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BTS (방탄소년단) - ‘바다 (Sea)’ Lyrics

*This song is a hidden track that is only available on the physical album of Love Yourself Her.

BTS (방탄소년단) - '바다 (Sea)' Lyrics (With English Translation)

[Jungkook] : Oh, ah, ah yeah

Oh, yeah

[RM] : 어찌어찌 걸어 바다에 왔네

Somehow, I walked and came to the ocean

이 바다에서 나는 해변을 봐

At this ocean, I see the beach

무수한 모래알과 매섭고 거친 바람

Countless grains of sand and fierce, rough wind

여전히 나는 사막을 봐

I still see the desert

바다 갖고 싶어 널 온통 들이켰어

I wanted the ocean, I swallowed you entirely

근데 그 전보다 더 목이 말라

But my thirst is even greater than before

내가 다 아는 것이 진정 바다인가

Is what I know truly the ocean?

아니면 푸른 사막인가 (I don't know)

Or is it a blue desert? (I don't know)

[j-hope] : I don't know, I don't know

내가 지금 파도를 느끼고 있는지 yeah

Am I feeling the waves right now, yeah

I don't know, I don't know

아직도 모래바람에 쫓기고 있는지 yeah

Am I still being chased by the sand wind, yeah

I don't know, I don't know

바다인지 사막인지 희망인지 절망인지

Whether it's the ocean or the desert, hope or despair

진짜인지 가짜인지 shit

Whether it's real or fake, shit

I know I know 지금 내 시련을

I know I know, my trials now

I know I know 이겨낼 것을

I know I know, I'll overcome them

I know I know

나야말로 네가 의지할 곳이란 것을 yeah

It's me who you can rely on, yeah

좋게 생각해 마른침 삼켜

Think positively, swallow dryly

불안하더라도 사막일지라도

Even if I'm anxious, even if it's a desert

아름다운 나미브 사막이라고

It's the beautiful Namib Desert

희망이 있는 곳엔 반드시 시련이 있네

Where there's hope, there's inevitably trials

[Jimin] : 희망이 있는 곳엔 반드시 시련이 있네

Where there's hope, there's inevitably trials

희망이 있는 곳엔 반드시 시련이 있네

Where there's hope, there's inevitably trials

[Jin] : 희망이 있는 곳엔 반드시 시련이 있네

Where there's hope, there's inevitably trials

[V] : 희망이 있는 곳엔

Where there's hope

You know, you know, you know, you know, yeah yeah

[Jungkook] : 희망이 있는 곳엔

Where there's hope

You know, you know, you know, you know, yeah yeah

[Suga] : (Suga) 바다인줄 알았던 여기는 되려 사막이었고

Here, I thought it was the ocean, but it was a desert instead

별거 없는 중소아이돌이 두번째 이름이었어

An insignificant small idol, that was my second name

방송에 짤리기는 뭐 부지기수

Frequently getting cut from broadcasts

누구의 땜빵이 우리의 꿈

To fill in for someone else was our dream

어떤 이들은 회사가 작아서 제대로 못 뜰거래

Some say it's because the company is small that we can't jump properly

I know I know 나도 알어

I know I know, I know too

한방에서 일곱이 잠을 청하던 시절도

Back in the days when seven of us slept in one room

잠이 들기전에 내일은 다를거란 믿음도 (믿음도)

Before falling asleep, the belief that tomorrow will be different (belief too)

사막의 신기루 형태는 보이지만 잡히지는 않았고

The mirage of the desert could be seen, but not caught

끝이 없던 이 사막에서 살아남길 빌어

Praying to survive in this endless desert

현실이 아니기를 빌어

Praying for it not to be reality

결국 신기루는 잡히고 현실이 됐고

Eventually, the mirage was caught and became reality

두렵던 사막은 우리의 피 땀 눈물로 채워 바다가 됐어

The desert we feared was filled with our blood, sweat, and tears, and became an ocean

그런데 이 행복들 사이에

But among this happiness

이 두려움 들은 뭘까

What are these fears?

원래 이곳은 사막이란걸 우린 너무 잘 알아

We know very well that this place is a desert

울고 싶지 않아

I don't want to cry

쉬고 싶지 않아

I don't want to rest

아니 조금만 쉬면 어때

No, how about resting a bit?

아니 아니 아니

No, no, no

지고 싶지 않아

I don't want to lose

원래 사막이잖아

This was originally a desert

그럼 달려야지 뭐

Then we have to run, right?

더 우울해야지 뭐

We have to be more depressed, right?

[Jungkook] : 희망이 있는 곳엔 반드시 시련이 있네

Where there's hope, there's inevitably trials

희망이 있는 곳엔 반드시 시련이 있네

Where there's hope, there's inevitably trials

[V] : 희망이 있는 곳엔 반드시 시련이 있네

Where there's hope, there's inevitably trials

희망이 있는 곳엔 반드시 시련이 있네

Where there's hope, there's inevitably trials

[Jimin] : 희망이 있는 곳엔

Where there's hope

You know, you know, you know, you know, yeah yeah

[Jin] : 희망이 있는 곳엔

Where there's hope

You know, you know, you know, you know, yeah yeah

[RM] : Ocean, desert, the world

Everything, the same thing, different name

I see ocean, I see desert, I see the world

Everything's the same thing with a different name

It's life again

[V] : 희망이 있는 곳엔

Where there's hope

You know, you know, you know, you know, yeah yeah

[Jungkook] : 희망이 있는 곳엔

Where there's hope

You know, you know, you know, you know, yeah yeah

[Jin] : 희망이 있는 곳엔

Where there's hope

반드시 절망이 있네

There's inevitably despair

[Jungkook] : 희망이 있는 곳엔

Where there's hope

반드시 절망이 있네

There's inevitably despair

[Jimin] : 희망이 있는 곳엔

Where there's hope

반드시 절망이 있네

There's inevitably despair

[Jungkook] : 희망이 있는 곳엔

Where there's hope

반드시 절망이 있네

There's inevitably despair

[V] : 우린 절망해야해 그 모든 시련을 위해

We have to experience despair for all those trials

우린 절망해야해 그 모든 시련을 위해

We have to experience despair for all those trials

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