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RM, SUGA, J-HOPE - '땡 (ddaeng)' Lyrics

Apart from sounding like the English word "dang" (don't know if this was intentional or not), 땡 "ddaeng" can have several meanings in Korean.

1. Sound of a bell

2. Wrong

3. Unfreezing a frozen player in freeze tag

4. Swollen face

5. 18, 13, 38, ddaeng (the highest hand in a type of Korean gambling card game called 섯다. Suggests the meaning of being unbeatable.)

6. Done, finished

Different meanings can apply to different lyrics in the song, so please keep these possible meanings in mind when you see the word ddaeng.

Also note: as you might notice on the cover art for this song, there's the title DD ceremony. DD is a texting abbreviation in Korean (typed ㅇ ㅇwhich is short for 응, meaning yes in informal language). This could also be relevant to the meaning conveyed in the use of ddaeng in the song.

RM, SUGA, J-HOPE - '땡' Lyrics (With English Translation)

[RM] : ​일팔 일삼 삼팔 땡 18, 13, 38, ddaeng

U wrong me right 잘 봐 땡 U wrong me right, look carefully ddaeng

학교종 울려라 brr brr 땡 Ring the school bell, brr brr ddaeng

야 이번 생은 글렀어 넌 땡

Hey, this time at life is hopeless, you're ddaeng

[j-hope] : 힙합? 땡 Hip hop? ddaeng

Rap style? 땡 Rap style? ddaeng

걍 랩퍼, 땡 Just a rapper, ddaeng

방탄=땡 Bulletproof = ddaeng

But 현실, bang But reality, bang

Worldwide, bang 차트 위 bang bang, 땡 On the chart, bang bang, ddaeng

Got money, woo AP, woo 좋은 집, woo Nice house, woo

누군가의 dream life, woo Someone's dream life, woo How bout you? uh I like you! uh 이 성공 uh This success uh

네 덕분 uh Thanks to you, uh

웃기지 웃기지? 얘 It's funny, right? yeah

*could also mean kid/this kid.

어이없이 느끼지? 얘 Don't you feel it's ridiculous yeah

솔직히 지들이, 얘 Honestly, why them, yeah

왜 저리 난리인지, 얘 Why so much fuss, yeah

차분히 생각해, 얘 Think calmly, yeah

시간은 많기에, 얘 You have a lot of time, yeah

이건 숙제야 숙제, 얘 This is your homework yeah

못 풀면 네 문제는, 땡

If you can't solve it, your problem is...ddaeng

[Suga] : 일팔 일삼 삼팔 땡 18, 13, 38, ddaeng

U wrong me right 잘 봐 땡 U wrong me right, look carefully ddaeng

학교종 울려라 brr brr 땡 Ring the school bell, brr brr ddaeng

야 이번 생은 글렀어 넌 땡

Hey, this time at life is hopeless, you're ddaeng

[j-hope] : 일팔 일삼 삼팔 땡 18, 13, 38, ddaeng

U wrong me right 잘 봐 땡 U wrong me right, look carefully ddaeng

잠깐만 멈춰봐 얼음 땡 Hold on, freeze, ddaeng

야 이번 생은 글렀어 넌 땡

Hey, this time at life is hopeless, you're ddaeng

[Suga] : 땡 ddaeng

음.. 내가 보기엔 너네는 땡 hm... in my opinion, you guys are ddaeng

우리 모두가 땡 We're all ddaeng

누가 끗발이 좋던 간에 No matter who has the good cards,

나는 땡 전혀 상관 안 해 I'm ddaeng, I don't care at all

Hunnit bae hunnit bar hunnit bbae hunnit bae

(Yeah, yeah, yeah)


이 음악은 똥이야 bae This music is shit bae

배알 꼴리겠지만 bae Though you'll feel irritated bae

*Wordplay: 배알, meaning your guts/stomach, sounds like bae. A more literal translation of this line is your guts/stomach flaring up, being roused. The overall meaning being to irritate/annoy/offend someone, give a gut wrenching feeling.

