BTS - '내 방을 여행하는 법 (Fly To My Room)' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[Jimin] : 떠나볼까 let me fly to my
Shall I leave? Let me fly to my
시선을 낮추고 어디든 막 zoom
Lowering my gaze, I'll zoom anywhere
[V, Jimin] : 지금 나와 let me fly to my
Come out now, let me fly to my
Get me outta my blues and now I'm feelin' brand new
[Jimin] : Everyday, 답답해 미치겠어
Every day, it's frustrating, driving me crazy
Feel like it's still day one
누가 저 시계를 좀 돌려줘
Someone, please turn back that clock
올해 다 뺏겼어 아직 난 침대 속
This year was taken away, and I'm still in bed
거북해 속이, it's killin' me slowly, nah
Feeling uncomfortable inside, it's killing me slowly, nah
[V] : Anyway, 떠나고파 any way
Anyway, I want to leave, any way
뭐 방법이 없어 이 방이 내 전부
There's no way, this room is my everything
그럼 뭐 여길 내 세상으로
Then, well, I'll turn this place into my world
바꿔보지 뭐, yeah
Why not try changing it, yeah
[Jimin, V] : 떠나볼까 let me fly to my (room)
Shall I leave? Let me fly to my (room)
시선을 낮추고 어디든 막 zoom
Lowering my gaze, I'll zoom anywhere
지금 나와 let me fly to my (room)
Come out now, let me fly to my (room)
Get me outta my blues and now I'm feelin' brand new
[V] : Everywhere, 여기가 이랬나 싶어
Everywhere, I wonder if it was like this here
갑자기 낯선 이 풍경 괜히 추억에 잠겨
Suddenly, this unfamiliar scenery gets me lost in memories
오래된 책상도 달라진 햇빛도
Even the old desk and the changed sunlight
특별해 보이네, I'm a little less lonely, nah
Look special, I'm a little less lonely, nah
[Jimin, V] : Better way, I just found a better way
Sometimes we get to know (get to know)
Broken is beautiful
[Jimin] : 가벼워 몸이 날아가 멀리
My body feels light, flying far away
This thing so surreal, yeah
[V, Jimin] : 떠나볼까 let me fly to my (room)
Shall I leave? Let me fly to my (room)
시선을 낮추고 어디든 막 zoom
Lowering my gaze, I'll zoom anywhere
지금 나와 let me fly to my (room)
Come out now, let me fly to my (room)
Get me outta my blues and now I'm feelin' brand new (oh-whoa)
[Suga] : 이 방은 너무 작지 그래 나의 꿈을 담기에 (야야야야)
This room is too small, yeah, to hold my dreams (hey, hey, hey, hey)
침대 그 위로 착지 여기가 제일 안전해 (야야야야)
Landing on top of my bed, here is the safest place (hey, hey, hey, hey)
어쩜 기쁨도 슬픔도 어떤 감정도 여긴 그저 받아주네 (야야야야)
Somehow, joy or sadness, whatever emotion, this place just accepts it all (hey, hey, hey, hey)
때론 이 방이 감정의 쓰레기통이 돼도 날 안아주네 (야야야야)
Sometimes this room becomes a trash can for emotions, but it still embraces me (hey, hey, hey, hey)
[j-hope] : 또 나를 반겨주네 사람들 같은 내방 toy들 (hi)
It welcomes me again, my room's toys that feel like people (hi)
마치 시내를 나온 듯이 북적여 TV 소리는
As if I came out to the town, the bustling sound of the TV
생각은 생각이 바꾸면 돼 (yeah)
I can change my thoughts if I want (yeah)
여긴 나만 즐길 수 있는 travel
This is a travel that only I can enjoy
배달음식은 stars 낙관적으로 채워봐, I'm full
Delivery food stars, fill it up with optimism, I'm full
[V, Jimin] : 떠나볼까 let me fly to my
Shall I leave? Let me fly to my
시선을 낮추고 어디든 막 zoom
Lowering my gaze, I'll zoom anywhere
지금 나와 let me fly to my
Come out now, let me fly to my
Get me outta my blues and now I'm feelin' brand new
떠나볼까 let me fly to my (room)
Shall I leave? Let me fly to my (room)
시선을 낮추고 어디든 막 zoom
Lowering my gaze, I'll zoom anywhere
지금 나와 let me fly to my (room)
Come out now, let me fly to my (room)
Get me outta my blues and now I'm feelin' brand new
떠나볼까 let me fly to my (room)
Shall I leave? Let me fly to my (room)
시선을 낮추고 어디든 막 zoom
Lowering my gaze, I'll zoom anywhere
지금 나와 let me fly to my (room)
Come out now, let me fly to my (room)
Get me outta my blues and now I'm feelin' brand new
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