지민 (Jimin) - '약속 (Promise)' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[Jimin] : 혼자 주저앉아 Sitting alone,
생각만 커져가 My thoughts only grow
언제부터 넌 날 아프게 했던가 Since when have you been hurting me
너 조차도 모르잖아
Even you don't know
너도 아프잖아 You're hurting too
'cause you're mine
I just want to blow your mind 이렇게 넌 또 멀어져 만 가는데 Again, you're growing farther away like this
아무렇지 않은데 I'm fine
그렇게 말하는데 That's what I say but
사실은 내가 그게 아닌가 봐
Maybe/I guess the truth is that I'm not
I want you to be your light, baby
You should be your light
더는 아프지 않게 So it doesn't hurt anymore
네가 웃을 수 있게 So you can smile
I want you to be your night, baby
You could be your night
이 밤이 너에게 솔직할 수 있게
This night can be honest with you
너도 아프잖아 You're hurting too
'cause you're mine
I just want to blow your mind
이렇게 넌 또 멀어져 만 가는데 Again, you're growing farther away like this
아무렇지 않은데 I'm fine
그렇게 말하는데 That's what I say but
사실은 내가 그게 아닌가 봐, oh
Maybe/I guess the truth is that I'm not, oh
I want you to be your light, baby You should be your light 더는 아프지 않게 So it doesn't hurt anymore
네가 웃을 수 있게 So you can smile
I want you to be your night, baby You could be your night 이 밤이 너에게 솔직할 수 있게
This night can be honest with you
이젠 내게 약속해, oh oh Promise me know, oh oh
하루에 몇 번씩 oh oh Several times a day oh oh
혼자라 느껴도 oh oh Even if you feel alone oh oh
널 버리지는 마 oh oh Don't abandon you oh oh
Oh oh oh oh 여기 잠깐 멈춰서 Oh oh oh oh stop for a moment here
새끼 손가락 걸고 Pinky swear and
이젠 내게 약속해 oh oh oh oh
Promise me now oh oh oh oh
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