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BTS (방탄소년단) - '등골브레이커 (Spine Breaker)' Lyrics (With English Translation)
*Note: The BTS members created a music video for this song but I can't find it uploaded to any official source. However you can still view it on YouTube on various fan accounts if you search for it.
왜 불러 Why do you call me
왜 불러 Why do you call me
[All] : (La la la la la la la la la)
(La la la la la la la la la)
(La la la la la la la la la)
[RM] : You know that BTS is back
[Suga] : 수십짜리 신발에 또 수백짜리 패딩 Shoes that cost hundreds and padded jackets that cost thousands
수십짜리 시계에 또 으스대지 괜히 Watches that cost hundreds, needlessly showing them off again
교육은 산으로 가고 학생도 산으로 가
Education goes to the mountains, students go to the mountains
21세기 계급은 반으로 딱 나눠져 In the 21st century, class is divided in half
있는 자와 없는 자 The ones with and the ones without
신은 자와 없는 자 Those who wear shoes and those who don’t
입은 자와 벗는 자 Those who wear clothes and those who undress
또 기를 써서 얻는 자 And those who try hard to get them
이게 뭔 일이니 유행에서 넌 밀리니? What's going on here? Are you behind the trend?
떼를 쓰고 애를 써서 얻어냈지, 찔리지? You've been trying so hard to get it, but you know you're not going to, right?
가득 찬 패딩 마냥 욕심이 계속 차 Full of greed like your coat full of padding
휘어지는 부모 등골을 봐도 넌 매몰차 Even when you look at the bent backs of your parents, you're heartless
친구는 다 있다고 졸라대니 안 사줄 수도 없다고 You complain that all your friends have them, so your parents can't help but buy you one
(Ayo baby)
철딱서니 없게 굴지 말어
Don't be immature
그깟 패딩 안 입는다고 얼어 죽진 않어 Not wearing a padded jacket doesn't make you freeze to death
패딩 안에 거위털을 채우기 전에 Before you fill the padded jacket with goose down
니 머릿속 개념을 채우길, 늦기 전에
I hope you fill your head with ideas, before it's too late
[V] : Wow 기분 좋아 걸쳐보는 너의 dirty clothes Wow, I feel good, trying on your dirty clothes
넌 뭔가 다른
You're somewhat different
rockin, rollin, swaggin, swagger, wrong!
[Jungkook] : 도대체 왜 이래 미쳤어 baby What's wrong with you? Are you crazy, baby?
[V] : 그게 너의 맘을 조여버릴 거야, dirty clothes
It'll strain your mind, dirty clothes
[All] : (La la la la la la la la la)
[Jungkook] : 니가 바로 등골브레이커 You're the spine breaker
[All] : (La la la la la la la la la)
[Jin] : 부모님의 등골브레이커 Your parents’ backbreaker
[All] : (La la la la la la la la la)
[Jimin] : 언젠가는 후회하게 될 걸 Someday you’ll regret it
[All] : (La la la la la la la la la)
빌어먹을 등골브레이커
Damn spinebreaker
[RM] : 왜 불러 kid? 너넨 요즘 참 배불렀지 Why are you calling me kid? You guys have been so full lately
남의 인생 참견이 좀 주제넘지 t's a bit presumptuous to meddle in other people's lives
속 빈 강정뿐인 말들을 왜 계속해 Why do you keep saying empty words?
내가 받은 돈 내가 쓰겠다는데 I said I'd use the money I got
5천만의 취향을 다 니들처럼 맞춰야 만족할 사람들이지 You're the type who's satisfied by making 50 million tastes all like yours
제발 너나 잘 사셔 니 인생 말이여,
Please take care of yourself and live your own life
니가 나면 말 안 하겠어 If I were you, I wouldn't tell anyone
그래 내 패딩 더럽게 비싸고 더럽게 안 예뻐 Yeah, my padded jacket is so expensive and so not pretty
(But I say)
너무 갖고 싶은데 어떡해 I really want it, what do I do
나보다 못 사는 친구들도 다 가졌는데 Even my friends who live worse than me all have it
(And I say)
은따 되기 싫음 살 수밖에 If I don't want to be picked on, I have to have one
이 나이 때쯤이면 원래 다들 좀 그러잖니 At this age, everyone is like that
Yeah I dunno, yes I’m loco, is it no-no?
I know they ain’t cheap but they got mojos
But 난 내 할 일은 잘해 부모님 등골 안 부셔 But I'm good at my job. I don't break my parents' backs
진짜 브레이커는 나이 먹고 아직도 방구석인 너
The real breaker is you, growing older and still in your room
[V] : Wow 기분 좋아 걸쳐보는 너의 dirty clothes Wow, I feel good, trying on your dirty clothes
넌 뭔가 다른
You're somewhat different
rockin, rollin, swaggin, swagger, wrong!
[Jungkook] : 도대체 왜 이래 미쳤어 baby What's wrong with you? Are you crazy, baby?
[V] : 그게 너의 맘을 조여버릴 거야, dirty clothes
It'll strain your mind, dirty clothes
[j-hope] : 너도 dirty clothes 나도 dirty clothes You wear dirty clothes too, I wear dirty clothes too
누구나 겪어봤겠지 입고 거리로
Everybody's been through it
나가보면 어깨 힘 빡 들어가고 When you wear them and go out, your shoulders become stiff
나보다 작아 보이지 like 걸리버 And everyone looks smaller than me, like Gulliver
뭘 입어도 이해해, Whatever you wear, I understand
근데 넌 너무 배가 부른 상태
You're too full
체해, 후회해 You’ll get stomachache and regret it
넌 계속 swag해, 허나 부모 맘은 배제해? You keep swaggering, but put your parents’ feelings aside
그래 말리진 않을게
Yeah, I won't stop you
이제 맘을 정해
Now make up your mind
[V, Jungkook] : Wow 기분 좋아 걸쳐보는 너의 dirty clothes Wow, I feel good, trying on your dirty clothes
넌 뭔가 다른
You're somewhat different
rockin, rollin, swaggin, swagger, wrong!
[Jungkook] : 도대체 왜 이래 미쳤어 baby What's wrong with you? Are you crazy, baby?
[V, Jungkook] : 그게 너의 맘을 조여버릴 거야, dirty clothes
It'll strain your mind, dirty clothes
[All] : (La la la la la la la la la)
[Jungkook] : 니가 바로 등골브레이커 You're the spine breaker
[All] : (La la la la la la la la la)
[Jin] : 부모님의 등골브레이커 Your parents’ backbreaker
[All] : (La la la la la la la la la)
[Jimin] : 언젠가는 후회하게 될 걸 Someday you’ll regret it
[All] : (La la la la la la la la la)
[Jungkook, all] : 빌어먹을 등골브레이커
Damn spinebreaker

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BTS Lyric Translations (@btslyrictranslations)