BTS (방탄소년단) '달려라 방탄 (Run BTS)' @ BTS "Yet To Come" in BUSAN | 달려라 방탄 YouTube BTS -Topic | Run BTS - Song by BTS (Spotify) | Run BTS - Song by BTS (Apple Music)
BTS - 달려라 방탄 (Run BTS) Lyrics (With English Translation)
[Suga] : Yeah, yeah
Run, run (oh-oh-oh-oh)
Okay, okay, let's go
[Jungkook] : 논현 100m 우리 자리
Nonhyeon 100m, our spot
학교 끝나면 회사 callin' (예, 예)
When school ends, the company's callin' (yeah, yeah)
아, 지금 바로 딱 갈게요
Ah, I'll go right now
제발 집엔 보내지 마세요
Please don't send me home
[V] : (Oh) 가끔 그날의 꿈 꿔 (Oh) Sometimes, I dream of those days
(Oh) 몸서리치다 눈 떠 (Oh) I shiver and open my eyes
I don't wanna go, go back again
[Jungkook] : Let's go, let's go, let's go
10년을 wait, wait For 10 years, wait, wait
[Jimin] : We from the bottom
[Jungkook] : I caught you bae, bae
[Jimin] : 우린 좀 빠름 We're a bit fast
[Jungkook] : We seven mate, mates
[Jimin] : 잘 봐 we got us Look carefully, we got us
Tell me what you wanna
Tell me what you wanna, whoa
[V] : If we live fast, let us die young
[Jungkook]: 혼을 쏙 빼놓지 We mesmerize people
[V] : Make it move, left and right
[Jungkook] : 그게 누구든지 Whoever they may be
[V] : Make it move, left and right
[Jimin] : 두 맨발이 우리 가솔린 yeah, yeah
Our bare feet are our gasoline, yeah, yeah
이제 가자 are you ready? Yeah-yeah, yeah Now let's go, are you ready? Yeah-yeah, yeah
[Suga] : Okay, let's go
[j-hope] : Run bulletproof, run, yeah, you gotta run (run, run)
Run bulletproof, run, yeah, you gotta run (run, run)
Run bulletproof, run, yeah, you gotta run (run, run)
Run bulletproof, run
[Suga] : Okay, okay, let's go (자, 드가자) Okay, okay, let's go (Hey, let's go)
내가 맞았어, 논현동의 비가 새던 작업실에서
I was right, in the Nonhyeon-dong studio where rain was leaking
깡소주를 까며 신세타령이나 하며
While pouring a glass of soju, complaining about my life,
다짐했던 그 말, "성공하면 다들 뒤졌어"
I made a promise, 'If we succeed, everyone else is done"
방탄의 성공 이유? 나도 몰라, 그딴 게 어딨어
The reason for BTS's success? I don't know either, where is that kind of thing?
우리들이 모두 새빠지게 달린 거지
We all ran until we were out of breath
뭐라 하든 달린 거지
No matter what they say, we ran
답은 여기 있어 (oh, yeah)
The answer is right here (oh, yeah)
[RM] : 위로 got them (got them)
Comfort got them (got them)
지조 got them (got them)
Principles got them (got them)
Good music, got them (got them)
Good team? Goddamn (oh, yeah)
You said you hot (you hot)
Oh man, you not (you not)
뛰는 놈 위에 나는 놈 위에 Above the one who runs, above the one who flies,
달리는 방탄 let's go
Running Bangtan, let's go
[V]: 10년을 wait, wait For 10 years, wait, wait
[Jin] : We from the bottom
[V] : I caught you bae, bae
[Jin] : 우린 좀 빠름 We're a bit fast
[V] : We seven mate, mates
[Jin] : 잘 봐 we got us Look carefully, we got us
Tell me what you wanna
Tell me what you wanna, whoa
[V] : If we live fast, let us die young
[Jungkook, V]: 혼을 쏙 빼놓지 We mesmerize people
[Jin]: Make it move, left and right
[Jungkook, V] : 그게 누구든지 Whoever they may be
[Jin]: Make it move, left and right
[Jungkook]: 두 맨발이 우리 가솔린 yeah, yeah
Our bare feet are our gasoline, yeah, yeah
[Jimin, Jungkook] : 이제 가자 are you ready? Yeah-yeah, yeah Now let's go, are you ready? Yeah-yeah, yeah
[RM] : let's go
[Suga] : Run bulletproof, run, yeah, you gotta run (run, run)
Run bulletproof, run, yeah, you gotta run (run, run)
Run bulletproof, run, yeah, you gotta run (run, run)
Run bulletproof, run
[j-hope] : Skrt
무식한 믿음으로
With blind belief
걍 달려, 두 다리로
Just run, with both legs
That's how we do it all (ayy, ayy)
그렇게 증명했어
That's how we proved it
일곱 초원이들
The seven Cho-wonies
백만 불짜리로 (ayy, ayy)
With our million dollar legs (ayy, ayy)
지민이, 뷔, 고생s
Jimin, V, good work
남주니, 홉, 고생s
Namjoon, Hope (J-Hope), good work
윤기형, 찐, 고생s
Yoongi-hyung (Suga), Jin, good work
정국이, 모두 so thanks
Jungkook, and everyone, so thanks
Get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready 앞으로 더
Get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready more from now on
Go get it, go get it, go get it, go get it, go get it 달리자 run Go get it, go get it, go get it, go get it, go get it let's run run
[V, Jimin] : If we live fast, let us die young
[Jungkook] : 혼을 쏙 빼놓지 We mesmerize people
[V] : Make it move, left and right
[Jungkook] : 그게 누구든지 Whoever they may be
[V] : Make it move, left and right
[Jin] : 두 맨발이 우리 가솔린 yeah, yeah
Our bare feet are our gasoline, yeah, yeah
[Jimin, Jin] : 이제 가자 are you ready? Yeah-yeah, yeah Now let's go, are you ready? Yeah-yeah, yeah
[RM] : Run beautiful, run, yeah, you gotta run (run)
Run beautiful, run, yeah, you gotta run (run)
Run beautiful, run, yeah, you gotta run (run)
Run beautiful, run
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