V, RM - '네시 (4 O'Clock)' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[V] : 어느 날 달에게 One day, to the moon,
길고긴 편지를 썼어 I wrote a long letter
너보다 환하진 않지만 It isn't brighter than you but
작은 촛불을 켰어
I lit a small candle
어스름한 공원에 At dawn in the park,
노래하는 이름모를 새 A bird, whose name I don't know, is singing
Where are you Oh you
왜 울고 있는지 Why are you crying
여긴 나와 너 뿐인데 It's just you and me here
Me and you Oh you
깊은 밤을 따라서 너의 노랫소리가 Following the sound of your singing into the deep night,
한 걸음씩 두 걸음씩 One step, two steps
붉은 아침을 데려와
brings the red morning
새벽은 지나가고 When dawn passes and
저 달이 잠에 들면 when that moon falls asleep
함께했던 푸른빛이 the blue light that was with me
[RM] : 오늘도 난 적당히 살아가 Today again, I live adequately
발맞춰 적당히 닳아가 Keeping pace is wearing me out
태양은 숨이 막히고 The sun suffocates me and
세상은 날 발가벗겨놔 the world strips me naked
난 어쩔 수 없이 별 수 없이 I have no choice but to
달빛 아래 흩어진 나를 줍고 있어 collect myself that's scattered under the moonlight
I call you moonchild 우린 달의 아이 We're children of the moon
새벽의 찬 숨을 쉬네 Breathing dawn's cold air
Yes we’re livin and dyin at the same time But 지금은 눈 떠도 돼 But now you can open your eyes
그 어느 영화처럼 그 대사처럼 Like a movie, like a line,
달빛 속에선 온 세상이 푸르니까
The whole world is blue in the moonlight
[V] : 어스름한 공원에 At dawn in the park,
노래하는 이름모를 새 A bird, whose name I don't know, is singing
Where are you Oh you
왜 울고 있는지 Why are you crying
여긴 나와 너 뿐인데 It's just you and me here
Me and you Oh you
깊은 밤을 따라서 너의 노랫소리가 Following the sound of your singing into the deep night,
한 걸음씩 두 걸음씩 One step, two steps
붉은 아침을 데려와
brings the red morning
새벽은 지나가고 When dawn passes and
저 달이 잠에 들면 when that moon falls asleep
함께했던 푸른빛이 the blue light that was with me
[RM] : 깊은 밤을 따라서 너의 노랫소리가 Following the sound of your singing into the deep night,
한 걸음씩 두 걸음씩 One step, two steps
붉은 아침을 데려와
brings the red morning
새벽은 지나가고 When dawn passes and
저 달이 잠에 들면 when that moon falls asleep
함께했던 푸른빛이 the blue light that was with me
[V] : 새벽은 지나가고
When dawn passes and
저 달이 잠에 들면
when that moon falls asleep
함께했던 푸른빛이
the blue light that was with me

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