BTS - '병 (Dis-ease)' Lyrics
[j-hope] : 뭔가 놓친듯해
It feels like something's missing
커피 한 모금으로 불안함을 해소
I ease my anxiety with a sip of coffee
An endless rest
내게 갑자기 다가온 불편한 행복
An uncomfortable happiness suddenly approaches me
24 hours 시간 참 많아
24 hours, I have so much time
하루 종일 잠자도 지금은 no problem
Even if I sleep all day, now it's no problem
몸 부서져라 뭘 해야 할 거 같은데
My body is breaking down, what should I do?
마냥 삼시 세끼 다 먹는 나란 새끼
I keep eating like there's no tomorrow
내 죄 (죄, 죄) 쉬는 내 자신을 물어뜯는 개
My crime, a dog that gnaws at my resting self
Don’t do that (do that, do that) 외쳐봐도 성과에 목매 매일
"Don't do that," I shout, but every day, I'm obsessed with results
Errday do ma thang, damn if I fail
계속 으르렁대 썩은 동아줄을 tap
Continuously growling, tapping on the rotten rope
불안전해 이건 병
It's insecure, this is a disease
물리적인 건 직업이 주는 stun!
The physical things are the stun given by my job
[V] : Maybe
내가 아파서 그래
Maybe it's because I'm in pain
생각이 많은 탓
Maybe my excessive thoughts are to blame
[Jungkook] : I hate that
단순하지 못한 치기 어린 나
I hate that I'm not simple, I'm immature
[V, Jimin] : 나도 참 어려 몸만 어른
I'm still young, only my body is an adult
절뚝거려 인생 걸음
Staggering through the steps of life
[Jimin] : One for the laugh, two for the show
Just like I’m so fine
[Junkook] : Everyday 나를 위로해
Everyday, I comfort myself
다 똑같은 사람이야 ain’t so special
We're all the same, ain't so special
[Jimin] : Ay man keep one, two step
차분하게 모두 치료해보자고
Let's calmly treat everything
나의 병
My disease
[j-hope] : 벼벼벼벼병
버려 겁
Get rid of the fear
[RM] : RM, yeah
마음에도 방학이 필요해
My heart also needs a vacation
[V]: (Mm, oh, oh, yeah)
[RM] : 아 그냥 일은 일로 해
Ah, I'll just treat work as work
[V]: (Mm, uh, huh)
[RM] : I’m ill, 그래 내가 일 그 자체
I'm ill, yeah, I am work itself
쉼이란 친구 oh I never liked him
Rest, oh, I never liked him
얼마를 벌어야 행복하겠니?
How much do I need to earn to be happy?
이 유리 같은 병이 때리지 니 머리
This glass-like disease hits your head
병든 게 세상인지 난지 헷갈려
I'm confused whether it's the world that's sick or me
안경을 벗어도 어둠은 안 흐릿해져
Even if I take off my glasses, the darkness doesn't fade
이 시간 뒤에 어떤 라벨이 붙건
No matter what label comes after this time
부디 그게 전부 너길 바래
I hope it's all you
너의 너, 너
Your you, you
[Suga] : 다들 병들이 많아 내가 헷갈리는 건
Everyone has their own diseases, and what confuses me
인간이란 본디 추악함을 가진다는 것
Is that humans inherently possess wickedness
마음의 병의 가짓수들만 400개가 더
There are over 400 types of mental illnesses
되는데 해당 안 되는 자 거 별로 없단 것
But there aren't many who don't fit into any of them
Yo 병든 게 세상인지 나인지
Yo, whether it's the world that's sick or me
단순히 바라보는 해석들의 차인지
Or just the differences in interpretations
그게 다인지
Is that all there is to it?
I don’t know 누군가를 바꿔보는 것
I don't know, trying to change someone else
그것보다 빠른 것은 내가 변화하는 것
Is slower than changing myself
[Jin] : Maybe
내가 아파서 그래
Maybe it's because I'm in pain
생각이 많은 탓
Maybe my excessive thoughts are to blame
[Jimin] : I hate that
단순하지 못한 치기 어린 나
I hate that I'm not simple, I'm immature
[Jungkook] : 나도 참 어려 몸만 어른
I'm still young, only my body is an adult
절뚝거려 인생 걸음
Staggering through the steps of life
[V] : One for the laugh, two for the show
Just like I’m so fine
Everyday 나를 위로해
Everyday, I comfort myself
다 똑같은 사람이야 ain’t so special
We're all the same, ain't so special
[Jin] : Ay man keep one, two step
차분하게 모두 치료해보자고
Let's calmly treat everything
나의 병
My disease
[j-hope] : 벼벼벼벼병
버려 겁
Get rid of the fear
[j-hope] : 거거거거겁
[Jungkook] : (Sick & tired)
[Jimin] : But I don’t wanna mess up
Cause life goes on
[Jungkook] : (Through the fire)
[Jimin] : 걸어갈게 더 나답게 woah
I'll walk more like myself, woah
[Jungkook] : (Walk it, walk it, walk it)
[Jin] : 밤이 되면 내 두 눈 감고서
When night comes, I close my eyes
[Jungkook] : (Walk it, walk it, walk it)
내가 알던 날 다시 믿을래
I'll believe in the me I knew again
자 일어나 one more time
Get up, one more time
다시 아침이야 오늘을 나야 해
It's morning again, I have to face today
[V] : 가보자고 one more night
Let's go, one more night
이 끝에 뭐가 있을지 몰라 ayy
I don't know what's at the end, ayy
[Jungkook] : 영원한 밤은 없어
There's no eternal night
[V] : 난 강해졌어
I've become stronger
[Jin] : 불꽃이 터져
Fireworks explode
[Jimin] : I will never fade away
Everyday 나를 위로해
Everyday, I comfort myself
다 똑같은 사람이야 ain’t so special
We're all the same, ain't so special
[Jungkook] : Ay man keep one, two step
차분하게 모두 치료해보자고
Let's calmly treat everything
나의 병
My disease
[j-hope] : 벼벼벼벼병
버려 겁
Get rid of the fear
[j -hope] : 거거거거겁
[Jimin] : 버려 겁겁겁 버려
Get rid of the fe-fe-fear, get rid of it
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