RM 'Wild Flower (with youjeen)' Official MV | RM Live in Seoul @ Rolling Hall | RM Live in New York @ Dia Beacon | Wild Flower (with youjeen) - Song by RM, Youjeen (Spotify) | Wild Flower (with youjeen) - Song by RM (Apple Music)
RM - '들꽃놀이 (with 조유진) (Wild Flower (with youjeen)' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[RM] : Flower field, that’s where I’m at
Open land, that’s where I’m at
No name, that’s what I have
No shame, I’m on my grave
두 발이 땅에 닿지 않을 때 When your feet don't touch the ground,
당신의 마음이 당신을 넘볼 때 When your own heart underestimates you
꿈이 나를 집어삼킬 때 When your dreams devour you
내가 내가 아닐 때 When you're not yourself
그 모든 때 All those times
불꽃을 나는 동경했었네 I longed for the flames
그저 화려하게 지고 싶었네 I just wanted to have a beautiful fall
시작의 전부터 나 상상했었지 Even before the start, I imagined
끝엔 웃으며 박수 쳐 줄 수 있길 That I could smile and clap at the end
나 소원했었네
I wished for it
믿었던 게 다 멀어지던 때 When everything I believed in grew distant
이 모든 명예 가 이젠 멍에 가 됐을 때 When all this fame turned into shackles
이 욕심을 제발 거둬가소서 Please take this greed away from me
어떤 일이 있어도 No matter what it takes
오 나를 나로 하게 하소서
Oh let me be myself
Oh every day and every night
Persistin’ pain and criminal mind
내 심장소리에 잠 못 들던 밤 Nights when the sound of my heart kept me from sleeping
창밖에 걸린 청승맞은 초승달
The mournful crescent moon hung outside the window
I do wish me a lovely night
내 분수보다 비대해진 life My life that's grown bigger than my status
저기 날아오르는 풍선을 애써 쥐고 Trying hard to hold onto a balloon that's drifting away
따져 물어 대체 지금 넌 어디에 I ask where you could be now
Where you go, where’s your soul
Yo where’s your dream?
[youjeen] : 저 하늘에 흩어질래
I'll scatter in the sky
Light a flower, flowerwork
Flower flowerwork
저 하늘에 눈부시게
Shining brightly in the sky
Light a flower, flowerwork
Flower flowerwork
[RM] : 그 어디까지가 내 마지막일까 Where will my end finally be?
전부 진저리 나 , 하나 열까지 다 I'm sick of it all, from one to ten
이 지긋지긋한 가면은 언제 벗겨질까 When will this disgusting mask come off?
Yeah me no hero, me no villain
아무것도 아닌 나
I'm not anything
공회전은 반복돼 기억들은 난폭해 Idling repeats, memories turn violent
난 누워 들판 속에 시선을 던져 하늘 위에 Lying in a field, I set my eyes on the sky
뭘 원했었던 건지 이제 기억이 안 나
Now I don't remember what I wanted
얻었다 믿었던 모든 행복은 겨우 찰나
All the happiness that I believed I gained was only a moment
Yeah I been goin’, no matter what’s in front
그게 뭐가 됐건 No matter what it is
새벽의 옷자락을 붙잡고 뭔가 토해내던 기억
Memories of spitting things out while holding on to the edge of dawn
목소리만 큰 자들의 사회
Society is all for the loudest voice
난 여전히 침묵을 말해 And I still speak silence
이건 방백, 완숙한 돛단배
This is an aside, a boat in full bloom
모든 오해 편견들에 닿게
To face all the misunderstandings and prejudice
반갑지 않아 너의 헹가래 I'm not happy being tossed in the air
내 두 발이 여기 땅 위에 My two feet are here on the ground
이름도 없는 꽃들과 함께
With the flowers that don't even have names
다신 별에 갈 수 없어 I can’t
I can't go to the stars again, I can't
발밑으로 I just go Underfoot I just go
목적 없는 목적지로 To a purposeless destination
슬픈 줄도 모르고 Not even knowing my own sadness
그림자마저 친구로 Even making friends with my shadow
I be gone
[youjeen] : 저 하늘에 흩어질래
I'll scatter in the sky
Light a flower, flowerwork
Flower flowerwork
저 하늘에 눈부시게
Shining brightly in the sky
Light a flower, flowerwork
Flower flowerwork
[RM] : 문득 멈춰보니 찬란한 맨발 Suddenly, I stopped and found myself brilliantly barefoot
원래 내 것은 아무것도 없었지 Nothing was originally mine
And don’t tell me like you gotta be someone
난 절대 그들처럼 될 수 없으니
Because I can never be like them
(Light a flower)
그래 내 시작은 시 Yeah, my beginning was poetry
여태껏 날 지켜온 단 하나의 힘과 dream The only strength and dream that has protected me all this time
(Light a flower)
타는 불꽃에서 들꽃으로 From burning flames to wild flowers
소년에서 영원으로 from boyhood to eternity
나 이 황량한 들에 남으리 I'll stay in this desolate field
아 언젠가 나 되돌아가리 Ah someday I'll return
[youjeen] : 저 하늘에 흩어질래
I'll scatter in the sky
Light a flower, flowerwork
Flower flowerwork
저 하늘에 눈부시게
Shining brightly in the sky
Light a flower, flowerwork
Flower flowerwork
[RM] : Flower field, that’s where I’m at
Open land, that’s where I’m at
No name, that’s what I have
No shame, I’m on my grave
두 발이 땅에 닿지 않을 때 When your feet don't touch the ground,
당신의 마음이 당신을 넘볼 때 When your own heart underestimates you
꿈이 나를 집어삼킬 때 When your dreams devour you
내가 내가 아닐 때 When you're not yourself
그 모든 때 All those times
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