of that road?)
[Jungkook] : Moment is yet to come, yeah
[j-hope] : (Uh 모두가 숨죽인 밤, 우린 발을 멈추지 않아) (Uh, on a night when everyone is silent, we don't stop our steps)
[Jimin] : Yet to come
[RM] : (Uh, we gonna touch the sky, 'fore the day we die)
[Jin] : Moment is yet to come, yeah
[RM, Suga, j-hope] : (Uh 자 이제 시작이야 the best yet to come)
(Uh, now it's just the beginning, the best is yet to come)
[Jin] : So was it honestly the best?
'Cause I just wanna see the next ('cause I just wanna see the next)
[Jin, Jungkook] : 눈부시게 지나온 기억들 속에 참 아름답게
In the extraordinary memories that passed so beautifully
[Jimin, Jungkook] : Yeah, the past was honestly the best (the best)
But my best is what comes next (but my best is what comes next)
We'll be singin' 'til the morn
[V] : 그날을 향해 더 우리답게 Heading towards that day, more like ourselves
[Jungkook] : You and I, best moment is yet to come
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