니 주장이 다 맞아 bae All your claims are right, bae

우린 망해가고 있네 We're failing

빌보드 니 덕분이야 bae Billboard is all thanks to you bae

우리 위 아무도 없네 There's no one above us

우린 망해가고 있기에 thanks Because we're failing, thanks

고맙다 고맙다 고맙다 Thank you, thank you, thank you

여지껏 무시해줘 고맙다 Thank you for looking down on us all this time

덕분에 스타디움 돔 빌보드 Thanks to you, stadium, dome, Billboard 많은 것을 덕분에 많이도 얻었다 We've gained a lot thanks to you 작은 회사 친구들아 My friends from small companies

너네가 곧 대기업이 되길 I hope you become big companies soon

우린 앞으로 바람대로 또 망할테니 We'll fail again as you wish

계속 걱정해주길 I hope you keep worrying about us

The end

[RM] : 일팔 일삼 삼팔 땡 18, 13, 38, ddaeng

U wrong me right 잘 봐 땡 U wrong me right, look carefully ddaeng

학교종 울려라 brr brr 땡 Ring the school bell, brr brr ddaeng

야 이번 생은 글렀어 넌 땡

Hey, this time at life is hopeless, you're ddaeng

[Suga] : 일팔 일삼 삼팔 땡

18, 13, 38, ddaeng

U wrong me right 잘 봐 땡

U wrong me right, look carefully ddaeng

잠깐만 멈춰봐 얼음 땡 Hold on, freeze, ddaeng

야 이번 생은 글렀어 넌 땡

Hey, this time at life is hopeless, you're ddaeng

[RM] : 캐셔 계산 소리 땡 Cashier calculating sound, ddaeng

어릴 적 좋아함 얼음땡 I liked it when I was young, freeze ddaeng

난 딩동, 넌 땡 I'm Ding Dong, you're ddaeng

*Ding dong = sound of the correct answer, ddaeng = sound of wrong answer. Translation = I'm right, you're wrong.

넌 7끗, 난 땡 You're 7 , I'm ddaeng

*Translation: your hand (in cards) is worse than mine.

라면 먹고 잔 얼굴 땡 Your face after you ate ramen and slept, ddaeng

떨거지들 두욜땡 Losers do your thang 날 봐 난 니 errthang Look at me, I'm your errthang

니가 쩔어? 멋져? 개얼탱.. You're dope? You're cool? Ridiculous...

*개얼탱 = slang for something ridiculous and baffling.

너무 어 얼 탱이가 없어 말을 더 더 더 듬어도 Even if stutter because I'm so dumbfounded 양해르 조 좀 바랄게 내가 말주 벼 변이 좀 부족해 Please excuse me, I'm not good at talking 그래도 도 말은 바로 로 로 하려는데 입이 자꾸 비뚤 어 어 어 지네 너무 조 조 조 좋아서 서 너무 좋아서 서 But I still try to say the right things though my mouth keeps getting crooked because I feel so good 헤이러도 없는 랩퍼들은 좀 닥쳐 Rappers who don't even have haters, shut up

너의 헤이러가 어딨어 Where are your haters

눈씻고 세수한 뒤 거울을 봐 Wash your eyes, wash your face, and look in the mirror

거기 숨쉬는 바로 너의 헤이러 Right there, breathing, is your hater

우린 셀럽보단 celebrate We'd rather celebrate than be celebrities

오직 엑셀 no break Only accelerate, no break

니가 뭔데 날 인정해 Who are you to approve of me?

이름값 하는 개구리들 Frogs who live up to their names

우물 안에 죽기를 to die in the well

간절히 기도할게 I'll sincerely pray

*Frog in a well is Korean metaphor/saying/story used in several BTS songs (see j-hope's music). It has the meaning of describing someone with a limited or narrow minded perspective; someone stuck in their own small world, unaware of the wider world and their own insignificance.


[j-hope] : 일팔 일삼 삼팔 땡 18, 13, 38, ddaeng

U wrong me right 잘 봐 땡 U wrong me right, look carefully ddaeng

학교종 울려라 brr brr 땡 Ring the school bell, brr brr ddaeng

야 이번 생은 글렀어 넌 땡

Hey, this time at life is hopeless, you're ddaeng

[RM, all] : 일팔 일삼 삼팔 땡

18, 13, 38, ddaeng

U wrong me right 잘 봐 땡

U wrong me right, look carefully ddaeng

잠깐만 멈춰봐 얼음 땡 Hold on, freeze, ddaeng

야 이번 생은 글렀어 넌 땡

Hey, this time at life is hopeless, you're ddaeng

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